좋아요 26
댓글 130
동영상 0
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팔로워 0
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    Works good, thanx
    Will it be problem to add settings for min and max wanted level removal per each location?
    For example I would like to add few locations like fib building and Lester house where you can remove wanted 5 (you hack police server), and then have locations like barber, clothes shop where you can remove up to 1-2 star (you change your clothes, hairstyle, but police have your description in database).

    8일 전
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    IT WORKS!! THANK YOU so much!!! I've been trying to figure this out for years!!

    May your wife bears many children and your crops be blessed with prosperous yields.

    2025년 02월 08일 (토)
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    does this also removes "circle blips" like red ones for enemies?
    If not can you make it as additional option, please?

    2025년 02월 07일 (금)
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    update: I installed latest scriphook thingies, nightly and other one and now it works great.

    2025년 02월 05일 (수)
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    Mod works great, thanks.

    Can you add ped's reaction to lockpicking/hotwiring like calling police and/or attacking player when detected.
    And some .ini options/settings like:
    -Ped detection distance when smash window approach is used.
    -Ped detection distance when lockpick approach is used.
    -Ped detection distance when hotwiring.
    -Delay between ped detecting above crimes and calling police (and you getting wanted level stars.)
    -Wanted level stars you get (after delay).
    -Chance in % that ped will try to fight you when he sees you in action.

    2025년 02월 04일 (화)
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    Press/hold E doesn't do anything (when pointing at nearby ped) and there is no contact in phone.

    2025년 02월 04일 (화)
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    Works great, another random event thing to enrich the world/gameplay.

    Can you add adjustable cache spawn timer option in .ini?

    2024년 12월 03일 (화)
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    This just boosted gta into whole new level!!!! THANX!

    Only thing I would ask if you could add option to make enemy markers on minimap invisible.
    I would like to spawn hostile npcs that fit their surroundings, for example hostile hobos (random time) in hobo areas and never know if there is one. But with minimap markers it kills unknown/tension effect.

    2024년 11월 19일 (화)
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    My man, 2x 5stars for you!
    If I can only tell you how much this mod will change/improve (with little tweaking) my "weird" gameplay...

    2024년 08월 06일 (화)
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    Can you please add option to disable minimap markers/dots?
    It is kinda more "realistic" if enemy doesn't have pinpoint magic radar and must search and see/hear my character to know where it is why should I be able to see exact location of them?
    Thnx for mod.

    2024년 02월 03일 (토)