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when i load the map with my trainer, the peds spawn but just stand around
when i load in map mods with peds, the peds are just standing around and not acting out scenarios.....anyone know of a solution???
i dont see them hanging out on their normal spots at night with this. tho it was a monday night....
@TheChun @Reactors His idea would allow for us to get our hookers at night and that is of upmost importance lol,
@Depzi lmfao I'm just playing bro. The comments here were just ultra fucking dumb and wanted to fuel the fire 😁 dope map tho!
@Depzi wHAtThEDeFAUltCoORdS ;)
Can this be used as addon instead if replacement????
@da9l great work!
@azzman_01 happy to help fam
@MissySnowie they just acquired 5m and are shutting down the majority of mods and add-ons for that lol. Their biggest problem seems to be people using their product to monetize mods that could be considered IP. And for some reason, any mod that tries to use AI to make their game way more repayable.
@MissySnowie lmfao rockstar would argue with the whole permission thing
@azzman_01 October's update. Use the gameconfig that comes with that. I've had no problems using it.