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This is quite old but would you happen to have the source still? We would love to try to make it work for FiveM if possible if you don't mind?
3258 not supported in FiveM
Do we have ETA on PolyEdge fixer? its a godsend
this is not an MLO its just Ymap. But its nice!
great game
This Poly Edge Fixer is a life saver. Stops so many crashes.
I do wish it could read locked ydr's though. So many mappers have broken poly refs on their props. Sigh.
Finally someone put one in! Our server (Enemy of the State RP) has been doing many WW2 events and Vietnam events. This will be perfect! Thank you!
@TayMcKenzie you ever able to solve this bug?
Enemy of the State Roleplay loves you aha. I put it in FiveM server. Works nice.