좋아요 1
댓글 51
동영상 13
업로드 0
팔로워 1
@Slash_Alex @Zemanez thanks for your help it was scripthook!
@Zemanez yea man its there as it should be?
@lightthief wut lol
@Slash_Alex 2020-11-23 14:00:11 ENT folder exists. Continuing!
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Trying to init storage
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Trying to create storage folder
2020-11-23 14:00:11 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Storage dir created or exists
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Trying to create temp folder
2020-11-23 14:00:11 C:\Users\SETISC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Temp dir created or exists
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Init storage complete
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Initialising DB engine
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Opening DB file
2020-11-23 14:00:11 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer\ent.db
2020-11-23 14:00:11 DB opened
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Version found: 11
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Main skin table not found, so creating it
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Main skin table created
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Skin components table not found, so creating it
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Skin components table created
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Skin props table not found, so creating it
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Skin props table created
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Main veh colour table not found, so creating it
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Main colour table created
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Main weapon table not found, so creating it
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Main weapon table created
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Main vehicle table not found, so creating it
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Main vehicle table created
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Vehicle extras table not found, so creating it
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Vehicle extras table created
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Vehicle mods table not found, so creating it
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Vehicle mods table created
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Updated version
2020-11-23 14:00:11 ScriptMain called - handler set
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Reading XML config...
2020-11-23 14:00:11 No config found, using defaults
2020-11-23 14:00:11 XML config read complete
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Reading INI config....
2020-11-23 14:00:11 INI file does not exist.
Using default settings.
INI file will be created upon saving in-game.
2020-11-23 14:00:11 INI config read complete
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Failed to Register texture file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Enhanced Native Trainer\ENT_vehicle_previews.ytd as it does not exist!
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Setting up calls
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Loading settings
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Asked to load generic pairs
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Done loading generic pairs
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Got generic pairs
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Asked to load 243 feature pairs
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Done loading feature pairs
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Got feature pairs
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Emptying model arrays
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Creating vehicle model arrays
2020-11-23 14:00:11 Loaded settings OK
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Asked to store 182 generic pairs
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Asked to store generic pairs
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair timeSpeedIndexWhileAiming with value 10
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair timeFlowRateIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair HotkeyFlowRateIndex with value 10
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair lastWeather with value EXTRASUNNY
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair lastWeatherName with value Extra Sunny
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair lastClouds with value Clear 01
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair lastCloudsName with value Clear 01
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair lastCustomVehicleSpawn with value penumbra ff
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair speedBoostIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair savedVehicleListSortMethod with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair featureNeverDirty with value 2
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair engPowMultIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair VehMassMultIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair current_player_forceshield with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair InfiniteBoostIndex with value 2
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair NitrousIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair TurnSignalsIndex with value 1
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAngleIndex with value 5
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair NitrousPowerIndex with value 1
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair DoorAutolockIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAccelerationIndex with value 4
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair JumpyVehIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair HeavyVehIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair VehInvisIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair speedLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair speedCityLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair speedCountryLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair lightsOffIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair SpeedSizeIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair SpeedPositionIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair FuelBlipsIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair IdleConsumptionIndex with value 7
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair FuelBackground_Opacity_Index with value 5
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair VehRememberIndex with value 3
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair VehBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair VehBlipColourIndex with value 4
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair VehColourIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleDamageOnCollIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair SpeedingCityIndex with value 3
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair DetectionRangeIndex with value 3
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair PirsuitRangeIndex with value 4
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair StarsPunishIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair EngineRunningIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair AutoShutEngineIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair HydraulicsIndex with value 2
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair VisLightIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair VisLight3dIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair SpeedingSpeedwayIndex with value 5
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair FineSizeIndex with value 1
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair VehBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair VehBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair VehTrackedAutoSaveIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair CarConsumptionIndex with value 11
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair BikeConsumptionIndex with value 12
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair BoatConsumptionIndex with value 10
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair PlaneConsumptionIndex with value 5
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair HeliConsumptionIndex with value 9
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair CarEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair BikeEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair BoatEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair HeliEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair CarEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair BikeEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair BoatEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair HeliEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair RestorationSpeedIndex with value 2
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair RefuelingSpeedIndex with value 6
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair FuelPriceIndex with value 7
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair JerrycanPriceIndex with value 12
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair Random1Index with value 1
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair Random2Index with value 1
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair BarPositionIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair FuelColours_R_Index with value 26
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair FuelColours_G_Index with value 26
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair FuelColours_B_Index with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair lastEngineSound with value
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair RadarMapIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair WorldWavesIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair featureLightIntensityIndex with value 2
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair WindStrengthIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair PedsHealthIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair PedAccuracyIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripSnowingIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripRainingIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair NoPedsGravityIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair featureFreeroamActivitiesIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair TrainSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair CopBlipPermIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair WeatherChangeIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair WeatherMethodIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair current_player_health with value 6
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair current_regen_speed with value 13
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair current_player_armor with value 6
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair current_player_stats with value 6
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair current_npc_ragdoll with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair current_no_ragdoll with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair feature_shake_ragdoll with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair feature_shake_injured with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair current_limp_if_injured with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair current_player_movement with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair current_player_jumpfly with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair current_player_superjump with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair current_player_mostwanted with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair mostwanted_level_enable with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair wanted_maxpossible_level with value 3
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair current_player_prison with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair current_player_escapemoney with value 4
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair current_player_discharge with value 3
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair current_escape_stars with value 2
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair lastImmediateType with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair CopCurrArmedIndex with value 1
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair VehCurrWeaponIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair WeaponsNoReticle with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair WeaponsSavedLoad with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair CopAlarmIndex with value 1
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair ChancePoliceCallingIndex with value 5
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair ChanceAttackingYouIndex with value 1
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair SniperVisionIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair PowerPunchIndex with value 2
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair WeaponsFireModeIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair WeapStrobeIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair WeapFlashDistIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair BodyDistanceIndex with value 7
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair BodyGroupFormationIndex with value 1
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair BodyBlipColourIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair BodyBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair FollowInVehicleIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair BodyWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair BodyHealthIndex with value 6
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair lastJumpSpawn with value
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair TelChauffeurIndex with value 3
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarkerIndex with value 2
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_msize_Index with value 2
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_martype_Index with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_skypos_Index with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_speed_Index with value 2
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_altitude_Index with value 5
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_drivingstyles_Index with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair radioStationIndex with value -1
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair PhoneBillIndex with value 2
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair PhoneDefaultIndex with value 4
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair RadioOffIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair RadioSwitchingIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair TrainerControlIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair PhoneFreeSecondsIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair PhoneBikeAnimationIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair DefMenuTabIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair hotkey_0 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair hotkey_1 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair hotkey_2 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair hotkey_3 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair hotkey_4 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair hotkey_5 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair hotkey_6 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair hotkey_7 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair hotkey_8 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair propCreationAlphaIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair lastCustomPropSpawn with value
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair lastCustomWeapon with value
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair lastPowerWeapon with value
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair weapDmgModIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair pedWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair VigilanteBlipIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair PedWeaponsSelectiveIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair WorldSelectivePedsIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory0 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory1 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed0 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed1 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair lastCustomBodyguardSpawn with value
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair selBodyWeapons with value
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair lastCustomSkinSpawn with value
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair ResetSkinOnDeathIdx with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair AutoApplySkinSavedIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayDict with value
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayAnim with value
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Storing generic pair frozenWantedLevel with value 0
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Done storing generic pairs
2020-11-23 14:00:43 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:00:56 Couldn't find preview for 352729897
2020-11-23 14:00:56 Couldn't find preview for -1584460854
2020-11-23 14:00:57 Couldn't find preview for -1584460854
2020-11-23 14:00:57 Couldn't find preview for 352729897
2020-11-23 14:01:01 Couldn't find preview for -1584460854
2020-11-23 14:01:11 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:01:11 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:01:11 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:01:48 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:01:48 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:01:48 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:02:27 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:02:27 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:02:27 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:03:05 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:03:05 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:03:05 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:03:35 Couldn't find preview for -409003167
2020-11-23 14:03:36 Couldn't find preview for -409003167
2020-11-23 14:03:37 Couldn't find preview for -409003167
2020-11-23 14:03:44 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:03:44 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:03:44 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:03:46 Couldn't find preview for -409003167
2020-11-23 14:03:59 Couldn't find preview for 1878807939
2020-11-23 14:03:59 Couldn't find preview for 1324588753
2020-11-23 14:04:00 Couldn't find preview for 1299243986
2020-11-23 14:04:00 Couldn't find preview for 1324588753
2020-11-23 14:04:00 Couldn't find preview for 1878807939
2020-11-23 14:04:04 Couldn't find preview for 1324588753
2020-11-23 14:04:05 Couldn't find preview for 1299243986
2020-11-23 14:04:07 Couldn't find preview for -647166545
2020-11-23 14:04:10 Couldn't find preview for 92242942
2020-11-23 14:04:25 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:04:25 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:04:25 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:04:33 Couldn't find preview for -2143339605
2020-11-23 14:04:33 Couldn't find preview for -530596092
2020-11-23 14:04:34 Couldn't find preview for -2143339605
2020-11-23 14:04:37 Couldn't find preview for -530596092
2020-11-23 14:04:43 Couldn't find preview for -2026492941
2020-11-23 14:04:46 Couldn't find preview for -647166545
2020-11-23 14:05:02 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:05:02 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:05:02 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:05:02 Couldn't find preview for 703912902
2020-11-23 14:05:03 Couldn't find preview for 703912902
2020-11-23 14:05:06 Couldn't find preview for 703912902
2020-11-23 14:05:17 Couldn't find preview for -1624961917
2020-11-23 14:05:18 Couldn't find preview for -2026191538
2020-11-23 14:05:18 Couldn't find preview for -1624961917
2020-11-23 14:05:19 Couldn't find preview for -2026191538
2020-11-23 14:05:23 Couldn't find preview for -2026191538
2020-11-23 14:05:23 Couldn't find preview for -1624961917
2020-11-23 14:05:26 Couldn't find preview for -2026191538
2020-11-23 14:05:30 Couldn't find preview for 375230348
2020-11-23 14:05:31 Couldn't find preview for 282487060
2020-11-23 14:05:31 Couldn't find preview for -1390169318
2020-11-23 14:05:31 Couldn't find preview for -410866473
2020-11-23 14:05:31 Couldn't find preview for -1390169318
2020-11-23 14:05:32 Couldn't find preview for 282487060
2020-11-23 14:05:32 Couldn't find preview for 375230348
2020-11-23 14:05:35 Couldn't find preview for 282487060
2020-11-23 14:05:39 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:05:39 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:05:39 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:05:43 Couldn't find preview for -1390169318
2020-11-23 14:05:44 Couldn't find preview for -410866473
2020-11-23 14:05:52 Couldn't find preview for -410866473
2020-11-23 14:05:56 Couldn't find preview for 352729897
2020-11-23 14:05:56 Couldn't find preview for -1584460854
2020-11-23 14:05:57 Couldn't find preview for 352729897
2020-11-23 14:05:58 Couldn't find preview for -1584460854
2020-11-23 14:06:13 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:06:13 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:06:13 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:06:44 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-23 14:06:44 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:06:44 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:06:44 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:06:44 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:06:44 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:06:44 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:06:44 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:06:46 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-23 14:06:46 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:06:46 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-11-23 14:06:50 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:06:50 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:06:50 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Asked to store 182 generic pairs
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Asked to store generic pairs
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair timeSpeedIndexWhileAiming with value 10
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair timeFlowRateIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair HotkeyFlowRateIndex with value 10
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair lastWeather with value EXTRASUNNY
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair lastWeatherName with value Extra Sunny
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair lastClouds with value Clear 01
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair lastCloudsName with value Clear 01
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair lastCustomVehicleSpawn with value penumbra ff
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair speedBoostIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair savedVehicleListSortMethod with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair featureNeverDirty with value 2
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair engPowMultIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair VehMassMultIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair current_player_forceshield with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair InfiniteBoostIndex with value 2
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair NitrousIndex with value 1
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair TurnSignalsIndex with value 1
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAngleIndex with value 5
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair NitrousPowerIndex with value 1
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair DoorAutolockIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAccelerationIndex with value 4
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair JumpyVehIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair HeavyVehIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair VehInvisIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair speedLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair speedCityLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair speedCountryLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair lightsOffIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair SpeedSizeIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair SpeedPositionIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair FuelBlipsIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair IdleConsumptionIndex with value 7
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair FuelBackground_Opacity_Index with value 5
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair VehRememberIndex with value 3
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair VehBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair VehBlipColourIndex with value 4
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair VehColourIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleDamageOnCollIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair SpeedingCityIndex with value 3
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair DetectionRangeIndex with value 3
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair PirsuitRangeIndex with value 4
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair StarsPunishIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair EngineRunningIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair AutoShutEngineIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair HydraulicsIndex with value 2
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair VisLightIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair VisLight3dIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair SpeedingSpeedwayIndex with value 5
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair FineSizeIndex with value 1
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair VehBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair VehBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair VehTrackedAutoSaveIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair CarConsumptionIndex with value 11
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair BikeConsumptionIndex with value 12
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair BoatConsumptionIndex with value 10
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair PlaneConsumptionIndex with value 5
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair HeliConsumptionIndex with value 9
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair CarEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair BikeEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair BoatEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair HeliEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair CarEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair BikeEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair BoatEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair HeliEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair RestorationSpeedIndex with value 2
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair RefuelingSpeedIndex with value 6
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair FuelPriceIndex with value 7
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair JerrycanPriceIndex with value 12
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair Random1Index with value 1
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair Random2Index with value 1
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair BarPositionIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair FuelColours_R_Index with value 26
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair FuelColours_G_Index with value 26
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair FuelColours_B_Index with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair lastEngineSound with value
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair RadarMapIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair WorldWavesIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair featureLightIntensityIndex with value 2
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair WindStrengthIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair PedsHealthIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair PedAccuracyIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripSnowingIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripRainingIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair NoPedsGravityIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair featureFreeroamActivitiesIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair TrainSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair CopBlipPermIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair WeatherChangeIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair WeatherMethodIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair current_player_health with value 6
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair current_regen_speed with value 13
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair current_player_armor with value 6
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair current_player_stats with value 6
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair current_npc_ragdoll with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair current_no_ragdoll with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair feature_shake_ragdoll with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair feature_shake_injured with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair current_limp_if_injured with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair current_player_movement with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair current_player_jumpfly with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair current_player_superjump with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair current_player_mostwanted with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair mostwanted_level_enable with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair wanted_maxpossible_level with value 3
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair current_player_prison with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair current_player_escapemoney with value 4
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair current_player_discharge with value 3
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair current_escape_stars with value 2
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair lastImmediateType with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair CopCurrArmedIndex with value 1
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair VehCurrWeaponIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair WeaponsNoReticle with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair WeaponsSavedLoad with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair CopAlarmIndex with value 1
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair ChancePoliceCallingIndex with value 5
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair ChanceAttackingYouIndex with value 1
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair SniperVisionIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair PowerPunchIndex with value 2
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair WeaponsFireModeIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair WeapStrobeIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair WeapFlashDistIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair BodyDistanceIndex with value 7
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair BodyGroupFormationIndex with value 1
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair BodyBlipColourIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair BodyBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair FollowInVehicleIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair BodyWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair BodyHealthIndex with value 6
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair lastJumpSpawn with value
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair TelChauffeurIndex with value 3
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarkerIndex with value 2
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_msize_Index with value 2
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_martype_Index with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_skypos_Index with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_speed_Index with value 2
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_altitude_Index with value 5
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_drivingstyles_Index with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair radioStationIndex with value -1
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair PhoneBillIndex with value 2
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair PhoneDefaultIndex with value 4
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair RadioOffIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair RadioSwitchingIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair TrainerControlIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair PhoneFreeSecondsIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair PhoneBikeAnimationIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair DefMenuTabIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair hotkey_0 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair hotkey_1 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair hotkey_2 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair hotkey_3 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair hotkey_4 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair hotkey_5 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair hotkey_6 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair hotkey_7 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair hotkey_8 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair propCreationAlphaIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair lastCustomPropSpawn with value
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair lastCustomWeapon with value
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair lastPowerWeapon with value
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair weapDmgModIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair pedWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair VigilanteBlipIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair PedWeaponsSelectiveIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair WorldSelectivePedsIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory0 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory1 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed0 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed1 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair lastCustomBodyguardSpawn with value
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair selBodyWeapons with value
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair lastCustomSkinSpawn with value
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair ResetSkinOnDeathIdx with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair AutoApplySkinSavedIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayDict with value
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayAnim with value
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Storing generic pair frozenWantedLevel with value 0
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Done storing generic pairs
2020-11-23 14:07:26 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:08:02 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:08:02 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:08:02 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Asked to store 182 generic pairs
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Asked to store generic pairs
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair timeSpeedIndexWhileAiming with value 10
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair timeFlowRateIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair HotkeyFlowRateIndex with value 10
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair lastWeather with value EXTRASUNNY
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair lastWeatherName with value Extra Sunny
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair lastClouds with value Clear 01
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair lastCloudsName with value Clear 01
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair lastCustomVehicleSpawn with value penumbra ff
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair speedBoostIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair savedVehicleListSortMethod with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair featureNeverDirty with value 2
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair engPowMultIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair VehMassMultIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair current_player_forceshield with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair InfiniteBoostIndex with value 2
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair NitrousIndex with value 1
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair TurnSignalsIndex with value 1
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAngleIndex with value 5
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair NitrousPowerIndex with value 1
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair DoorAutolockIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAccelerationIndex with value 4
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair JumpyVehIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair HeavyVehIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair VehInvisIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair speedLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair speedCityLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair speedCountryLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair lightsOffIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair SpeedSizeIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair SpeedPositionIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair FuelBlipsIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair IdleConsumptionIndex with value 7
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair FuelBackground_Opacity_Index with value 5
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair VehRememberIndex with value 3
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair VehBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair VehBlipColourIndex with value 4
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair VehColourIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleDamageOnCollIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair SpeedingCityIndex with value 3
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair DetectionRangeIndex with value 3
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair PirsuitRangeIndex with value 4
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair StarsPunishIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair EngineRunningIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair AutoShutEngineIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair HydraulicsIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair VisLightIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair VisLight3dIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair SpeedingSpeedwayIndex with value 5
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair FineSizeIndex with value 1
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair VehBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair VehBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair VehTrackedAutoSaveIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair CarConsumptionIndex with value 11
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair BikeConsumptionIndex with value 12
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair BoatConsumptionIndex with value 10
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair PlaneConsumptionIndex with value 5
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair HeliConsumptionIndex with value 9
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair CarEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair BikeEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair BoatEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair HeliEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair CarEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair BikeEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair BoatEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair HeliEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair RestorationSpeedIndex with value 2
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair RefuelingSpeedIndex with value 6
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair FuelPriceIndex with value 7
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair JerrycanPriceIndex with value 12
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair Random1Index with value 1
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair Random2Index with value 1
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair BarPositionIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair FuelColours_R_Index with value 26
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair FuelColours_G_Index with value 26
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair FuelColours_B_Index with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair lastEngineSound with value
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair RadarMapIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair WorldWavesIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair featureLightIntensityIndex with value 2
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair WindStrengthIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair PedsHealthIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair PedAccuracyIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripSnowingIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripRainingIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair NoPedsGravityIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair featureFreeroamActivitiesIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair TrainSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair CopBlipPermIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair WeatherChangeIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair WeatherMethodIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair current_player_health with value 6
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair current_regen_speed with value 13
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair current_player_armor with value 6
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair current_player_stats with value 6
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair current_npc_ragdoll with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair current_no_ragdoll with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair feature_shake_ragdoll with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair feature_shake_injured with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair current_limp_if_injured with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair current_player_movement with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair current_player_jumpfly with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair current_player_superjump with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair current_player_mostwanted with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair mostwanted_level_enable with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair wanted_maxpossible_level with value 3
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair current_player_prison with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair current_player_escapemoney with value 4
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair current_player_discharge with value 3
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair current_escape_stars with value 2
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair lastImmediateType with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair CopCurrArmedIndex with value 1
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair VehCurrWeaponIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair WeaponsNoReticle with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair WeaponsSavedLoad with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair CopAlarmIndex with value 1
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair ChancePoliceCallingIndex with value 5
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair ChanceAttackingYouIndex with value 1
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair SniperVisionIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair PowerPunchIndex with value 2
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair WeaponsFireModeIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair WeapStrobeIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair WeapFlashDistIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair BodyDistanceIndex with value 7
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair BodyGroupFormationIndex with value 1
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair BodyBlipColourIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair BodyBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair FollowInVehicleIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair BodyWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair BodyHealthIndex with value 6
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair lastJumpSpawn with value
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair TelChauffeurIndex with value 3
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarkerIndex with value 2
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_msize_Index with value 2
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_martype_Index with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_skypos_Index with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_speed_Index with value 2
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_altitude_Index with value 5
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_drivingstyles_Index with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair radioStationIndex with value -1
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair PhoneBillIndex with value 2
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair PhoneDefaultIndex with value 4
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair RadioOffIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair RadioSwitchingIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair TrainerControlIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair PhoneFreeSecondsIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair PhoneBikeAnimationIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair DefMenuTabIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair hotkey_0 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair hotkey_1 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair hotkey_2 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair hotkey_3 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair hotkey_4 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair hotkey_5 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair hotkey_6 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair hotkey_7 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair hotkey_8 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair propCreationAlphaIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair lastCustomPropSpawn with value
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair lastCustomWeapon with value
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair lastPowerWeapon with value
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair weapDmgModIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair pedWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair VigilanteBlipIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair PedWeaponsSelectiveIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair WorldSelectivePedsIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory0 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory1 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed0 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed1 with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair lastCustomBodyguardSpawn with value
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair selBodyWeapons with value
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair lastCustomSkinSpawn with value
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair ResetSkinOnDeathIdx with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair AutoApplySkinSavedIndex with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayDict with value
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayAnim with value
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Storing generic pair frozenWantedLevel with value 0
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Done storing generic pairs
2020-11-23 14:08:38 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:09:11 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:09:11 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:09:11 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-11-23 14:09:11 Done storing feature pairs
2020-11-23 14:09:11 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:09:42 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:09:42 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:09:42 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:10:13 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:10:13 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:10:13 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:10:42 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:10:42 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:10:42 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:11:55 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-23 14:11:55 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:11:55 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:11:55 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:11:55 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:11:55 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:11:55 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:11:55 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:12:00 Couldn't find preview for 1878807939
2020-11-23 14:12:02 Couldn't find preview for -2026492941
2020-11-23 14:12:04 Couldn't find preview for -2143339605
2020-11-23 14:12:07 Couldn't find preview for 1878807939
2020-11-23 14:12:10 Couldn't find preview for -2143339605
2020-11-23 14:12:17 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:12:17 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:12:17 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:13:10 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:13:10 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:13:10 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:13:42 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:13:42 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:13:42 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:14:19 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:14:19 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:14:19 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:14:59 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:14:59 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:14:59 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:15:31 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:15:31 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:15:31 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:16:05 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:16:05 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:16:05 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:16:40 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:16:40 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:16:40 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:17:09 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:17:09 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:17:09 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:17:57 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:17:57 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:17:57 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:19:05 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:19:05 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:19:05 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:19:46 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:19:46 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:19:46 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:20:17 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:20:17 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:20:17 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:20:44 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:20:44 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:20:44 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:21:10 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:21:10 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:21:10 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:21:46 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:21:46 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:21:46 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:22:13 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:22:13 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:22:13 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:22:41 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:22:41 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:22:41 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:24:08 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:24:08 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:24:08 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:24:47 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:24:47 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:24:47 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:25:12 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:25:12 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:25:12 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:25:38 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:25:38 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:25:38 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:26:03 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:26:03 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:26:03 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:26:28 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:26:28 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:26:28 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:26:40 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-23 14:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:26:42 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-23 14:26:42 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:26:42 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:26:42 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:26:42 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:26:42 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:26:42 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:26:42 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:26:42 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 14:27:12 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:27:12 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:27:12 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:27:44 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:27:44 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:27:44 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:28:22 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:28:22 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:28:22 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:28:53 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:28:53 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:28:53 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:29:23 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:29:23 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:29:23 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:29:53 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:29:53 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:29:53 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:30:23 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:30:23 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:30:23 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:30:53 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:30:53 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:30:53 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:31:23 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:31:23 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:31:23 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:31:53 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:31:53 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:31:53 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:32:23 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:32:23 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:32:23 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:32:53 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:32:53 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:32:53 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:33:23 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:33:23 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:33:23 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:33:53 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:33:53 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:33:53 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:34:23 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:34:23 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:34:23 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:34:52 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:34:52 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:34:52 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:35:23 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:35:23 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:35:23 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:35:53 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:35:53 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:35:53 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:38:02 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:38:02 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:38:02 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:38:49 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:38:49 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:38:49 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:38:53 Asked to load saved skins
2020-11-23 14:38:53 Skin row found
2020-11-23 14:38:53 Skin row found
2020-11-23 14:38:54 Asked to load saved skins
2020-11-23 14:38:54 Skin row found
2020-11-23 14:38:54 Done loading saved skins
2020-11-23 14:39:25 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:39:25 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:39:25 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:40:24 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:40:24 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:40:24 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:41:44 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:41:44 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:41:44 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:42:15 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:42:15 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:42:15 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:43:51 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:43:51 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:43:51 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:44:37 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:44:37 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:44:37 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:45:40 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:45:40 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:45:40 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:46:17 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:46:17 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:46:17 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:46:41 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:46:41 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:46:41 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:47:06 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:47:06 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:47:06 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:47:35 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:47:35 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:47:35 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:47:58 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:47:58 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:47:58 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:48:22 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:48:22 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:48:22 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:49:09 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:49:09 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:49:09 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:50:04 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:50:04 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:50:04 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:50:50 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:50:50 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:50:50 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:51:20 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:51:20 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:51:20 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:51:59 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:51:59 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:51:59 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:52:37 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:52:37 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:52:37 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:53:17 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:53:17 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:53:17 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:54:40 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:54:40 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:54:40 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:55:43 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:55:43 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:55:43 Save flag released
2020-11-23 14:56:36 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 14:56:36 Actually saving
2020-11-23 14:56:36 Save flag released
2020-11-23 16:36:22 ENT folder exists. Continuing!
2020-11-23 16:36:22 Trying to init storage
2020-11-23 16:36:22 Trying to create storage folder
2020-11-23 16:36:22 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-11-23 16:36:22 Storage dir created or exists
2020-11-23 16:36:22 Trying to create temp folder
2020-11-23 16:36:22 C:\Users\SETISC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-11-23 16:36:22 Temp dir created or exists
2020-11-23 16:36:22 Init storage complete
2020-11-23 16:36:22 Initialising DB engine
2020-11-23 16:36:22 Opening DB file
2020-11-23 16:36:22 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer\ent.db
2020-11-23 16:36:22 DB opened
2020-11-23 16:36:22 Version found: 15
2020-11-23 16:36:22 ScriptMain called - handler set
2020-11-23 16:36:22 Reading XML config...
2020-11-23 16:36:22 No config found, using defaults
2020-11-23 16:36:22 XML config read complete
2020-11-23 16:36:22 Reading INI config....
2020-11-23 16:36:22 INI file does not exist.
Using default settings.
INI file will be created upon saving in-game.
2020-11-23 16:36:22 INI config read complete
2020-11-23 16:36:22 Failed to Register texture file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Enhanced Native Trainer\ENT_vehicle_previews.ytd as it does not exist!
2020-11-23 16:36:22 Setting up calls
2020-11-23 16:36:22 Loading settings
2020-11-23 16:36:22 Asked to load generic pairs
2020-11-23 16:36:22 Done loading generic pairs
2020-11-23 16:36:22 Got generic pairs
2020-11-23 16:36:22 Asked to load 243 feature pairs
2020-11-23 16:36:22 Done loading feature pairs
2020-11-23 16:36:22 Got feature pairs
2020-11-23 16:36:22 Emptying model arrays
2020-11-23 16:36:22 Creating vehicle model arrays
2020-11-23 16:36:22 Loaded settings OK
2020-11-23 16:37:03 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 16:37:03 Actually saving
2020-11-23 16:37:03 Save flag released
2020-11-23 16:37:25 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 16:37:25 Actually saving
2020-11-23 16:37:25 Save flag released
2020-11-23 16:37:47 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 16:37:47 Actually saving
2020-11-23 16:37:47 Save flag released
2020-11-23 16:38:09 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 16:38:09 Actually saving
2020-11-23 16:38:09 Save flag released
2020-11-23 16:38:31 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 16:38:31 Actually saving
2020-11-23 16:38:31 Save flag released
2020-11-23 16:38:53 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 16:38:53 Actually saving
2020-11-23 16:38:53 Save flag released
2020-11-23 20:27:28 ENT folder exists. Continuing!
2020-11-23 20:27:28 Trying to init storage
2020-11-23 20:27:28 Trying to create storage folder
2020-11-23 20:27:28 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-11-23 20:27:28 Storage dir created or exists
2020-11-23 20:27:28 Trying to create temp folder
2020-11-23 20:27:28 C:\Users\SETISC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-11-23 20:27:28 Temp dir created or exists
2020-11-23 20:27:28 Init storage complete
2020-11-23 20:27:28 Initialising DB engine
2020-11-23 20:27:28 Opening DB file
2020-11-23 20:27:28 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer\ent.db
2020-11-23 20:27:28 DB opened
2020-11-23 20:27:28 Version found: 15
2020-11-23 20:27:28 ScriptMain called - handler set
2020-11-23 20:27:28 Reading XML config...
2020-11-23 20:27:28 No config found, using defaults
2020-11-23 20:27:28 XML config read complete
2020-11-23 20:27:28 Reading INI config....
2020-11-23 20:27:28 INI file does not exist.
Using default settings.
INI file will be created upon saving in-game.
2020-11-23 20:27:28 INI config read complete
2020-11-23 20:27:28 Failed to Register texture file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Enhanced Native Trainer\ENT_vehicle_previews.ytd as it does not exist!
2020-11-23 20:27:28 Setting up calls
2020-11-23 20:27:28 Loading settings
2020-11-23 20:27:28 Asked to load generic pairs
2020-11-23 20:27:28 Done loading generic pairs
2020-11-23 20:27:28 Got generic pairs
2020-11-23 20:27:28 Asked to load 243 feature pairs
2020-11-23 20:27:28 Done loading feature pairs
2020-11-23 20:27:28 Got feature pairs
2020-11-23 20:27:28 Emptying model arrays
2020-11-23 20:27:28 Creating vehicle model arrays
2020-11-23 20:27:28 Loaded settings OK
2020-11-23 20:55:02 ScriptTidyUp called
2020-11-23 20:55:02 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 20:55:02 Actually saving
2020-11-23 20:55:02 Save flag released
2020-11-23 20:55:02 Saved settings
2020-11-23 20:55:02 Reset input
2020-11-23 20:55:02 Cleaned up script
2020-11-23 20:55:02 cleanup_props called
2020-11-23 20:55:02 Cleaned up props
2020-11-23 20:55:02 Cleaned up anims
2020-11-23 20:55:02 DB closing
2020-11-23 20:55:02 DB closed
2020-11-23 20:55:02 DB shutdown
2020-11-23 20:55:02 Database killed
2020-11-23 20:55:02 ScriptTidyUp done
2020-11-23 21:22:12 ENT folder exists. Continuing!
2020-11-23 21:22:12 Trying to init storage
2020-11-23 21:22:12 Trying to create storage folder
2020-11-23 21:22:12 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-11-23 21:22:12 Storage dir created or exists
2020-11-23 21:22:12 Trying to create temp folder
2020-11-23 21:22:12 C:\Users\SETISC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-11-23 21:22:12 Temp dir created or exists
2020-11-23 21:22:12 Init storage complete
2020-11-23 21:22:12 Initialising DB engine
2020-11-23 21:22:12 Opening DB file
2020-11-23 21:22:12 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer\ent.db
2020-11-23 21:22:12 DB opened
2020-11-23 21:22:12 Version found: 15
2020-11-23 21:22:12 ScriptMain called - handler set
2020-11-23 21:22:12 Reading XML config...
2020-11-23 21:22:12 No config found, using defaults
2020-11-23 21:22:12 XML config read complete
2020-11-23 21:22:12 Reading INI config....
2020-11-23 21:22:12 INI file does not exist.
Using default settings.
INI file will be created upon saving in-game.
2020-11-23 21:22:12 INI config read complete
2020-11-23 21:22:12 Failed to Register texture file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Enhanced Native Trainer\ENT_vehicle_previews.ytd as it does not exist!
2020-11-23 21:22:12 Setting up calls
2020-11-23 21:22:12 Loading settings
2020-11-23 21:22:12 Asked to load generic pairs
2020-11-23 21:22:12 Done loading generic pairs
2020-11-23 21:22:12 Got generic pairs
2020-11-23 21:22:12 Asked to load 243 feature pairs
2020-11-23 21:22:12 Done loading feature pairs
2020-11-23 21:22:12 Got feature pairs
2020-11-23 21:22:12 Emptying model arrays
2020-11-23 21:22:12 Creating vehicle model arrays
2020-11-23 21:22:12 Loaded settings OK
2020-11-23 21:22:43 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 21:22:43 Actually saving
2020-11-23 21:22:43 Save flag released
2020-11-23 21:23:06 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 21:23:06 Actually saving
2020-11-23 21:23:06 Save flag released
2020-11-23 21:23:33 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 21:23:33 Actually saving
2020-11-23 21:23:33 Save flag released
2020-11-23 21:24:02 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 21:24:02 Actually saving
2020-11-23 21:24:02 Save flag released
2020-11-23 21:24:31 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 21:24:31 Actually saving
2020-11-23 21:24:31 Save flag released
2020-11-23 21:25:01 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 21:25:01 Actually saving
2020-11-23 21:25:01 Save flag released
2020-11-23 21:25:29 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 21:25:29 Actually saving
2020-11-23 21:25:29 Save flag released
2020-11-23 21:25:58 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 21:25:58 Actually saving
2020-11-23 21:25:58 Save flag released
2020-11-23 21:26:25 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 21:26:25 Actually saving
2020-11-23 21:26:25 Save flag released
2020-11-23 21:26:54 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 21:26:54 Actually saving
2020-11-23 21:26:54 Save flag released
2020-11-23 21:27:22 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 21:27:22 Actually saving
2020-11-23 21:27:22 Save flag released
2020-11-23 21:27:52 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 21:27:52 Actually saving
2020-11-23 21:27:52 Save flag released
2020-11-23 21:28:21 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 21:28:21 Actually saving
2020-11-23 21:28:21 Save flag released
2020-11-23 21:28:28 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-23 21:28:28 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 21:28:28 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 21:28:28 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 21:28:28 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 21:28:28 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 21:28:28 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 21:28:28 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 21:28:28 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 21:28:30 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-23 21:28:30 Vehicle row found
2020-11-23 21:28:30 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-11-23 21:29:38 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 21:29:38 Actually saving
2020-11-23 21:29:38 Save flag released
2020-11-23 21:30:22 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 21:30:22 Actually saving
2020-11-23 21:30:22 Save flag released
2020-11-23 21:30:51 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 21:30:51 Actually saving
2020-11-23 21:30:51 Save flag released
2020-11-23 21:31:17 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 21:31:17 Actually saving
2020-11-23 21:31:17 Save flag released
2020-11-23 21:31:21 Asked to load saved skins
2020-11-23 21:31:21 Skin row found
2020-11-23 21:31:21 Skin row found
2020-11-23 21:31:23 Asked to load saved skins
2020-11-23 21:31:23 Skin row found
2020-11-23 21:31:23 Done loading saved skins
2020-11-23 21:31:49 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 21:31:49 Actually saving
2020-11-23 21:31:49 Save flag released
2020-11-23 21:32:19 Saving settings, start
2020-11-23 21:32:19 Actually saving
2020-11-23 21:32:19 Save flag released
2020-11-24 17:23:26 ENT folder exists. Continuing!
2020-11-24 17:23:26 Trying to init storage
2020-11-24 17:23:26 Trying to create storage folder
2020-11-24 17:23:26 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-11-24 17:23:26 Storage dir created or exists
2020-11-24 17:23:26 Trying to create temp folder
2020-11-24 17:23:26 C:\Users\SETISC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-11-24 17:23:26 Temp dir created or exists
2020-11-24 17:23:26 Init storage complete
2020-11-24 17:23:26 Initialising DB engine
2020-11-24 17:23:26 Opening DB file
2020-11-24 17:23:26 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer\ent.db
2020-11-24 17:23:26 DB opened
2020-11-24 17:23:26 Version found: 15
2020-11-24 17:23:26 ScriptMain called - handler set
2020-11-24 17:23:26 Reading XML config...
2020-11-24 17:23:26 No config found, using defaults
2020-11-24 17:23:26 XML config read complete
2020-11-24 17:23:26 Reading INI config....
2020-11-24 17:23:26 INI file does not exist.
Using default settings.
INI file will be created upon saving in-game.
2020-11-24 17:23:26 INI config read complete
2020-11-24 17:23:26 Failed to Register texture file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Enhanced Native Trainer\ENT_vehicle_previews.ytd as it does not exist!
2020-11-24 17:23:26 Setting up calls
2020-11-24 17:23:26 Loading settings
2020-11-24 17:23:26 Asked to load generic pairs
2020-11-24 17:23:26 Done loading generic pairs
2020-11-24 17:23:26 Got generic pairs
2020-11-24 17:23:26 Asked to load 243 feature pairs
2020-11-24 17:23:26 Done loading feature pairs
2020-11-24 17:23:26 Got feature pairs
2020-11-24 17:23:26 Emptying model arrays
2020-11-24 17:23:26 Creating vehicle model arrays
2020-11-24 17:23:26 Loaded settings OK
2020-11-24 17:24:07 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-24 17:24:07 Vehicle row found
2020-11-24 17:24:07 Vehicle row found
2020-11-24 17:24:07 Vehicle row found
2020-11-24 17:24:07 Vehicle row found
2020-11-24 17:24:07 Vehicle row found
2020-11-24 17:24:07 Vehicle row found
2020-11-24 17:24:07 Vehicle row found
2020-11-24 17:24:07 Vehicle row found
2020-11-24 17:24:15 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-24 17:24:15 Vehicle row found
2020-11-24 17:24:15 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-11-24 17:24:16 Saving settings, start
2020-11-24 17:24:16 Actually saving
2020-11-24 17:24:16 Save flag released
2020-11-24 17:24:52 Saving settings, start
2020-11-24 17:24:52 Actually saving
2020-11-24 17:24:52 Save flag released
2020-11-24 17:25:16 Saving settings, start
2020-11-24 17:25:16 Actually saving
2020-11-24 17:25:16 Save flag released
2020-11-24 17:25:40 Saving settings, start
2020-11-24 17:25:40 Actually saving
2020-11-24 17:25:40 Save flag released
2020-11-24 17:26:10 Saving settings, start
2020-11-24 17:26:10 Actually saving
2020-11-24 17:26:10 Save flag released
2020-11-24 17:26:26 Asked to load saved skins
2020-11-24 17:26:26 Skin row found
2020-11-24 17:26:26 Skin row found
2020-11-24 17:26:27 Asked to load saved skins
2020-11-24 17:26:27 Skin row found
2020-11-24 17:26:27 Done loading saved skins
2020-11-24 17:26:37 Saving settings, start
2020-11-24 17:26:37 Actually saving
2020-11-24 17:26:37 Save flag released
2020-11-24 17:26:50 Asked to load saved weapon
2020-11-24 17:27:03 Saving settings, start
2020-11-24 17:27:03 Actually saving
2020-11-24 17:27:03 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-11-24 17:27:03 Done storing feature pairs
2020-11-24 17:27:03 Save flag released
2020-11-24 17:27:31 Saving settings, start
2020-11-24 17:27:31 Actually saving
2020-11-24 17:27:31 Save flag released
2020-11-24 17:28:03 Saving settings, start
2020-11-24 17:28:03 Actually saving
2020-11-24 17:28:03 Save flag released
2020-11-24 17:28:28 Saving settings, start
2020-11-24 17:28:28 Actually saving
2020-11-24 17:28:28 Save flag released
2020-11-24 17:28:57 Asked to load saved weapon
2020-11-24 17:29:01 Saving settings, start
2020-11-24 17:29:01 Actually saving
2020-11-24 17:29:01 Save flag released
2020-11-24 17:29:35 Saving settings, start
2020-11-24 17:29:35 Actually saving
2020-11-24 17:29:35 Save flag released
2020-11-24 17:30:01 Saving settings, start
2020-11-24 17:30:01 Actually saving
2020-11-24 17:30:01 Save flag released
2020-11-24 17:30:29 Saving settings, start
2020-11-24 17:30:29 Actually saving
2020-11-24 17:30:29 Save flag released
2020-11-24 17:31:01 Saving settings, start
2020-11-24 17:31:01 Actually saving
2020-11-24 17:31:01 Save flag released
2020-11-24 17:31:31 Saving settings, start
2020-11-24 17:31:31 Actually saving
2020-11-24 17:31:31 Save flag released
2020-11-28 19:57:42 ENT folder exists. Continuing!
2020-11-28 19:57:42 Trying to init storage
2020-11-28 19:57:42 Trying to create storage folder
2020-11-28 19:57:42 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-11-28 19:57:42 Storage dir created or exists
2020-11-28 19:57:42 Trying to create temp folder
2020-11-28 19:57:42 C:\Users\SETISC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-11-28 19:57:42 Temp dir created or exists
2020-11-28 19:57:42 Init storage complete
2020-11-28 19:57:42 Initialising DB engine
2020-11-28 19:57:42 Opening DB file
2020-11-28 19:57:42 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer\ent.db
2020-11-28 19:57:42 DB opened
2020-11-28 19:57:42 Version found: 15
2020-11-28 19:57:42 ScriptMain called - handler set
2020-11-28 19:57:42 Reading XML config...
2020-11-28 19:57:42 No config found, using defaults
2020-11-28 19:57:42 XML config read complete
2020-11-28 19:57:42 Reading INI config....
2020-11-28 19:57:42 INI file does not exist.
Using default settings.
INI file will be created upon saving in-game.
2020-11-28 19:57:42 INI config read complete
2020-11-28 19:57:42 Failed to Register texture file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Enhanced Native Trainer\ENT_vehicle_previews.ytd as it does not exist!
2020-11-28 19:57:42 Setting up calls
2020-11-28 19:57:42 Loading settings
2020-11-28 19:57:42 Asked to load generic pairs
2020-11-28 19:57:42 Done loading generic pairs
2020-11-28 19:57:42 Got generic pairs
2020-11-28 19:57:42 Asked to load 243 feature pairs
2020-11-28 19:57:42 Done loading feature pairs
2020-11-28 19:57:42 Got feature pairs
2020-11-28 19:57:42 Emptying model arrays
2020-11-28 19:57:42 Creating vehicle model arrays
2020-11-28 19:57:42 Loaded settings OK
2020-11-28 19:58:21 Asked to load saved skins
2020-11-28 19:58:21 Skin row found
2020-11-28 19:58:21 Skin row found
2020-11-28 19:58:23 Asked to load saved skins
2020-11-28 19:58:23 Skin row found
2020-11-28 19:58:23 Done loading saved skins
2020-11-28 19:58:32 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 19:58:32 Actually saving
2020-11-28 19:58:32 Save flag released
2020-11-28 19:59:12 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 19:59:12 Actually saving
2020-11-28 19:59:12 Save flag released
2020-11-28 19:59:49 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 19:59:49 Actually saving
2020-11-28 19:59:49 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:00:22 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:00:22 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:00:22 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:00:55 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:00:55 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:00:55 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:01:32 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:01:32 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:01:32 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:02:05 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:02:05 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:02:05 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:02:43 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:02:43 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:02:43 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:03:22 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:03:22 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:03:22 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:03:56 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:03:56 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:03:56 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:04:26 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:04:26 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:04:26 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:05:00 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:05:00 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:05:00 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:05:19 Asked to load saved skins
2020-11-28 20:05:19 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:05:19 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:05:25 Asked to load saved skins
2020-11-28 20:05:25 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:05:25 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:05:25 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:05:28 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:05:28 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:05:28 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:06:16 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:06:16 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:06:16 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:06:23 Asked to load saved skins
2020-11-28 20:06:23 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:06:23 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:06:23 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:06:24 Asked to load saved skins
2020-11-28 20:06:24 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:06:24 Done loading saved skins
2020-11-28 20:06:31 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-28 20:06:31 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:06:31 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:06:31 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:06:31 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:06:31 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:06:31 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:06:31 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:06:31 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:06:45 Couldn't find preview for 375230348
2020-11-28 20:06:45 Couldn't find preview for 282487060
2020-11-28 20:06:45 Couldn't find preview for -1390169318
2020-11-28 20:06:45 Couldn't find preview for -410866473
2020-11-28 20:06:46 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:06:46 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:06:46 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:06:47 Couldn't find preview for -410866473
2020-11-28 20:06:47 Couldn't find preview for -1390169318
2020-11-28 20:06:48 Couldn't find preview for 282487060
2020-11-28 20:06:49 Couldn't find preview for 352729897
2020-11-28 20:06:49 Couldn't find preview for -1584460854
2020-11-28 20:06:51 Couldn't find preview for -1624961917
2020-11-28 20:06:51 Couldn't find preview for -2026191538
2020-11-28 20:06:53 Couldn't find preview for 703912902
2020-11-28 20:06:54 Couldn't find preview for 703912902
2020-11-28 20:06:56 Couldn't find preview for 1878807939
2020-11-28 20:06:57 Couldn't find preview for 1324588753
2020-11-28 20:06:57 Couldn't find preview for 1299243986
2020-11-28 20:06:58 Couldn't find preview for -647166545
2020-11-28 20:07:00 Couldn't find preview for 92242942
2020-11-28 20:07:13 Couldn't find preview for -530596092
2020-11-28 20:07:15 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:07:15 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:07:15 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:07:46 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:07:46 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:07:46 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:08:19 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:08:19 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:08:19 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:09:01 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-28 20:09:01 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:09:01 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:09:01 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:09:01 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:09:01 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:09:01 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:09:01 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:09:01 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:09:02 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:09:02 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:09:02 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:09:03 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-28 20:09:03 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:09:03 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:09:03 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:09:03 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:09:03 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:09:03 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:09:03 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:09:03 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:09:03 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:09:50 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:09:50 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:09:50 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:10:14 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:10:14 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:10:14 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:10:47 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:10:47 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:10:47 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:11:26 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:11:26 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:11:26 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:12:13 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:12:13 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:12:13 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:12:41 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:12:41 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:12:41 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:13:09 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:13:09 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:13:09 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:13:38 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:13:38 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:13:38 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-11-28 20:13:38 Done storing feature pairs
2020-11-28 20:13:38 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:14:07 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:14:07 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:14:07 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:14:54 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:14:54 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:14:54 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:15:33 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:15:33 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:15:33 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-11-28 20:15:33 Done storing feature pairs
2020-11-28 20:15:33 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:16:17 Asked to load saved skins
2020-11-28 20:16:17 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:16:17 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:16:17 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:16:29 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:16:29 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:16:29 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:17:00 Asked to load saved skins
2020-11-28 20:17:00 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:17:00 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:17:00 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:17:05 Asked to load saved skins
2020-11-28 20:17:05 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:17:05 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:17:05 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:17:05 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:17:18 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:17:18 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:17:18 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:17:55 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:17:55 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:17:55 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:18:26 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:18:26 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:18:26 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-11-28 20:18:26 Done storing feature pairs
2020-11-28 20:18:26 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:18:42 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-28 20:18:42 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:18:42 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:18:42 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:18:42 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:18:42 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:18:42 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:18:42 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:18:42 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:18:42 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:18:43 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-28 20:18:43 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:18:43 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-11-28 20:19:01 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:19:01 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:19:01 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:19:51 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:19:51 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:19:51 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:20:40 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:20:40 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:20:40 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:21:37 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:21:37 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:21:37 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:22:03 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:22:03 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:22:03 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:22:34 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:22:34 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:22:34 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:23:29 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:23:29 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:23:29 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:23:51 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:23:51 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:23:51 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:24:16 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:24:16 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:24:16 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:24:37 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:24:37 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:24:37 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-11-28 20:24:37 Done storing feature pairs
2020-11-28 20:24:37 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:24:57 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:24:57 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:24:57 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:25:21 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:25:21 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:25:21 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:26:25 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:26:25 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:26:25 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:26:34 ScriptTidyUp called
2020-11-28 20:26:34 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:26:34 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:26:34 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:26:34 Saved settings
2020-11-28 20:26:34 Reset input
2020-11-28 20:26:34 Cleaned up script
2020-11-28 20:26:34 cleanup_props called
2020-11-28 20:26:34 Cleaned up props
2020-11-28 20:26:34 Cleaned up anims
2020-11-28 20:26:34 DB closing
2020-11-28 20:26:34 DB closed
2020-11-28 20:26:34 DB shutdown
2020-11-28 20:26:34 Database killed
2020-11-28 20:26:34 ScriptTidyUp done
2020-11-28 20:30:34 ENT folder exists. Continuing!
2020-11-28 20:30:34 Trying to init storage
2020-11-28 20:30:34 Trying to create storage folder
2020-11-28 20:30:34 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-11-28 20:30:34 Storage dir created or exists
2020-11-28 20:30:34 Trying to create temp folder
2020-11-28 20:30:34 C:\Users\SETISC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-11-28 20:30:34 Temp dir created or exists
2020-11-28 20:30:34 Init storage complete
2020-11-28 20:30:34 Initialising DB engine
2020-11-28 20:30:34 Opening DB file
2020-11-28 20:30:34 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer\ent.db
2020-11-28 20:30:34 DB opened
2020-11-28 20:30:34 Version found: 15
2020-11-28 20:30:34 ScriptMain called - handler set
2020-11-28 20:30:34 Reading XML config...
2020-11-28 20:30:34 No config found, using defaults
2020-11-28 20:30:34 XML config read complete
2020-11-28 20:30:34 Reading INI config....
2020-11-28 20:30:34 INI file does not exist.
Using default settings.
INI file will be created upon saving in-game.
2020-11-28 20:30:34 INI config read complete
2020-11-28 20:30:34 Failed to Register texture file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Enhanced Native Trainer\ENT_vehicle_previews.ytd as it does not exist!
2020-11-28 20:30:34 Setting up calls
2020-11-28 20:30:34 Loading settings
2020-11-28 20:30:34 Asked to load generic pairs
2020-11-28 20:30:34 Done loading generic pairs
2020-11-28 20:30:34 Got generic pairs
2020-11-28 20:30:34 Asked to load 243 feature pairs
2020-11-28 20:30:34 Done loading feature pairs
2020-11-28 20:30:34 Got feature pairs
2020-11-28 20:30:34 Emptying model arrays
2020-11-28 20:30:34 Creating vehicle model arrays
2020-11-28 20:30:34 Loaded settings OK
2020-11-28 20:31:15 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:31:15 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:31:15 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:31:17 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-28 20:31:17 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:31:17 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:31:17 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:31:17 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:31:17 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:31:17 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:31:17 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:31:17 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:31:17 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:31:19 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-28 20:31:19 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:31:19 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-11-28 20:31:26 Asked to load saved skins
2020-11-28 20:31:26 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:31:26 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:31:26 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:31:26 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:31:29 Asked to load saved skins
2020-11-28 20:31:29 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:31:29 Done loading saved skins
2020-11-28 20:31:49 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:31:49 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:31:49 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:32:28 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:32:28 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:32:28 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:32:55 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:32:55 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:32:55 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:33:21 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:33:21 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:33:21 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:33:42 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:33:42 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:33:42 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:34:05 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:34:05 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:34:05 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:34:29 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:34:29 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:34:29 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:34:49 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:34:49 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:34:49 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:35:11 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:35:11 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:35:11 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:35:48 ScriptTidyUp called
2020-11-28 20:35:48 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:35:48 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:35:48 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:35:48 Saved settings
2020-11-28 20:35:48 Reset input
2020-11-28 20:35:48 Cleaned up script
2020-11-28 20:35:48 cleanup_props called
2020-11-28 20:35:48 Cleaned up props
2020-11-28 20:35:48 Cleaned up anims
2020-11-28 20:35:48 DB closing
2020-11-28 20:35:48 DB closed
2020-11-28 20:35:48 DB shutdown
2020-11-28 20:35:48 Database killed
2020-11-28 20:35:48 ScriptTidyUp done
2020-11-28 20:38:35 ENT folder exists. Continuing!
2020-11-28 20:38:35 Trying to init storage
2020-11-28 20:38:35 Trying to create storage folder
2020-11-28 20:38:35 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-11-28 20:38:35 Storage dir created or exists
2020-11-28 20:38:35 Trying to create temp folder
2020-11-28 20:38:35 C:\Users\SETISC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-11-28 20:38:35 Temp dir created or exists
2020-11-28 20:38:35 Init storage complete
2020-11-28 20:38:35 Initialising DB engine
2020-11-28 20:38:35 Opening DB file
2020-11-28 20:38:35 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer\ent.db
2020-11-28 20:38:35 DB opened
2020-11-28 20:38:35 Version found: 15
2020-11-28 20:38:35 ScriptMain called - handler set
2020-11-28 20:38:35 Reading XML config...
2020-11-28 20:38:35 No config found, using defaults
2020-11-28 20:38:35 XML config read complete
2020-11-28 20:38:35 Reading INI config....
2020-11-28 20:38:35 INI file does not exist.
Using default settings.
INI file will be created upon saving in-game.
2020-11-28 20:38:35 INI config read complete
2020-11-28 20:38:35 Failed to Register texture file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Enhanced Native Trainer\ENT_vehicle_previews.ytd as it does not exist!
2020-11-28 20:38:35 Setting up calls
2020-11-28 20:38:35 Loading settings
2020-11-28 20:38:35 Asked to load generic pairs
2020-11-28 20:38:35 Done loading generic pairs
2020-11-28 20:38:35 Got generic pairs
2020-11-28 20:38:35 Asked to load 243 feature pairs
2020-11-28 20:38:35 Done loading feature pairs
2020-11-28 20:38:35 Got feature pairs
2020-11-28 20:38:35 Emptying model arrays
2020-11-28 20:38:35 Creating vehicle model arrays
2020-11-28 20:38:35 Loaded settings OK
2020-11-28 20:39:06 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-28 20:39:06 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:39:06 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:39:06 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:39:06 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:39:06 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:39:06 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:39:06 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:39:06 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:39:06 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:39:08 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-28 20:39:08 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:39:08 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-11-28 20:39:14 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:39:14 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:39:14 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:40:05 ScriptTidyUp called
2020-11-28 20:40:05 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:40:05 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:40:05 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:40:05 Saved settings
2020-11-28 20:40:05 Reset input
2020-11-28 20:40:05 Cleaned up script
2020-11-28 20:40:05 cleanup_props called
2020-11-28 20:40:05 Cleaned up props
2020-11-28 20:40:05 Cleaned up anims
2020-11-28 20:40:05 DB closing
2020-11-28 20:40:05 DB closed
2020-11-28 20:40:05 DB shutdown
2020-11-28 20:40:05 Database killed
2020-11-28 20:40:05 ScriptTidyUp done
2020-11-28 20:42:44 ENT folder exists. Continuing!
2020-11-28 20:42:44 Trying to init storage
2020-11-28 20:42:44 Trying to create storage folder
2020-11-28 20:42:44 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-11-28 20:42:44 Storage dir created or exists
2020-11-28 20:42:44 Trying to create temp folder
2020-11-28 20:42:44 C:\Users\SETISC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-11-28 20:42:44 Temp dir created or exists
2020-11-28 20:42:44 Init storage complete
2020-11-28 20:42:44 Initialising DB engine
2020-11-28 20:42:44 Opening DB file
2020-11-28 20:42:44 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer\ent.db
2020-11-28 20:42:44 DB opened
2020-11-28 20:42:44 Version found: 15
2020-11-28 20:42:44 ScriptMain called - handler set
2020-11-28 20:42:44 Reading XML config...
2020-11-28 20:42:44 No config found, using defaults
2020-11-28 20:42:44 XML config read complete
2020-11-28 20:42:44 Reading INI config....
2020-11-28 20:42:44 INI file does not exist.
Using default settings.
INI file will be created upon saving in-game.
2020-11-28 20:42:44 INI config read complete
2020-11-28 20:42:44 Failed to Register texture file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Enhanced Native Trainer\ENT_vehicle_previews.ytd as it does not exist!
2020-11-28 20:42:44 Setting up calls
2020-11-28 20:42:44 Loading settings
2020-11-28 20:42:44 Asked to load generic pairs
2020-11-28 20:42:44 Done loading generic pairs
2020-11-28 20:42:44 Got generic pairs
2020-11-28 20:42:44 Asked to load 243 feature pairs
2020-11-28 20:42:44 Done loading feature pairs
2020-11-28 20:42:44 Got feature pairs
2020-11-28 20:42:44 Emptying model arrays
2020-11-28 20:42:44 Creating vehicle model arrays
2020-11-28 20:42:44 Loaded settings OK
2020-11-28 20:43:28 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:43:28 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:43:28 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:44:08 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:44:08 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:44:08 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:44:24 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-28 20:44:24 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:44:24 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:44:24 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:44:24 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:44:24 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:44:24 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:44:24 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:44:24 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:44:24 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:44:32 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:44:32 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:44:32 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:44:33 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-28 20:44:33 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:44:33 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-11-28 20:44:50 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-28 20:44:50 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:44:50 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:44:50 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:44:50 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:44:50 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:44:50 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:44:50 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:44:50 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:44:50 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:44:52 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-28 20:44:52 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:44:52 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-11-28 20:44:55 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:44:55 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:44:55 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:44:59 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-28 20:44:59 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:44:59 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-11-28 20:45:23 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:45:23 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:45:23 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:45:54 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:45:54 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:45:54 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:46:52 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:46:52 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:46:52 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:47:22 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:47:22 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:47:22 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:47:54 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:47:54 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:47:54 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:48:04 Asked to load saved skins
2020-11-28 20:48:04 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:48:04 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:48:04 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:48:04 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:48:06 Asked to load saved skins
2020-11-28 20:48:06 Skin row found
2020-11-28 20:48:06 Done loading saved skins
2020-11-28 20:48:19 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:48:19 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:48:19 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:49:00 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:49:00 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:49:00 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:49:14 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-28 20:49:14 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:49:14 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:49:14 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:49:14 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:49:14 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:49:14 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:49:14 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:49:14 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:49:14 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 20:49:35 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:49:35 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:49:35 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:50:19 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:50:19 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:50:19 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:50:58 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:50:58 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:50:58 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:51:34 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:51:34 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:51:34 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:51:58 Asked to load saved colours
2020-11-28 20:52:10 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:52:10 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:52:10 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:52:41 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:52:41 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:52:41 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:53:22 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:53:22 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:53:22 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:53:51 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:53:51 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:53:51 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:54:16 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:54:16 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:54:16 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:54:50 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:54:50 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:54:50 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:55:20 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:55:20 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:55:20 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:56:18 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:56:18 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:56:18 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:56:51 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:56:51 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:56:51 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-11-28 20:56:51 Done storing feature pairs
2020-11-28 20:56:51 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:57:50 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:57:50 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:57:50 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:58:27 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:58:27 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:58:27 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:59:00 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:59:00 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:59:00 Save flag released
2020-11-28 20:59:38 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 20:59:38 Actually saving
2020-11-28 20:59:38 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:00:16 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:00:16 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:00:16 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:00:52 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:00:52 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:00:52 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:01:36 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:01:36 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:01:36 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-11-28 21:01:36 Done storing feature pairs
2020-11-28 21:01:36 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:02:02 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-28 21:02:02 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:02:02 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:02:02 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:02:02 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:02:02 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:02:02 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:02:02 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:02:02 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:02:02 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:02:09 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:02:09 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:02:09 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:02:41 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:02:41 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:02:41 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:03:14 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:03:14 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:03:14 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:03:52 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:03:52 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:03:52 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:04:41 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:04:41 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:04:41 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:05:56 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:05:56 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:05:56 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:06:32 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:06:32 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:06:32 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:07:25 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:07:25 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:07:25 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:08:00 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:08:00 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:08:00 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:08:33 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:08:33 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:08:33 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:09:04 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:09:04 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:09:04 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:09:09 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-28 21:09:09 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:09:09 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:09:09 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:09:09 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:09:09 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:09:09 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:09:09 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:09:09 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:09:09 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:09:14 Couldn't find preview for 375230348
2020-11-28 21:09:14 Couldn't find preview for 282487060
2020-11-28 21:09:14 Couldn't find preview for -1390169318
2020-11-28 21:09:15 Couldn't find preview for -1390169318
2020-11-28 21:09:16 Couldn't find preview for -410866473
2020-11-28 21:09:24 Couldn't find preview for -1624961917
2020-11-28 21:09:25 Couldn't find preview for -2026191538
2020-11-28 21:09:32 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:09:32 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:09:32 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:09:35 Couldn't find preview for 703912902
2020-11-28 21:09:37 Couldn't find preview for 1878807939
2020-11-28 21:09:37 Couldn't find preview for 1324588753
2020-11-28 21:09:38 Couldn't find preview for 1299243986
2020-11-28 21:09:38 Couldn't find preview for -647166545
2020-11-28 21:09:38 Couldn't find preview for 92242942
2020-11-28 21:10:01 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:10:01 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:10:01 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:10:37 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:10:37 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:10:37 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:11:12 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:11:12 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:11:12 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:11:52 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:11:52 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:11:52 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:12:28 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:12:28 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:12:28 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:13:06 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:13:06 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:13:06 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:13:38 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:13:38 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:13:38 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:14:14 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:14:14 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:14:14 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:14:50 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:14:50 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:14:50 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:15:35 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:15:35 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:15:35 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:16:28 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:16:28 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:16:28 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:16:56 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:16:56 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:16:56 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:17:20 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:17:20 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:17:20 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:17:44 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:17:44 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:17:44 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:18:01 manage_prop_set called
2020-11-28 21:18:09 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:18:09 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:18:09 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:18:11 manage_prop_set called
2020-11-28 21:18:11 manage_prop_set called
2020-11-28 21:18:33 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:18:33 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:18:33 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-11-28 21:18:33 Done storing feature pairs
2020-11-28 21:18:33 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:18:58 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:18:58 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:18:58 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:19:22 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:19:22 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:19:22 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-11-28 21:19:22 Done storing feature pairs
2020-11-28 21:19:22 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:19:45 manage_prop_set called
2020-11-28 21:19:47 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:19:47 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:19:47 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:19:56 Asked to load saved prop sets
2020-11-28 21:19:58 manage_prop_set called
2020-11-28 21:19:58 manage_prop_set called
2020-11-28 21:20:00 manage_prop_set called
2020-11-28 21:20:00 manage_prop_set deleting a prop
2020-11-28 21:20:00 manage_prop_set called
2020-11-28 21:20:04 manage_prop_set called
2020-11-28 21:20:08 manage_prop_set called
2020-11-28 21:20:08 manage_prop_set called
2020-11-28 21:20:12 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:20:12 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:20:12 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-11-28 21:20:12 Done storing feature pairs
2020-11-28 21:20:12 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:20:36 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:20:36 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:20:36 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:21:00 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:21:00 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:21:00 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-11-28 21:21:00 Done storing feature pairs
2020-11-28 21:21:00 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:21:24 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:21:24 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:21:24 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:21:56 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:21:56 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:21:56 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:22:36 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:22:36 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:22:36 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:23:13 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:23:13 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:23:13 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:23:39 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:23:39 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:23:39 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:24:25 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:24:25 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:24:25 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-11-28 21:24:25 Done storing feature pairs
2020-11-28 21:24:25 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:24:56 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:24:56 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:24:56 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:25:26 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:25:26 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:25:26 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:26:02 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:26:02 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:26:02 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:26:43 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:26:43 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:26:43 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:27:46 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:27:46 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:27:46 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-11-28 21:27:46 Done storing feature pairs
2020-11-28 21:27:46 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:28:21 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:28:21 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:28:21 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:28:44 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-28 21:28:44 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:28:44 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:28:44 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:28:44 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:28:44 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:28:44 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:28:44 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:28:44 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:28:44 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:28:49 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:28:49 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:28:49 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:28:51 Couldn't find preview for 352729897
2020-11-28 21:28:52 Couldn't find preview for -1584460854
2020-11-28 21:28:52 Couldn't find preview for 352729897
2020-11-28 21:28:59 Couldn't find preview for -1584460854
2020-11-28 21:29:15 Couldn't find preview for -1624961917
2020-11-28 21:29:15 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:29:15 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:29:15 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:29:24 Couldn't find preview for -2026191538
2020-11-28 21:29:33 Couldn't find preview for 703912902
2020-11-28 21:29:41 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:29:41 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:29:41 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:29:46 Couldn't find preview for 1878807939
2020-11-28 21:29:54 Couldn't find preview for 1324588753
2020-11-28 21:29:58 Couldn't find preview for 1299243986
2020-11-28 21:30:07 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:30:07 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:30:07 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:30:07 Couldn't find preview for -647166545
2020-11-28 21:30:18 Couldn't find preview for 92242942
2020-11-28 21:30:28 Couldn't find preview for -409003167
2020-11-28 21:30:34 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:30:34 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:30:34 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:32:24 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:32:24 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:32:24 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:32:57 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:32:57 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:32:57 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:33:10 Couldn't find preview for 1878807939
2020-11-28 21:33:12 Couldn't find preview for 1324588753
2020-11-28 21:33:13 Couldn't find preview for 1324588753
2020-11-28 21:33:14 Couldn't find preview for 1299243986
2020-11-28 21:33:14 Couldn't find preview for -647166545
2020-11-28 21:33:14 Couldn't find preview for 92242942
2020-11-28 21:33:17 Couldn't find preview for -530596092
2020-11-28 21:33:18 Couldn't find preview for -2143339605
2020-11-28 21:33:20 Couldn't find preview for -530596092
2020-11-28 21:33:26 Couldn't find preview for -1624961917
2020-11-28 21:33:27 Couldn't find preview for -1624961917
2020-11-28 21:33:27 Couldn't find preview for -1624961917
2020-11-28 21:33:30 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:33:30 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:33:30 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:34:09 ScriptTidyUp called
2020-11-28 21:34:09 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:34:09 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:34:09 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:34:09 Saved settings
2020-11-28 21:34:09 Reset input
2020-11-28 21:34:09 Cleaned up script
2020-11-28 21:34:09 cleanup_props called
2020-11-28 21:34:09 cleanup_props deleting a prop
2020-11-28 21:34:09 cleanup_props deleting a prop
2020-11-28 21:34:09 Cleaned up props
2020-11-28 21:34:09 Cleaned up anims
2020-11-28 21:34:09 DB closing
2020-11-28 21:34:09 DB closed
2020-11-28 21:34:09 DB shutdown
2020-11-28 21:34:09 Database killed
2020-11-28 21:34:09 ScriptTidyUp done
2020-11-28 21:40:44 ENT folder exists. Continuing!
2020-11-28 21:40:44 Trying to init storage
2020-11-28 21:40:44 Trying to create storage folder
2020-11-28 21:40:44 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-11-28 21:40:44 Storage dir created or exists
2020-11-28 21:40:45 Trying to create temp folder
2020-11-28 21:40:45 C:\Users\SETISC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-11-28 21:40:45 Temp dir created or exists
2020-11-28 21:40:45 Init storage complete
2020-11-28 21:40:45 Initialising DB engine
2020-11-28 21:40:45 Opening DB file
2020-11-28 21:40:45 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer\ent.db
2020-11-28 21:40:45 DB opened
2020-11-28 21:40:45 Version found: 15
2020-11-28 21:40:45 ScriptMain called - handler set
2020-11-28 21:40:45 Reading XML config...
2020-11-28 21:40:45 No config found, using defaults
2020-11-28 21:40:45 XML config read complete
2020-11-28 21:40:45 Reading INI config....
2020-11-28 21:40:45 INI file does not exist.
Using default settings.
INI file will be created upon saving in-game.
2020-11-28 21:40:45 INI config read complete
2020-11-28 21:40:45 Failed to Register texture file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Enhanced Native Trainer\ENT_vehicle_previews.ytd as it does not exist!
2020-11-28 21:40:45 Setting up calls
2020-11-28 21:40:45 Loading settings
2020-11-28 21:40:45 Asked to load generic pairs
2020-11-28 21:40:45 Done loading generic pairs
2020-11-28 21:40:45 Got generic pairs
2020-11-28 21:40:45 Asked to load 243 feature pairs
2020-11-28 21:40:45 Done loading feature pairs
2020-11-28 21:40:45 Got feature pairs
2020-11-28 21:40:45 Emptying model arrays
2020-11-28 21:40:45 Creating vehicle model arrays
2020-11-28 21:40:45 Loaded settings OK
2020-11-28 21:41:27 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-28 21:41:27 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:27 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:27 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:27 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:27 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:27 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:27 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:27 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:27 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:28 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-28 21:41:28 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:28 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:28 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:28 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:28 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:28 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:28 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:28 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:28 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:30 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-28 21:41:30 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:30 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:30 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:30 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:30 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:30 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:30 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:30 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:30 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:31 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-28 21:41:31 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:41:31 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-11-28 21:41:42 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:41:42 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:41:42 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:41:56 Asked to load saved skins
2020-11-28 21:41:56 Skin row found
2020-11-28 21:41:56 Skin row found
2020-11-28 21:41:56 Skin row found
2020-11-28 21:41:56 Skin row found
2020-11-28 21:41:58 Asked to load saved skins
2020-11-28 21:41:58 Skin row found
2020-11-28 21:41:58 Done loading saved skins
2020-11-28 21:42:02 Asked to load saved skins
2020-11-28 21:42:02 Skin row found
2020-11-28 21:42:02 Done loading saved skins
2020-11-28 21:42:11 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-28 21:42:11 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:42:11 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:42:11 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:42:11 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:42:11 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:42:11 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:42:11 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:42:11 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:42:11 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:42:14 Couldn't find preview for 375230348
2020-11-28 21:42:16 Couldn't find preview for 352729897
2020-11-28 21:42:19 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:42:19 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:42:19 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:42:27 Couldn't find preview for -1584460854
2020-11-28 21:42:30 Couldn't find preview for -1584460854
2020-11-28 21:43:00 Couldn't find preview for 375230348
2020-11-28 21:43:00 Couldn't find preview for 282487060
2020-11-28 21:43:00 Couldn't find preview for 375230348
2020-11-28 21:43:03 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:43:03 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:43:03 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:43:25 Couldn't find preview for 282487060
2020-11-28 21:43:48 Couldn't find preview for -1390169318
2020-11-28 21:43:50 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:43:50 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:43:50 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:43:59 Couldn't find preview for -410866473
2020-11-28 21:44:36 Couldn't find preview for -2118433882
2020-11-28 21:44:37 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:44:37 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:44:37 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:45:24 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:45:24 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:45:24 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:46:12 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:46:12 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:46:12 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:47:00 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:47:00 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:47:00 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:47:48 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:47:48 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:47:48 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:48:36 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:48:36 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:48:36 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:49:24 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:49:24 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:49:24 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:50:13 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:50:13 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:50:13 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:50:19 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-28 21:50:19 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:50:19 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:50:19 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:50:19 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:50:19 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:50:19 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:50:19 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:50:19 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:50:19 Vehicle row found
2020-11-28 21:50:24 Couldn't find preview for -1624961917
2020-11-28 21:50:25 Couldn't find preview for -2026191538
2020-11-28 21:50:25 Couldn't find preview for -1624961917
2020-11-28 21:50:27 Couldn't find preview for 375230348
2020-11-28 21:50:28 Couldn't find preview for 375230348
2020-11-28 21:50:28 Couldn't find preview for 282487060
2020-11-28 21:50:28 Couldn't find preview for -1390169318
2020-11-28 21:50:28 Couldn't find preview for -410866473
2020-11-28 21:50:40 Couldn't find preview for -1624961917
2020-11-28 21:50:57 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:50:57 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:50:57 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:51:07 Couldn't find preview for -2026191538
2020-11-28 21:51:35 Couldn't find preview for 703912902
2020-11-28 21:51:36 Couldn't find preview for 703912902
2020-11-28 21:51:46 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:51:46 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:51:46 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:51:52 Couldn't find preview for 703912902
2020-11-28 21:52:31 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:52:31 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:52:31 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:52:35 Couldn't find preview for 1878807939
2020-11-28 21:53:21 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:53:21 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:53:21 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:53:31 Couldn't find preview for 1878807939
2020-11-28 21:53:31 Couldn't find preview for 1324588753
2020-11-28 21:53:47 Couldn't find preview for 1299243986
2020-11-28 21:54:09 Couldn't find preview for -647166545
2020-11-28 21:54:11 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:54:11 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:54:11 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:54:38 Couldn't find preview for -647166545
2020-11-28 21:54:39 Couldn't find preview for 92242942
2020-11-28 21:55:00 Couldn't find preview for -530596092
2020-11-28 21:55:01 Couldn't find preview for -2143339605
2020-11-28 21:55:03 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:55:03 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:55:03 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:55:20 Couldn't find preview for -530596092
2020-11-28 21:55:42 Couldn't find preview for 1324588753
2020-11-28 21:55:44 Couldn't find preview for -409003167
2020-11-28 21:55:57 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:55:57 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:55:57 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:56:10 Couldn't find preview for -409003167
2020-11-28 21:56:18 Couldn't find preview for 352729897
2020-11-28 21:56:20 Couldn't find preview for -1584460854
2020-11-28 21:56:20 Couldn't find preview for 352729897
2020-11-28 21:56:48 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:56:48 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:56:48 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:57:44 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:57:44 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:57:44 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:58:39 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:58:39 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:58:39 Save flag released
2020-11-28 21:59:30 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 21:59:30 Actually saving
2020-11-28 21:59:30 Save flag released
2020-11-28 22:00:18 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 22:00:18 Actually saving
2020-11-28 22:00:18 Save flag released
2020-11-28 22:01:10 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 22:01:10 Actually saving
2020-11-28 22:01:10 Save flag released
2020-11-28 22:01:59 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 22:01:59 Actually saving
2020-11-28 22:01:59 Save flag released
2020-11-28 22:02:46 Saving settings, start
2020-11-28 22:02:46 Actually saving
2020-11-28 22:02:46 Save flag released
2020-11-29 20:37:07 ENT folder exists. Continuing!
2020-11-29 20:37:07 Trying to init storage
2020-11-29 20:37:07 Trying to create storage folder
2020-11-29 20:37:07 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-11-29 20:37:07 Storage dir created or exists
2020-11-29 20:37:07 Trying to create temp folder
2020-11-29 20:37:07 C:\Users\SETISC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-11-29 20:37:07 Temp dir created or exists
2020-11-29 20:37:07 Init storage complete
2020-11-29 20:37:07 Initialising DB engine
2020-11-29 20:37:07 Opening DB file
2020-11-29 20:37:07 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer\ent.db
2020-11-29 20:37:07 DB opened
2020-11-29 20:37:07 Version found: 15
2020-11-29 20:37:07 ScriptMain called - handler set
2020-11-29 20:37:07 Reading XML config...
2020-11-29 20:37:08 No config found, using defaults
2020-11-29 20:37:08 XML config read complete
2020-11-29 20:37:08 Reading INI config....
2020-11-29 20:37:08 INI file does not exist.
Using default settings.
INI file will be created upon saving in-game.
2020-11-29 20:37:08 INI config read complete
2020-11-29 20:37:08 Failed to Register texture file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Enhanced Native Trainer\ENT_vehicle_previews.ytd as it does not exist!
2020-11-29 20:37:08 Setting up calls
2020-11-29 20:37:08 Loading settings
2020-11-29 20:37:08 Asked to load generic pairs
2020-11-29 20:37:08 Done loading generic pairs
2020-11-29 20:37:08 Got generic pairs
2020-11-29 20:37:08 Asked to load 243 feature pairs
2020-11-29 20:37:08 Done loading feature pairs
2020-11-29 20:37:08 Got feature pairs
2020-11-29 20:37:08 Emptying model arrays
2020-11-29 20:37:08 Creating vehicle model arrays
2020-11-29 20:37:08 Loaded settings OK
2020-11-29 20:50:42 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-29 20:50:42 Vehicle row found
2020-11-29 20:50:42 Vehicle row found
2020-11-29 20:50:42 Vehicle row found
2020-11-29 20:50:42 Vehicle row found
2020-11-29 20:50:42 Vehicle row found
2020-11-29 20:50:42 Vehicle row found
2020-11-29 20:50:42 Vehicle row found
2020-11-29 20:50:42 Vehicle row found
2020-11-29 20:50:42 Vehicle row found
2020-11-29 20:50:44 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 20:50:44 Actually saving
2020-11-29 20:50:44 Save flag released
2020-11-29 20:50:45 Couldn't find preview for 352729897
2020-11-29 20:50:58 Couldn't find preview for -1584460854
2020-11-29 20:51:24 Couldn't find preview for 375230348
2020-11-29 20:51:26 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 20:51:26 Actually saving
2020-11-29 20:51:26 Save flag released
2020-11-29 20:52:12 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 20:52:12 Actually saving
2020-11-29 20:52:12 Save flag released
2020-11-29 20:52:15 Couldn't find preview for 375230348
2020-11-29 20:52:16 Couldn't find preview for 282487060
2020-11-29 20:52:33 Couldn't find preview for -1390169318
2020-11-29 20:52:54 Couldn't find preview for -410866473
2020-11-29 20:52:57 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 20:52:57 Actually saving
2020-11-29 20:52:57 Save flag released
2020-11-29 20:53:35 Couldn't find preview for -410866473
2020-11-29 20:53:39 Couldn't find preview for -2118433882
2020-11-29 20:53:44 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 20:53:44 Actually saving
2020-11-29 20:53:44 Save flag released
2020-11-29 20:54:16 Couldn't find preview for -2118433882
2020-11-29 20:54:21 Couldn't find preview for -1624961917
2020-11-29 20:54:31 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 20:54:31 Actually saving
2020-11-29 20:54:31 Save flag released
2020-11-29 20:54:41 Couldn't find preview for -2026191538
2020-11-29 20:55:07 Couldn't find preview for -2026191538
2020-11-29 20:55:09 Couldn't find preview for 703912902
2020-11-29 20:55:19 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 20:55:19 Actually saving
2020-11-29 20:55:19 Save flag released
2020-11-29 20:55:42 Couldn't find preview for 703912902
2020-11-29 20:55:59 Couldn't find preview for 1878807939
2020-11-29 20:56:09 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 20:56:09 Actually saving
2020-11-29 20:56:09 Save flag released
2020-11-29 20:56:30 Couldn't find preview for 1878807939
2020-11-29 20:56:31 Couldn't find preview for 1324588753
2020-11-29 20:56:31 Couldn't find preview for 1299243986
2020-11-29 20:56:31 Couldn't find preview for -647166545
2020-11-29 20:56:32 Couldn't find preview for 92242942
2020-11-29 20:56:32 Couldn't find preview for -647166545
2020-11-29 20:56:32 Couldn't find preview for 1299243986
2020-11-29 20:56:32 Couldn't find preview for 1324588753
2020-11-29 20:56:54 Couldn't find preview for 1299243986
2020-11-29 20:56:55 Couldn't find preview for 1324588753
2020-11-29 20:56:56 Couldn't find preview for 1299243986
2020-11-29 20:56:58 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 20:56:58 Actually saving
2020-11-29 20:56:58 Save flag released
2020-11-29 20:57:54 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 20:57:54 Actually saving
2020-11-29 20:57:54 Save flag released
2020-11-29 20:57:59 Couldn't find preview for 1299243986
2020-11-29 20:58:00 Couldn't find preview for -647166545
2020-11-29 20:58:45 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-29 20:58:45 Vehicle row found
2020-11-29 20:58:45 Vehicle row found
2020-11-29 20:58:45 Vehicle row found
2020-11-29 20:58:45 Vehicle row found
2020-11-29 20:58:45 Vehicle row found
2020-11-29 20:58:45 Vehicle row found
2020-11-29 20:58:45 Vehicle row found
2020-11-29 20:58:45 Vehicle row found
2020-11-29 20:58:45 Vehicle row found
2020-11-29 20:58:48 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 20:58:48 Actually saving
2020-11-29 20:58:48 Save flag released
2020-11-29 20:58:50 Couldn't find preview for -647166545
2020-11-29 20:58:51 Couldn't find preview for 92242942
2020-11-29 20:59:20 Couldn't find preview for -530596092
2020-11-29 20:59:20 Couldn't find preview for -2143339605
2020-11-29 20:59:38 Couldn't find preview for -530596092
2020-11-29 20:59:41 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 20:59:41 Actually saving
2020-11-29 20:59:41 Save flag released
2020-11-29 20:59:58 Couldn't find preview for -530596092
2020-11-29 20:59:58 Couldn't find preview for -2143339605
2020-11-29 21:00:01 Couldn't find preview for 1878807939
2020-11-29 21:00:02 Couldn't find preview for -409003167
2020-11-29 21:00:29 Couldn't find preview for -409003167
2020-11-29 21:00:32 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 21:00:32 Actually saving
2020-11-29 21:00:32 Save flag released
2020-11-29 21:00:47 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-11-29 21:00:47 Vehicle row found
2020-11-29 21:00:47 Vehicle row found
2020-11-29 21:00:47 Vehicle row found
2020-11-29 21:00:47 Vehicle row found
2020-11-29 21:00:47 Vehicle row found
2020-11-29 21:00:47 Vehicle row found
2020-11-29 21:00:47 Vehicle row found
2020-11-29 21:00:47 Vehicle row found
2020-11-29 21:00:47 Vehicle row found
2020-11-29 21:00:58 Asked to load saved skins
2020-11-29 21:00:58 Skin row found
2020-11-29 21:00:58 Skin row found
2020-11-29 21:00:58 Skin row found
2020-11-29 21:00:58 Skin row found
2020-11-29 21:01:00 Asked to load saved skins
2020-11-29 21:01:00 Skin row found
2020-11-29 21:01:00 Done loading saved skins
2020-11-29 21:01:05 Asked to load saved skins
2020-11-29 21:01:05 Skin row found
2020-11-29 21:01:05 Done loading saved skins
2020-11-29 21:01:33 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 21:01:33 Actually saving
2020-11-29 21:01:33 Save flag released
2020-11-29 21:02:35 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 21:02:35 Actually saving
2020-11-29 21:02:35 Save flag released
2020-11-29 21:03:34 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 21:03:34 Actually saving
2020-11-29 21:03:34 Save flag released
2020-11-29 21:04:15 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 21:04:15 Actually saving
2020-11-29 21:04:15 Save flag released
2020-11-29 21:05:12 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 21:05:12 Actually saving
2020-11-29 21:05:12 Save flag released
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Actually saving
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Asked to store 182 generic pairs
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Asked to store generic pairs
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair timeSpeedIndexWhileAiming with value 10
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair timeFlowRateIndex with value 10
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair HotkeyFlowRateIndex with value 10
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair lastWeather with value EXTRASUNNY
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair lastWeatherName with value Extra Sunny
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair lastClouds with value Clear 01
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair lastCloudsName with value Clear 01
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair lastCustomVehicleSpawn with value penumbra ff
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair speedBoostIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair savedVehicleListSortMethod with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair featureNeverDirty with value 2
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair engPowMultIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair VehMassMultIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair current_player_forceshield with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair InfiniteBoostIndex with value 2
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair NitrousIndex with value 1
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair TurnSignalsIndex with value 1
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAngleIndex with value 5
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair NitrousPowerIndex with value 1
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair DoorAutolockIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAccelerationIndex with value 4
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair JumpyVehIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair HeavyVehIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair VehInvisIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair speedLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair speedCityLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair speedCountryLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair lightsOffIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair SpeedSizeIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair SpeedPositionIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair FuelBlipsIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair IdleConsumptionIndex with value 7
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair FuelBackground_Opacity_Index with value 5
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair VehRememberIndex with value 3
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair VehBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair VehBlipColourIndex with value 4
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair VehColourIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleDamageOnCollIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair SpeedingCityIndex with value 3
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair DetectionRangeIndex with value 3
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair PirsuitRangeIndex with value 4
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair StarsPunishIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair EngineRunningIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair AutoShutEngineIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair HydraulicsIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair VisLightIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair VisLight3dIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair SpeedingSpeedwayIndex with value 5
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair FineSizeIndex with value 1
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair VehBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair VehBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair VehTrackedAutoSaveIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair CarConsumptionIndex with value 11
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair BikeConsumptionIndex with value 12
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair BoatConsumptionIndex with value 10
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair PlaneConsumptionIndex with value 5
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair HeliConsumptionIndex with value 9
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair CarEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair BikeEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair BoatEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair HeliEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair CarEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair BikeEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair BoatEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair HeliEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair RestorationSpeedIndex with value 2
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair RefuelingSpeedIndex with value 6
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair FuelPriceIndex with value 7
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair JerrycanPriceIndex with value 12
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair Random1Index with value 1
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair Random2Index with value 1
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair BarPositionIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair FuelColours_R_Index with value 26
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair FuelColours_G_Index with value 26
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair FuelColours_B_Index with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair lastEngineSound with value
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair RadarMapIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair WorldWavesIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair featureLightIntensityIndex with value 2
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair WindStrengthIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair PedsHealthIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair PedAccuracyIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripSnowingIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripRainingIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair NoPedsGravityIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair featureFreeroamActivitiesIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair TrainSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair CopBlipPermIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair WeatherChangeIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair WeatherMethodIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair current_player_health with value 6
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair current_regen_speed with value 13
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair current_player_armor with value 6
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair current_player_stats with value 6
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair current_npc_ragdoll with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair current_no_ragdoll with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair feature_shake_ragdoll with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair feature_shake_injured with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair current_limp_if_injured with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair current_player_movement with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair current_player_jumpfly with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair current_player_superjump with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair current_player_mostwanted with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair mostwanted_level_enable with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair wanted_maxpossible_level with value 3
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair current_player_prison with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair current_player_escapemoney with value 4
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair current_player_discharge with value 3
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair current_escape_stars with value 2
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair lastImmediateType with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair CopCurrArmedIndex with value 1
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair VehCurrWeaponIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair WeaponsNoReticle with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair WeaponsSavedLoad with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair CopAlarmIndex with value 1
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair ChancePoliceCallingIndex with value 5
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair ChanceAttackingYouIndex with value 1
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair SniperVisionIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair PowerPunchIndex with value 2
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair WeaponsFireModeIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair WeapStrobeIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair WeapFlashDistIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair BodyDistanceIndex with value 7
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair BodyGroupFormationIndex with value 1
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair BodyBlipColourIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair BodyBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair FollowInVehicleIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair BodyWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair BodyHealthIndex with value 6
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair lastJumpSpawn with value
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair TelChauffeurIndex with value 3
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarkerIndex with value 2
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_msize_Index with value 2
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_martype_Index with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_skypos_Index with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_speed_Index with value 2
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_altitude_Index with value 5
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_drivingstyles_Index with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair radioStationIndex with value -1
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair PhoneBillIndex with value 2
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair PhoneDefaultIndex with value 4
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair RadioOffIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair RadioSwitchingIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair TrainerControlIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair PhoneFreeSecondsIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair PhoneBikeAnimationIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair DefMenuTabIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair hotkey_0 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair hotkey_1 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair hotkey_2 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair hotkey_3 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair hotkey_4 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair hotkey_5 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair hotkey_6 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair hotkey_7 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair hotkey_8 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair propCreationAlphaIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair lastCustomPropSpawn with value
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair lastCustomWeapon with value
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair lastPowerWeapon with value
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair weapDmgModIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair pedWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair VigilanteBlipIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair PedWeaponsSelectiveIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair WorldSelectivePedsIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory0 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory1 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed0 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed1 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair lastCustomBodyguardSpawn with value
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair selBodyWeapons with value
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair lastCustomSkinSpawn with value
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair ResetSkinOnDeathIdx with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair AutoApplySkinSavedIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayDict with value
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayAnim with value
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Storing generic pair frozenWantedLevel with value 0
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Done storing generic pairs
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Done storing feature pairs
2020-11-29 21:06:17 Save flag released
2020-11-29 21:07:24 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 21:07:24 Actually saving
2020-11-29 21:07:24 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-11-29 21:07:24 Done storing feature pairs
2020-11-29 21:07:24 Save flag released
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Actually saving
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Asked to store 182 generic pairs
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Asked to store generic pairs
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair timeSpeedIndexWhileAiming with value 10
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair timeFlowRateIndex with value 10
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair HotkeyFlowRateIndex with value 10
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair lastWeather with value EXTRASUNNY
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair lastWeatherName with value Extra Sunny
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair lastClouds with value Clear 01
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair lastCloudsName with value Clear 01
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair lastCustomVehicleSpawn with value penumbra ff
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair speedBoostIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair savedVehicleListSortMethod with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair featureNeverDirty with value 2
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair engPowMultIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair VehMassMultIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair current_player_forceshield with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair InfiniteBoostIndex with value 2
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair NitrousIndex with value 1
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair TurnSignalsIndex with value 1
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAngleIndex with value 5
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair NitrousPowerIndex with value 1
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair DoorAutolockIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAccelerationIndex with value 4
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair JumpyVehIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair HeavyVehIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair VehInvisIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair speedLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair speedCityLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair speedCountryLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair lightsOffIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair SpeedSizeIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair SpeedPositionIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair FuelBlipsIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair IdleConsumptionIndex with value 7
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair FuelBackground_Opacity_Index with value 5
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair VehRememberIndex with value 3
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair VehBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair VehBlipColourIndex with value 4
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair VehColourIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleDamageOnCollIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair SpeedingCityIndex with value 3
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair DetectionRangeIndex with value 3
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair PirsuitRangeIndex with value 4
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair StarsPunishIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair EngineRunningIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair AutoShutEngineIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair HydraulicsIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair VisLightIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair VisLight3dIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair SpeedingSpeedwayIndex with value 5
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair FineSizeIndex with value 1
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair VehBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair VehBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair VehTrackedAutoSaveIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair CarConsumptionIndex with value 11
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair BikeConsumptionIndex with value 12
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair BoatConsumptionIndex with value 10
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair PlaneConsumptionIndex with value 5
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair HeliConsumptionIndex with value 9
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair CarEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair BikeEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair BoatEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair HeliEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair CarEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair BikeEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair BoatEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair HeliEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair RestorationSpeedIndex with value 2
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair RefuelingSpeedIndex with value 6
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair FuelPriceIndex with value 7
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair JerrycanPriceIndex with value 12
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair Random1Index with value 1
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair Random2Index with value 1
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair BarPositionIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair FuelColours_R_Index with value 26
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair FuelColours_G_Index with value 26
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair FuelColours_B_Index with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair lastEngineSound with value
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair RadarMapIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair WorldWavesIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair featureLightIntensityIndex with value 2
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair WindStrengthIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair PedsHealthIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair PedAccuracyIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripSnowingIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripRainingIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair NoPedsGravityIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair featureFreeroamActivitiesIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair TrainSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair CopBlipPermIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair WeatherChangeIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair WeatherMethodIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair current_player_health with value 6
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair current_regen_speed with value 13
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair current_player_armor with value 6
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair current_player_stats with value 6
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair current_npc_ragdoll with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair current_no_ragdoll with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair feature_shake_ragdoll with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair feature_shake_injured with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair current_limp_if_injured with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair current_player_movement with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair current_player_jumpfly with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair current_player_superjump with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair current_player_mostwanted with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair mostwanted_level_enable with value 3
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair wanted_maxpossible_level with value 3
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair current_player_prison with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair current_player_escapemoney with value 4
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair current_player_discharge with value 3
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair current_escape_stars with value 2
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair lastImmediateType with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair CopCurrArmedIndex with value 1
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair VehCurrWeaponIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair WeaponsNoReticle with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair WeaponsSavedLoad with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair CopAlarmIndex with value 1
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair ChancePoliceCallingIndex with value 5
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair ChanceAttackingYouIndex with value 1
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair SniperVisionIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair PowerPunchIndex with value 2
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair WeaponsFireModeIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair WeapStrobeIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair WeapFlashDistIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair BodyDistanceIndex with value 7
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair BodyGroupFormationIndex with value 1
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair BodyBlipColourIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair BodyBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair FollowInVehicleIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair BodyWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair BodyHealthIndex with value 6
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair lastJumpSpawn with value
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair TelChauffeurIndex with value 3
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarkerIndex with value 2
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_msize_Index with value 2
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_martype_Index with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_skypos_Index with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_speed_Index with value 2
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_altitude_Index with value 5
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_drivingstyles_Index with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair radioStationIndex with value -1
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair PhoneBillIndex with value 2
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair PhoneDefaultIndex with value 4
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair RadioOffIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair RadioSwitchingIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair TrainerControlIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair PhoneFreeSecondsIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair PhoneBikeAnimationIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair DefMenuTabIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair hotkey_0 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair hotkey_1 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair hotkey_2 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair hotkey_3 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair hotkey_4 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair hotkey_5 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair hotkey_6 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair hotkey_7 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair hotkey_8 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair propCreationAlphaIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair lastCustomPropSpawn with value
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair lastCustomWeapon with value
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair lastPowerWeapon with value
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair weapDmgModIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair pedWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair VigilanteBlipIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair PedWeaponsSelectiveIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair WorldSelectivePedsIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory0 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory1 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed0 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed1 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair lastCustomBodyguardSpawn with value
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair selBodyWeapons with value
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair lastCustomSkinSpawn with value
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair ResetSkinOnDeathIdx with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair AutoApplySkinSavedIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayDict with value
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayAnim with value
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Storing generic pair frozenWantedLevel with value 5
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Done storing generic pairs
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Done storing feature pairs
2020-11-29 21:08:19 Save flag released
2020-11-29 21:09:15 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 21:09:15 Actually saving
2020-11-29 21:09:15 Save flag released
2020-11-29 21:10:16 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 21:10:16 Actually saving
2020-11-29 21:10:16 Save flag released
2020-11-29 21:11:15 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 21:11:15 Actually saving
2020-11-29 21:11:15 Save flag released
2020-11-29 21:12:12 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 21:12:12 Actually saving
2020-11-29 21:12:12 Save flag released
2020-11-29 21:12:50 Asked to load saved skins
2020-11-29 21:12:50 Skin row found
2020-11-29 21:12:50 Skin row found
2020-11-29 21:12:50 Skin row found
2020-11-29 21:12:50 Skin row found
2020-11-29 21:12:52 Asked to load saved skins
2020-11-29 21:12:52 Skin row found
2020-11-29 21:12:52 Done loading saved skins
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Actually saving
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Asked to store 182 generic pairs
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Asked to store generic pairs
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair timeSpeedIndexWhileAiming with value 10
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair timeFlowRateIndex with value 10
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair HotkeyFlowRateIndex with value 10
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair lastWeather with value EXTRASUNNY
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair lastWeatherName with value Extra Sunny
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair lastClouds with value Clear 01
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair lastCloudsName with value Clear 01
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair lastCustomVehicleSpawn with value penumbra ff
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair speedBoostIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair savedVehicleListSortMethod with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair featureNeverDirty with value 2
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair engPowMultIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair VehMassMultIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair current_player_forceshield with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair InfiniteBoostIndex with value 2
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair NitrousIndex with value 1
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair TurnSignalsIndex with value 1
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAngleIndex with value 5
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair NitrousPowerIndex with value 1
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair DoorAutolockIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAccelerationIndex with value 4
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair JumpyVehIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair HeavyVehIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair VehInvisIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair speedLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair speedCityLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair speedCountryLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair lightsOffIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair SpeedSizeIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair SpeedPositionIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair FuelBlipsIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair IdleConsumptionIndex with value 7
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair FuelBackground_Opacity_Index with value 5
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair VehRememberIndex with value 3
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair VehBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair VehBlipColourIndex with value 4
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair VehColourIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleDamageOnCollIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair SpeedingCityIndex with value 3
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair DetectionRangeIndex with value 3
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair PirsuitRangeIndex with value 4
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair StarsPunishIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair EngineRunningIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair AutoShutEngineIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair HydraulicsIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair VisLightIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair VisLight3dIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair SpeedingSpeedwayIndex with value 5
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair FineSizeIndex with value 1
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair VehBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair VehBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair VehTrackedAutoSaveIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair CarConsumptionIndex with value 11
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair BikeConsumptionIndex with value 12
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair BoatConsumptionIndex with value 10
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair PlaneConsumptionIndex with value 5
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair HeliConsumptionIndex with value 9
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair CarEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair BikeEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair BoatEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair HeliEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair CarEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair BikeEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair BoatEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair HeliEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair RestorationSpeedIndex with value 2
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair RefuelingSpeedIndex with value 6
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair FuelPriceIndex with value 7
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair JerrycanPriceIndex with value 12
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair Random1Index with value 1
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair Random2Index with value 1
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair BarPositionIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair FuelColours_R_Index with value 26
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair FuelColours_G_Index with value 26
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair FuelColours_B_Index with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair lastEngineSound with value
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair RadarMapIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair WorldWavesIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair featureLightIntensityIndex with value 2
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair WindStrengthIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair PedsHealthIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair PedAccuracyIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripSnowingIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripRainingIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair NoPedsGravityIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair featureFreeroamActivitiesIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair TrainSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair CopBlipPermIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair WeatherChangeIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair WeatherMethodIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair current_player_health with value 6
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair current_regen_speed with value 13
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair current_player_armor with value 6
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair current_player_stats with value 6
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair current_npc_ragdoll with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair current_no_ragdoll with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair feature_shake_ragdoll with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair feature_shake_injured with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair current_limp_if_injured with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair current_player_movement with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair current_player_jumpfly with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair current_player_superjump with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair current_player_mostwanted with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair mostwanted_level_enable with value 3
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair wanted_maxpossible_level with value 3
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair current_player_prison with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair current_player_escapemoney with value 4
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair current_player_discharge with value 3
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair current_escape_stars with value 2
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair lastImmediateType with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair CopCurrArmedIndex with value 1
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair VehCurrWeaponIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair WeaponsNoReticle with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair WeaponsSavedLoad with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair CopAlarmIndex with value 1
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair ChancePoliceCallingIndex with value 5
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair ChanceAttackingYouIndex with value 1
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair SniperVisionIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair PowerPunchIndex with value 2
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair WeaponsFireModeIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair WeapStrobeIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair WeapFlashDistIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair BodyDistanceIndex with value 7
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair BodyGroupFormationIndex with value 1
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair BodyBlipColourIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair BodyBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair FollowInVehicleIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair BodyWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair BodyHealthIndex with value 6
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair lastJumpSpawn with value
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair TelChauffeurIndex with value 3
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarkerIndex with value 2
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_msize_Index with value 2
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_martype_Index with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_skypos_Index with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_speed_Index with value 2
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_altitude_Index with value 5
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_drivingstyles_Index with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair radioStationIndex with value -1
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair PhoneBillIndex with value 2
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair PhoneDefaultIndex with value 4
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair RadioOffIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair RadioSwitchingIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair TrainerControlIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair PhoneFreeSecondsIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair PhoneBikeAnimationIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair DefMenuTabIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair hotkey_0 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair hotkey_1 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair hotkey_2 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair hotkey_3 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair hotkey_4 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair hotkey_5 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair hotkey_6 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair hotkey_7 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair hotkey_8 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair propCreationAlphaIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair lastCustomPropSpawn with value
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair lastCustomWeapon with value
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair lastPowerWeapon with value
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair weapDmgModIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair pedWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair VigilanteBlipIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair PedWeaponsSelectiveIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair WorldSelectivePedsIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory0 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory1 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed0 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed1 with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair lastCustomBodyguardSpawn with value
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair selBodyWeapons with value
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair lastCustomSkinSpawn with value
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair ResetSkinOnDeathIdx with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair AutoApplySkinSavedIndex with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayDict with value
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayAnim with value
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Storing generic pair frozenWantedLevel with value 0
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Done storing generic pairs
2020-11-29 21:12:59 Save flag released
2020-11-29 21:13:53 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 21:13:53 Actually saving
2020-11-29 21:13:53 Save flag released
2020-11-29 21:14:07 ScriptTidyUp called
2020-11-29 21:14:07 Saving settings, start
2020-11-29 21:14:07 Actually saving
2020-11-29 21:14:07 Save flag released
2020-11-29 21:14:07 Saved settings
2020-11-29 21:14:07 Reset input
2020-11-29 21:14:07 Cleaned up script
2020-11-29 21:14:07 cleanup_props called
2020-11-29 21:14:07 Cleaned up props
2020-11-29 21:14:07 Cleaned up anims
2020-11-29 21:14:07 DB closing
2020-11-29 21:14:07 DB closed
2020-11-29 21:14:07 DB shutdown
2020-11-29 21:14:07 Database killed
2020-11-29 21:14:07 ScriptTidyUp done
2020-12-03 16:59:44 ENT folder exists. Continuing!
2020-12-03 16:59:45 Trying to init storage
2020-12-03 16:59:45 Trying to create storage folder
2020-12-03 16:59:45 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-03 16:59:45 Storage dir created or exists
2020-12-03 16:59:45 Trying to create temp folder
2020-12-03 16:59:45 C:\Users\SETISC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-03 16:59:45 Temp dir created or exists
2020-12-03 16:59:45 Init storage complete
2020-12-03 16:59:45 Initialising DB engine
2020-12-03 16:59:45 Opening DB file
2020-12-03 16:59:45 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer\ent.db
2020-12-03 16:59:45 DB opened
2020-12-03 16:59:45 Version found: 15
2020-12-03 16:59:45 ScriptMain called - handler set
2020-12-03 16:59:45 Reading XML config...
2020-12-03 16:59:45 No config found, using defaults
2020-12-03 16:59:45 XML config read complete
2020-12-03 16:59:45 Reading INI config....
2020-12-03 16:59:45 INI file does not exist.
Using default settings.
INI file will be created upon saving in-game.
2020-12-03 16:59:45 INI config read complete
2020-12-03 16:59:45 Failed to Register texture file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Enhanced Native Trainer\ENT_vehicle_previews.ytd as it does not exist!
2020-12-03 16:59:45 Setting up calls
2020-12-03 16:59:45 Loading settings
2020-12-03 16:59:45 Asked to load generic pairs
2020-12-03 16:59:45 Done loading generic pairs
2020-12-03 16:59:45 Got generic pairs
2020-12-03 16:59:45 Asked to load 243 feature pairs
2020-12-03 16:59:45 Done loading feature pairs
2020-12-03 16:59:45 Got feature pairs
2020-12-03 16:59:45 Emptying model arrays
2020-12-03 16:59:45 Creating vehicle model arrays
2020-12-03 16:59:45 Loaded settings OK
2020-12-03 17:00:23 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:00:23 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:00:23 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:00:23 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:00:23 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:00:23 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:00:23 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:00:23 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:00:23 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:00:23 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:00:26 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:00:26 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:00:26 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:00:41 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:00:41 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:00:41 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-12-03 17:00:41 Done storing feature pairs
2020-12-03 17:00:41 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Asked to store 182 generic pairs
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Asked to store generic pairs
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair timeSpeedIndexWhileAiming with value 10
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair timeFlowRateIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair HotkeyFlowRateIndex with value 10
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair lastWeather with value EXTRASUNNY
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair lastWeatherName with value Extra Sunny
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair lastClouds with value Clear 01
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair lastCloudsName with value Clear 01
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair lastCustomVehicleSpawn with value penumbra ff
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair speedBoostIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair savedVehicleListSortMethod with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair featureNeverDirty with value 2
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair engPowMultIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair VehMassMultIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair current_player_forceshield with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair InfiniteBoostIndex with value 2
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair NitrousIndex with value 1
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair TurnSignalsIndex with value 1
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAngleIndex with value 5
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair NitrousPowerIndex with value 1
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair DoorAutolockIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAccelerationIndex with value 4
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair JumpyVehIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair HeavyVehIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair VehInvisIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair speedLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair speedCityLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair speedCountryLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair lightsOffIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair SpeedSizeIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair SpeedPositionIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair FuelBlipsIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair IdleConsumptionIndex with value 7
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair FuelBackground_Opacity_Index with value 5
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair VehRememberIndex with value 3
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair VehBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair VehBlipColourIndex with value 4
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair VehColourIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleDamageOnCollIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair SpeedingCityIndex with value 3
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair DetectionRangeIndex with value 3
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair PirsuitRangeIndex with value 4
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair StarsPunishIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair EngineRunningIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair AutoShutEngineIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair HydraulicsIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair VisLightIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair VisLight3dIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair SpeedingSpeedwayIndex with value 5
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair FineSizeIndex with value 1
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair VehBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair VehBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair VehTrackedAutoSaveIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair CarConsumptionIndex with value 11
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair BikeConsumptionIndex with value 12
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair BoatConsumptionIndex with value 10
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair PlaneConsumptionIndex with value 5
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair HeliConsumptionIndex with value 9
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair CarEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair BikeEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair BoatEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair HeliEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair CarEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair BikeEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair BoatEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair HeliEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair RestorationSpeedIndex with value 2
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair RefuelingSpeedIndex with value 6
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair FuelPriceIndex with value 7
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair JerrycanPriceIndex with value 12
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair Random1Index with value 1
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair Random2Index with value 1
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair BarPositionIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair FuelColours_R_Index with value 26
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair FuelColours_G_Index with value 26
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair FuelColours_B_Index with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair lastEngineSound with value
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair RadarMapIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair WorldWavesIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair featureLightIntensityIndex with value 2
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair WindStrengthIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair PedsHealthIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair PedAccuracyIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripSnowingIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripRainingIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair NoPedsGravityIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair featureFreeroamActivitiesIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair TrainSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair CopBlipPermIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair WeatherChangeIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair WeatherMethodIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair current_player_health with value 6
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair current_regen_speed with value 13
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair current_player_armor with value 6
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair current_player_stats with value 6
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair current_npc_ragdoll with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair current_no_ragdoll with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair feature_shake_ragdoll with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair feature_shake_injured with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair current_limp_if_injured with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair current_player_movement with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair current_player_jumpfly with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair current_player_superjump with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair current_player_mostwanted with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair mostwanted_level_enable with value 3
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair wanted_maxpossible_level with value 3
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair current_player_prison with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair current_player_escapemoney with value 4
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair current_player_discharge with value 3
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair current_escape_stars with value 2
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair lastImmediateType with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair CopCurrArmedIndex with value 1
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair VehCurrWeaponIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair WeaponsNoReticle with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair WeaponsSavedLoad with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair CopAlarmIndex with value 1
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair ChancePoliceCallingIndex with value 5
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair ChanceAttackingYouIndex with value 1
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair SniperVisionIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair PowerPunchIndex with value 2
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair WeaponsFireModeIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair WeapStrobeIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair WeapFlashDistIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair BodyDistanceIndex with value 7
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair BodyGroupFormationIndex with value 1
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair BodyBlipColourIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair BodyBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair FollowInVehicleIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair BodyWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair BodyHealthIndex with value 6
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair lastJumpSpawn with value
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair TelChauffeurIndex with value 3
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarkerIndex with value 2
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_msize_Index with value 2
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_martype_Index with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_skypos_Index with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_speed_Index with value 2
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_altitude_Index with value 5
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_drivingstyles_Index with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair radioStationIndex with value -1
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair PhoneBillIndex with value 2
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair PhoneDefaultIndex with value 4
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair RadioOffIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair RadioSwitchingIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair TrainerControlIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair PhoneFreeSecondsIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair PhoneBikeAnimationIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair DefMenuTabIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair hotkey_0 with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair hotkey_1 with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair hotkey_2 with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair hotkey_3 with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair hotkey_4 with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair hotkey_5 with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair hotkey_6 with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair hotkey_7 with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair hotkey_8 with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair propCreationAlphaIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair lastCustomPropSpawn with value
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair lastCustomWeapon with value
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair lastPowerWeapon with value
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair weapDmgModIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair pedWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair VigilanteBlipIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair PedWeaponsSelectiveIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair WorldSelectivePedsIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory0 with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory1 with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed0 with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed1 with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair lastCustomBodyguardSpawn with value
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair selBodyWeapons with value
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair lastCustomSkinSpawn with value
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair ResetSkinOnDeathIdx with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair AutoApplySkinSavedIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayDict with value
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayAnim with value
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Storing generic pair frozenWantedLevel with value 0
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Done storing generic pairs
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Done storing feature pairs
2020-12-03 17:01:25 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:02:03 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:02:03 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:02:03 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:02:45 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:02:45 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:02:45 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-12-03 17:02:45 Done storing feature pairs
2020-12-03 17:02:45 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:03:28 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:03:28 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:03:28 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-12-03 17:03:28 Done storing feature pairs
2020-12-03 17:03:28 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:04:32 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:04:32 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:04:32 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:04:40 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:04:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:04:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:04:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:04:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:04:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:04:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:04:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:04:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:04:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:04:42 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:04:42 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:04:42 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:05:00 Couldn't find preview for 703912902
2020-12-03 17:05:03 Couldn't find preview for 703912902
2020-12-03 17:05:04 Couldn't find preview for 703912902
2020-12-03 17:05:08 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:05:08 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:05:08 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:05:52 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:05:52 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:05:52 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:06:25 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:06:25 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:06:25 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:06:56 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:06:56 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:06:56 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:07:34 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:07:34 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:07:34 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:08:06 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:08:06 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:08:06 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:08:50 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:08:50 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:08:50 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:09:34 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:09:34 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:09:34 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:10:15 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:10:15 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:10:15 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:10:29 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:10:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:10:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:10:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:10:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:10:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:10:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:10:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:10:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:10:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:10:32 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:10:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:10:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:10:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:10:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:10:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:10:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:10:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:10:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:10:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:10:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:10:51 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:10:51 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:10:51 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-12-03 17:10:51 Done storing feature pairs
2020-12-03 17:10:51 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:11:33 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:11:33 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:11:33 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:12:06 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:12:06 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:12:06 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:19:54 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:19:56 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:19:56 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:19:56 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:20:01 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:20:01 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:20:01 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:20:38 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:20:38 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:20:38 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:20:53 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:20:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:20:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:20:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:20:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:20:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:20:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:20:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:20:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:20:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:20:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:20:54 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:20:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:20:54 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:21:35 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:21:35 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:21:35 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:22:18 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:22:18 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:22:18 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:23:04 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:23:04 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:23:04 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:23:41 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:23:41 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:23:41 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:24:24 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:24:24 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:24:24 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:25:26 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:25:26 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:25:26 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:26:07 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:26:07 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:26:07 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:26:46 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:26:46 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:26:46 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:28:07 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:28:07 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:28:07 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:28:12 Asked to load saved skins
2020-12-03 17:28:12 Skin row found
2020-12-03 17:28:12 Skin row found
2020-12-03 17:28:12 Skin row found
2020-12-03 17:28:12 Skin row found
2020-12-03 17:28:16 Asked to load saved skins
2020-12-03 17:28:16 Skin row found
2020-12-03 17:28:16 Done loading saved skins
2020-12-03 17:28:50 Asked to load saved skins
2020-12-03 17:28:50 Skin row found
2020-12-03 17:28:50 Skin row found
2020-12-03 17:28:50 Skin row found
2020-12-03 17:28:50 Skin row found
2020-12-03 17:28:54 Asked to load saved skins
2020-12-03 17:28:54 Skin row found
2020-12-03 17:28:54 Skin row found
2020-12-03 17:28:54 Skin row found
2020-12-03 17:28:54 Skin row found
2020-12-03 17:29:03 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:29:03 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:29:03 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:29:42 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:29:42 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:29:42 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:30:25 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:30:25 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:30:25 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:31:18 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:31:18 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:31:18 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:31:26 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:31:26 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:31:26 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:31:26 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:31:26 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:31:26 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:31:26 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:31:26 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:31:26 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:31:26 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:31:26 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:31:28 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:31:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:31:28 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:31:55 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:31:55 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:31:55 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:32:32 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:32:32 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:32:32 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:32:35 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:32:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:32:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:32:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:32:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:32:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:32:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:32:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:32:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:32:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:32:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:32:49 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:32:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:32:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:32:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:32:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:32:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:32:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:32:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:32:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:32:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:32:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:33:02 Asked to load saved skins
2020-12-03 17:33:02 Skin row found
2020-12-03 17:33:02 Skin row found
2020-12-03 17:33:02 Skin row found
2020-12-03 17:33:02 Skin row found
2020-12-03 17:33:05 Asked to load saved skins
2020-12-03 17:33:05 Skin row found
2020-12-03 17:33:05 Done loading saved skins
2020-12-03 17:33:23 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:33:23 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:33:23 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:34:59 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:34:59 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:34:59 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-12-03 17:34:59 Done storing feature pairs
2020-12-03 17:34:59 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:35:38 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:35:38 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:35:38 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:36:16 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:36:16 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:36:16 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:36:22 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:36:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:36:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:36:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:36:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:36:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:36:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:36:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:36:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:36:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:36:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:36:27 Couldn't find preview for 375230348
2020-12-03 17:36:27 Couldn't find preview for 282487060
2020-12-03 17:36:27 Couldn't find preview for -1390169318
2020-12-03 17:36:27 Couldn't find preview for 282487060
2020-12-03 17:36:28 Couldn't find preview for -1390169318
2020-12-03 17:36:28 Couldn't find preview for -410866473
2020-12-03 17:36:52 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:36:52 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:36:52 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:37:03 Couldn't find preview for -2118433882
2020-12-03 17:37:04 Couldn't find preview for -2118433882
2020-12-03 17:37:28 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:37:28 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:37:28 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:37:43 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:37:43 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:37:43 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:37:43 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:37:43 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:37:43 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:37:43 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:37:43 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:37:43 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:37:43 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:37:43 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:37:50 Couldn't find preview for -410866473
2020-12-03 17:37:50 Couldn't find preview for -1390169318
2020-12-03 17:37:51 Couldn't find preview for 282487060
2020-12-03 17:37:51 Couldn't find preview for 375230348
2020-12-03 17:37:51 Couldn't find preview for 282487060
2020-12-03 17:37:52 Couldn't find preview for -1390169318
2020-12-03 17:37:52 Couldn't find preview for -410866473
2020-12-03 17:38:05 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:38:05 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:38:05 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:38:44 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:38:44 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:38:44 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:40:59 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:40:59 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:40:59 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:41:36 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:41:36 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:41:36 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:42:14 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:42:14 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:42:14 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:42:45 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:42:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:42:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:42:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:42:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:42:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:42:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:42:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:42:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:42:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:42:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:42:48 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:42:48 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:42:48 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:42:51 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:42:51 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:42:51 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:42:54 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:42:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:42:54 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:43:24 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:43:24 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:43:24 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:44:00 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:44:00 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:44:00 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:44:25 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:44:25 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:44:25 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:44:48 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:44:48 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:44:48 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:45:19 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:45:19 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:45:19 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:46:29 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:46:29 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:46:29 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:54:22 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:54:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:54:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:54:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:54:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:54:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:54:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:54:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:54:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:54:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:54:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:54:24 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:54:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:54:24 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:54:28 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:54:28 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:54:28 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:54:33 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:54:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:54:33 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:55:49 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:55:49 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:55:49 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:56:17 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:56:17 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:56:17 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:56:17 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:56:17 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:56:17 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:56:17 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:56:17 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:56:17 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:56:17 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:56:17 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:56:20 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:56:20 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:56:20 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:56:20 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:56:20 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:56:20 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:56:20 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:56:20 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:56:20 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:56:20 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:56:20 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:56:22 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:56:22 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:56:22 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:56:53 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:56:53 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:56:53 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:57:24 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:57:24 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:57:24 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:57:30 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:57:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:57:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:57:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:57:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:57:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:57:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:57:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:57:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:57:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:57:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:57:40 Couldn't find preview for -2118433882
2020-12-03 17:57:41 Couldn't find preview for -2118433882
2020-12-03 17:57:48 Couldn't find preview for 1878807939
2020-12-03 17:57:48 Couldn't find preview for 1324588753
2020-12-03 17:57:48 Couldn't find preview for 1299243986
2020-12-03 17:57:48 Couldn't find preview for -647166545
2020-12-03 17:57:49 Couldn't find preview for 92242942
2020-12-03 17:58:04 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:58:04 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:58:04 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:58:35 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:58:35 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:58:35 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:59:08 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:59:08 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:59:08 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:59:17 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 17:59:17 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:59:17 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:59:17 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:59:17 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:59:17 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:59:17 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:59:17 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:59:17 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:59:17 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:59:17 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 17:59:47 Couldn't find preview for -2143339605
2020-12-03 17:59:47 Couldn't find preview for -530596092
2020-12-03 17:59:49 Couldn't find preview for -2026492941
2020-12-03 17:59:51 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 17:59:51 Actually saving
2020-12-03 17:59:51 Save flag released
2020-12-03 17:59:52 Couldn't find preview for -647166545
2020-12-03 17:59:52 Couldn't find preview for 92242942
2020-12-03 17:59:55 Couldn't find preview for 352729897
2020-12-03 17:59:55 Couldn't find preview for -1584460854
2020-12-03 18:00:29 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:00:29 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:00:29 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:01:05 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:01:05 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:01:05 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:01:33 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:01:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:01:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:01:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:01:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:01:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:01:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:01:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:01:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:01:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:01:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:01:36 Couldn't find preview for 375230348
2020-12-03 18:01:37 Couldn't find preview for 282487060
2020-12-03 18:01:37 Couldn't find preview for -1390169318
2020-12-03 18:01:37 Couldn't find preview for -410866473
2020-12-03 18:01:45 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:01:45 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:01:45 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:01:45 Couldn't find preview for -2118433882
2020-12-03 18:01:47 Couldn't find preview for -1390169318
2020-12-03 18:01:47 Couldn't find preview for -410866473
2020-12-03 18:01:48 Couldn't find preview for 352729897
2020-12-03 18:01:49 Couldn't find preview for -1584460854
2020-12-03 18:02:21 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:02:21 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:02:21 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:02:54 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:02:54 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:02:54 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:03:28 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:03:28 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:03:28 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:03:40 Couldn't find preview for 375230348
2020-12-03 18:03:42 Couldn't find preview for 282487060
2020-12-03 18:03:43 Couldn't find preview for -1390169318
2020-12-03 18:03:43 Couldn't find preview for -410866473
2020-12-03 18:03:56 Couldn't find preview for -1624961917
2020-12-03 18:03:57 Couldn't find preview for -2026191538
2020-12-03 18:04:02 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:04:02 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:04:02 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:04:04 Couldn't find preview for -1624961917
2020-12-03 18:04:08 Couldn't find preview for 703912902
2020-12-03 18:04:14 Couldn't find preview for 1878807939
2020-12-03 18:04:14 Couldn't find preview for 1324588753
2020-12-03 18:04:14 Couldn't find preview for 1299243986
2020-12-03 18:04:15 Couldn't find preview for -647166545
2020-12-03 18:04:15 Couldn't find preview for 92242942
2020-12-03 18:04:34 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:04:34 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:04:34 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:05:07 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:05:07 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:05:07 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:05:36 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:05:36 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:05:36 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:06:14 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:06:14 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:06:14 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:06:53 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:06:53 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:06:53 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:07:15 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:07:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:07:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:07:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:07:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:07:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:07:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:07:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:07:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:07:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:07:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:07:20 Couldn't find preview for 375230348
2020-12-03 18:07:20 Couldn't find preview for 282487060
2020-12-03 18:07:20 Couldn't find preview for -1390169318
2020-12-03 18:07:21 Couldn't find preview for -410866473
2020-12-03 18:07:28 Couldn't find preview for -2118433882
2020-12-03 18:07:32 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:07:32 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:07:32 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:08:11 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:08:11 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:08:11 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:08:46 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:08:46 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:08:46 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:09:20 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:09:20 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:09:20 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:09:54 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:09:54 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:09:54 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:10:28 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:10:28 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:10:28 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:11:03 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:11:03 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:11:03 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:11:38 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:11:38 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:11:38 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:12:13 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:12:13 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:12:13 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Asked to store 182 generic pairs
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Asked to store generic pairs
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair timeSpeedIndexWhileAiming with value 10
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair timeFlowRateIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair HotkeyFlowRateIndex with value 10
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair lastWeather with value EXTRASUNNY
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair lastWeatherName with value Extra Sunny
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair lastClouds with value Clear 01
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair lastCloudsName with value Clear 01
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair lastCustomVehicleSpawn with value penumbra ff
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair speedBoostIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair savedVehicleListSortMethod with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair featureNeverDirty with value 2
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair engPowMultIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair VehMassMultIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair current_player_forceshield with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair InfiniteBoostIndex with value 2
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair NitrousIndex with value 1
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair TurnSignalsIndex with value 1
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAngleIndex with value 5
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair NitrousPowerIndex with value 1
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair DoorAutolockIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAccelerationIndex with value 4
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair JumpyVehIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair HeavyVehIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair VehInvisIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair speedLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair speedCityLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair speedCountryLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair lightsOffIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair SpeedSizeIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair SpeedPositionIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair FuelBlipsIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair IdleConsumptionIndex with value 7
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair FuelBackground_Opacity_Index with value 5
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair VehRememberIndex with value 3
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair VehBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair VehBlipColourIndex with value 4
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair VehColourIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleDamageOnCollIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair SpeedingCityIndex with value 3
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair DetectionRangeIndex with value 3
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair PirsuitRangeIndex with value 4
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair StarsPunishIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair EngineRunningIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair AutoShutEngineIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair HydraulicsIndex with value 1
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair VisLightIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair VisLight3dIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair SpeedingSpeedwayIndex with value 5
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair FineSizeIndex with value 1
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair VehBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair VehBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair VehTrackedAutoSaveIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair CarConsumptionIndex with value 11
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair BikeConsumptionIndex with value 12
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair BoatConsumptionIndex with value 10
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair PlaneConsumptionIndex with value 5
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair HeliConsumptionIndex with value 9
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair CarEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair BikeEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair BoatEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair HeliEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair CarEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair BikeEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair BoatEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair HeliEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair RestorationSpeedIndex with value 2
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair RefuelingSpeedIndex with value 6
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair FuelPriceIndex with value 7
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair JerrycanPriceIndex with value 12
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair Random1Index with value 1
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair Random2Index with value 1
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair BarPositionIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair FuelColours_R_Index with value 26
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair FuelColours_G_Index with value 26
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair FuelColours_B_Index with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair lastEngineSound with value
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair RadarMapIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair WorldWavesIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair featureLightIntensityIndex with value 2
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair WindStrengthIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair PedsHealthIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair PedAccuracyIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripSnowingIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripRainingIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair NoPedsGravityIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair featureFreeroamActivitiesIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair TrainSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair CopBlipPermIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair WeatherChangeIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair WeatherMethodIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair current_player_health with value 6
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair current_regen_speed with value 13
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair current_player_armor with value 6
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair current_player_stats with value 6
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair current_npc_ragdoll with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair current_no_ragdoll with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair feature_shake_ragdoll with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair feature_shake_injured with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair current_limp_if_injured with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair current_player_movement with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair current_player_jumpfly with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair current_player_superjump with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair current_player_mostwanted with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair mostwanted_level_enable with value 3
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair wanted_maxpossible_level with value 3
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair current_player_prison with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair current_player_escapemoney with value 4
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair current_player_discharge with value 3
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair current_escape_stars with value 2
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair lastImmediateType with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair CopCurrArmedIndex with value 1
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair VehCurrWeaponIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair WeaponsNoReticle with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair WeaponsSavedLoad with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair CopAlarmIndex with value 1
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair ChancePoliceCallingIndex with value 5
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair ChanceAttackingYouIndex with value 1
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair SniperVisionIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair PowerPunchIndex with value 2
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair WeaponsFireModeIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair WeapStrobeIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair WeapFlashDistIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair BodyDistanceIndex with value 7
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair BodyGroupFormationIndex with value 1
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair BodyBlipColourIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair BodyBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair FollowInVehicleIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair BodyWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair BodyHealthIndex with value 6
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair lastJumpSpawn with value
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair TelChauffeurIndex with value 3
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarkerIndex with value 2
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_msize_Index with value 2
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_martype_Index with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_skypos_Index with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_speed_Index with value 2
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_altitude_Index with value 5
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_drivingstyles_Index with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair radioStationIndex with value -1
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair PhoneBillIndex with value 2
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair PhoneDefaultIndex with value 4
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair RadioOffIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair RadioSwitchingIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair TrainerControlIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair PhoneFreeSecondsIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair PhoneBikeAnimationIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair DefMenuTabIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair hotkey_0 with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair hotkey_1 with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair hotkey_2 with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair hotkey_3 with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair hotkey_4 with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair hotkey_5 with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair hotkey_6 with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair hotkey_7 with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair hotkey_8 with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair propCreationAlphaIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair lastCustomPropSpawn with value
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair lastCustomWeapon with value
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair lastPowerWeapon with value
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair weapDmgModIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair pedWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair VigilanteBlipIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair PedWeaponsSelectiveIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair WorldSelectivePedsIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory0 with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory1 with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed0 with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed1 with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair lastCustomBodyguardSpawn with value
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair selBodyWeapons with value
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair lastCustomSkinSpawn with value
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair ResetSkinOnDeathIdx with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair AutoApplySkinSavedIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayDict with value
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayAnim with value
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Storing generic pair frozenWantedLevel with value 0
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Done storing generic pairs
2020-12-03 18:12:49 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:13:31 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:13:31 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:13:31 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:14:12 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:14:12 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:14:12 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:14:50 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:14:50 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:14:50 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:15:29 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:15:29 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:15:29 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:16:10 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:16:10 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:16:10 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:16:52 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:16:52 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:16:52 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:17:35 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:17:35 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:17:35 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:18:32 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:18:32 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:18:32 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:19:37 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:19:37 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:19:37 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:19:37 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:19:37 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:19:37 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:19:37 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:19:37 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:19:37 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:19:37 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:19:37 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:19:39 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:19:39 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:19:39 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Asked to store 182 generic pairs
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Asked to store generic pairs
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair timeSpeedIndexWhileAiming with value 10
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair timeFlowRateIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair HotkeyFlowRateIndex with value 10
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair lastWeather with value EXTRASUNNY
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair lastWeatherName with value Extra Sunny
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair lastClouds with value Clear 01
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair lastCloudsName with value Clear 01
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair lastCustomVehicleSpawn with value penumbra ff
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair speedBoostIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair savedVehicleListSortMethod with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair featureNeverDirty with value 2
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair engPowMultIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair VehMassMultIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair current_player_forceshield with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair InfiniteBoostIndex with value 2
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair NitrousIndex with value 1
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair TurnSignalsIndex with value 1
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAngleIndex with value 5
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair NitrousPowerIndex with value 1
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair DoorAutolockIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAccelerationIndex with value 4
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair JumpyVehIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair HeavyVehIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair VehInvisIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair speedLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair speedCityLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair speedCountryLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair lightsOffIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair SpeedSizeIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair SpeedPositionIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair FuelBlipsIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair IdleConsumptionIndex with value 7
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair FuelBackground_Opacity_Index with value 5
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair VehRememberIndex with value 3
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair VehBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair VehBlipColourIndex with value 4
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair VehColourIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleDamageOnCollIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair SpeedingCityIndex with value 3
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair DetectionRangeIndex with value 3
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair PirsuitRangeIndex with value 4
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair StarsPunishIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair EngineRunningIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair AutoShutEngineIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair HydraulicsIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair VisLightIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair VisLight3dIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair SpeedingSpeedwayIndex with value 5
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair FineSizeIndex with value 1
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair VehBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair VehBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair VehTrackedAutoSaveIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair CarConsumptionIndex with value 11
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair BikeConsumptionIndex with value 12
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair BoatConsumptionIndex with value 10
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair PlaneConsumptionIndex with value 5
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair HeliConsumptionIndex with value 9
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair CarEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair BikeEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair BoatEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair HeliEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair CarEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair BikeEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair BoatEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair HeliEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair RestorationSpeedIndex with value 2
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair RefuelingSpeedIndex with value 6
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair FuelPriceIndex with value 7
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair JerrycanPriceIndex with value 12
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair Random1Index with value 1
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair Random2Index with value 1
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair BarPositionIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair FuelColours_R_Index with value 26
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair FuelColours_G_Index with value 26
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair FuelColours_B_Index with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair lastEngineSound with value
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair RadarMapIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair WorldWavesIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair featureLightIntensityIndex with value 2
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair WindStrengthIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair PedsHealthIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair PedAccuracyIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripSnowingIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripRainingIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair NoPedsGravityIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair featureFreeroamActivitiesIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair TrainSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair CopBlipPermIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair WeatherChangeIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair WeatherMethodIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair current_player_health with value 6
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair current_regen_speed with value 13
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair current_player_armor with value 6
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair current_player_stats with value 6
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair current_npc_ragdoll with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair current_no_ragdoll with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair feature_shake_ragdoll with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair feature_shake_injured with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair current_limp_if_injured with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair current_player_movement with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair current_player_jumpfly with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair current_player_superjump with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair current_player_mostwanted with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair mostwanted_level_enable with value 3
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair wanted_maxpossible_level with value 3
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair current_player_prison with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair current_player_escapemoney with value 4
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair current_player_discharge with value 3
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair current_escape_stars with value 2
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair lastImmediateType with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair CopCurrArmedIndex with value 1
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair VehCurrWeaponIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair WeaponsNoReticle with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair WeaponsSavedLoad with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair CopAlarmIndex with value 1
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair ChancePoliceCallingIndex with value 5
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair ChanceAttackingYouIndex with value 1
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair SniperVisionIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair PowerPunchIndex with value 2
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair WeaponsFireModeIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair WeapStrobeIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair WeapFlashDistIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair BodyDistanceIndex with value 7
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair BodyGroupFormationIndex with value 1
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair BodyBlipColourIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair BodyBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair FollowInVehicleIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair BodyWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair BodyHealthIndex with value 6
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair lastJumpSpawn with value
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair TelChauffeurIndex with value 3
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarkerIndex with value 2
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_msize_Index with value 2
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_martype_Index with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_skypos_Index with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_speed_Index with value 2
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_altitude_Index with value 5
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_drivingstyles_Index with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair radioStationIndex with value -1
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair PhoneBillIndex with value 2
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair PhoneDefaultIndex with value 4
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair RadioOffIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair RadioSwitchingIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair TrainerControlIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair PhoneFreeSecondsIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair PhoneBikeAnimationIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair DefMenuTabIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair hotkey_0 with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair hotkey_1 with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair hotkey_2 with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair hotkey_3 with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair hotkey_4 with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair hotkey_5 with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair hotkey_6 with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair hotkey_7 with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair hotkey_8 with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair propCreationAlphaIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair lastCustomPropSpawn with value
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair lastCustomWeapon with value
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair lastPowerWeapon with value
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair weapDmgModIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair pedWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair VigilanteBlipIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair PedWeaponsSelectiveIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair WorldSelectivePedsIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory0 with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory1 with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed0 with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed1 with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair lastCustomBodyguardSpawn with value
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair selBodyWeapons with value
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair lastCustomSkinSpawn with value
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair ResetSkinOnDeathIdx with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair AutoApplySkinSavedIndex with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayDict with value
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayAnim with value
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Storing generic pair frozenWantedLevel with value 0
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Done storing generic pairs
2020-12-03 18:20:06 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:20:29 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:20:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:20:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:20:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:20:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:20:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:20:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:20:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:20:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:20:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:20:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:20:47 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:20:47 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:20:47 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:20:47 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:20:47 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:20:47 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:20:47 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:20:47 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:20:47 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:20:47 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:20:47 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:20:53 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:20:53 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:20:53 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:21:28 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:21:28 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:21:28 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:22:29 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:22:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:22:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:22:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:22:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:22:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:22:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:22:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:22:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:22:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:22:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:22:31 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:22:31 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:22:31 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:22:33 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:22:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:22:33 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:22:34 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:22:34 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:22:34 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:22:36 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:22:36 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:22:36 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:22:37 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:22:37 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:22:37 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:22:39 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:22:39 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:22:39 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:22:40 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:22:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:22:40 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:22:43 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:22:43 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:22:43 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:22:44 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:22:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:22:44 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:22:46 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:22:46 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:22:46 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:23:17 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:23:17 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:23:17 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:23:18 Couldn't find preview for -409003167
2020-12-03 18:28:31 Couldn't find preview for -409003167
2020-12-03 18:28:57 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:28:57 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:28:57 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:29:06 Couldn't find preview for 1878807939
2020-12-03 18:29:07 Couldn't find preview for 1324588753
2020-12-03 18:29:07 Couldn't find preview for 1299243986
2020-12-03 18:29:09 Couldn't find preview for -647166545
2020-12-03 18:29:09 Couldn't find preview for 92242942
2020-12-03 18:29:20 Couldn't find preview for -409003167
2020-12-03 18:29:28 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:29:28 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:29:28 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:29:50 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:29:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:29:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:29:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:29:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:29:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:29:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:29:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:29:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:29:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:29:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:29:56 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:29:56 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:29:56 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:30:28 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:30:28 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:30:28 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:30:42 Asked to load saved colours
2020-12-03 18:30:58 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:30:58 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:30:58 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:31:30 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:31:30 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:31:30 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:32:02 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:32:02 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:32:02 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:32:34 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:32:34 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:32:34 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:33:05 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:33:05 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:33:05 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:33:37 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:33:37 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:33:37 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:34:09 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:34:09 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:34:09 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:34:40 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:34:40 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:34:40 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:35:12 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:35:12 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:35:12 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:35:43 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:35:43 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:35:43 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:36:15 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:36:15 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:36:15 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:36:47 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:36:47 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:36:47 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:37:19 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:37:19 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:37:19 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:37:50 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:37:50 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:37:50 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:38:22 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:38:22 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:38:22 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:38:53 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:38:53 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:38:53 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:39:25 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:39:25 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:39:25 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:39:56 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:39:56 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:39:56 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:40:26 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:40:26 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:40:26 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:40:57 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:40:57 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:40:57 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:41:28 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:41:28 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:41:28 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:42:01 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:42:01 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:42:01 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:42:32 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:42:32 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:42:32 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:43:03 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:43:03 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:43:03 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:43:35 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:43:35 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:43:35 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:44:06 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:44:06 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:44:06 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:44:38 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:44:38 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:44:38 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:45:00 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:45:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:45:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:45:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:45:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:45:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:45:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:45:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:45:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:45:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:45:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:45:05 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:45:05 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:45:05 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:45:05 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:45:05 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:45:05 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:45:05 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:45:05 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:45:05 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:45:05 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:45:05 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:45:05 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:45:08 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:45:08 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:45:08 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:45:46 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:45:46 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:45:46 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:46:17 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:46:17 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:46:17 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:46:51 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:46:51 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:46:51 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:47:28 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:47:28 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:47:28 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:48:02 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:48:02 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:48:02 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:48:15 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 18:48:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:48:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:48:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:48:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:48:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:48:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:48:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:48:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:48:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:48:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:48:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 18:48:19 Couldn't find preview for 703912902
2020-12-03 18:48:23 Couldn't find preview for -1624961917
2020-12-03 18:48:23 Couldn't find preview for -2026191538
2020-12-03 18:48:26 Couldn't find preview for 1878807939
2020-12-03 18:48:27 Couldn't find preview for 1324588753
2020-12-03 18:48:27 Couldn't find preview for 1299243986
2020-12-03 18:48:27 Couldn't find preview for -647166545
2020-12-03 18:48:27 Couldn't find preview for 92242942
2020-12-03 18:48:28 Couldn't find preview for 1878807939
2020-12-03 18:48:37 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:48:37 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:48:37 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:49:14 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:49:14 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:49:14 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:49:47 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:49:47 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:49:47 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:50:18 Asked to load saved skins
2020-12-03 18:50:18 Skin row found
2020-12-03 18:50:18 Skin row found
2020-12-03 18:50:18 Skin row found
2020-12-03 18:50:18 Skin row found
2020-12-03 18:50:23 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:50:23 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:50:23 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:50:59 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:50:59 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:50:59 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:51:34 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:51:34 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:51:34 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:52:09 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:52:09 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:52:09 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:53:11 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:53:11 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:53:11 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:54:29 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:54:29 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:54:29 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:55:00 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:55:00 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:55:00 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:55:31 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:55:31 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:55:31 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:56:02 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:56:02 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:56:02 Save flag released
2020-12-03 18:59:14 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 18:59:14 Actually saving
2020-12-03 18:59:14 Save flag released
2020-12-03 19:29:59 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 19:29:59 Actually saving
2020-12-03 19:29:59 Save flag released
2020-12-03 19:30:29 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 19:30:29 Actually saving
2020-12-03 19:30:29 Save flag released
2020-12-03 19:30:57 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 19:30:57 Actually saving
2020-12-03 19:30:57 Save flag released
2020-12-03 19:31:30 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 19:31:30 Actually saving
2020-12-03 19:31:30 Save flag released
2020-12-03 19:32:08 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 19:32:08 Actually saving
2020-12-03 19:32:08 Save flag released
2020-12-03 19:32:47 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 19:32:47 Actually saving
2020-12-03 19:32:47 Save flag released
2020-12-03 19:33:21 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 19:33:21 Actually saving
2020-12-03 19:33:21 Save flag released
2020-12-03 19:33:56 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 19:33:56 Actually saving
2020-12-03 19:33:56 Save flag released
2020-12-03 19:34:30 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 19:34:30 Actually saving
2020-12-03 19:34:30 Save flag released
2020-12-03 19:34:44 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 19:34:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 19:34:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 19:34:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 19:34:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 19:34:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 19:34:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 19:34:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 19:34:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 19:34:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 19:34:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 19:34:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 19:34:48 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-03 19:34:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 19:34:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 19:34:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 19:34:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 19:34:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 19:34:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 19:34:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 19:34:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 19:34:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 19:34:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 19:34:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 19:34:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-03 19:35:03 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 19:35:03 Actually saving
2020-12-03 19:35:03 Save flag released
2020-12-03 19:35:38 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 19:35:38 Actually saving
2020-12-03 19:35:38 Save flag released
2020-12-03 19:36:16 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 19:36:16 Actually saving
2020-12-03 19:36:16 Save flag released
2020-12-03 19:36:52 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 19:36:52 Actually saving
2020-12-03 19:36:52 Save flag released
2020-12-03 19:37:28 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 19:37:28 Actually saving
2020-12-03 19:37:28 Save flag released
2020-12-03 19:37:53 ScriptTidyUp called
2020-12-03 19:37:53 Saving settings, start
2020-12-03 19:37:53 Actually saving
2020-12-03 19:37:53 Save flag released
2020-12-03 19:37:53 Saved settings
2020-12-03 19:37:53 Reset input
2020-12-03 19:37:53 Cleaned up script
2020-12-03 19:37:53 cleanup_props called
2020-12-03 19:37:53 Cleaned up props
2020-12-03 19:37:53 Cleaned up anims
2020-12-03 19:37:53 DB closing
2020-12-03 19:37:53 DB closed
2020-12-03 19:37:53 DB shutdown
2020-12-03 19:37:53 Database killed
2020-12-03 19:37:53 ScriptTidyUp done
2020-12-07 11:59:50 ENT folder exists. Continuing!
2020-12-07 11:59:50 Trying to init storage
2020-12-07 11:59:50 Trying to create storage folder
2020-12-07 11:59:50 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-07 11:59:50 Storage dir created or exists
2020-12-07 11:59:50 Trying to create temp folder
2020-12-07 11:59:50 C:\Users\SETISC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-07 11:59:50 Temp dir created or exists
2020-12-07 11:59:50 Init storage complete
2020-12-07 11:59:50 Initialising DB engine
2020-12-07 11:59:50 Opening DB file
2020-12-07 11:59:50 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer\ent.db
2020-12-07 11:59:50 DB opened
2020-12-07 11:59:50 Version found: 15
2020-12-07 11:59:50 ScriptMain called - handler set
2020-12-07 11:59:50 Reading XML config...
2020-12-07 11:59:50 No config found, using defaults
2020-12-07 11:59:50 XML config read complete
2020-12-07 11:59:50 Reading INI config....
2020-12-07 11:59:50 INI file does not exist.
Using default settings.
INI file will be created upon saving in-game.
2020-12-07 11:59:50 INI config read complete
2020-12-07 11:59:50 Failed to Register texture file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Enhanced Native Trainer\ENT_vehicle_previews.ytd as it does not exist!
2020-12-07 11:59:50 Setting up calls
2020-12-07 11:59:50 Loading settings
2020-12-07 11:59:50 Asked to load generic pairs
2020-12-07 11:59:50 Done loading generic pairs
2020-12-07 11:59:50 Got generic pairs
2020-12-07 11:59:50 Asked to load 243 feature pairs
2020-12-07 11:59:50 Done loading feature pairs
2020-12-07 11:59:50 Got feature pairs
2020-12-07 11:59:50 Emptying model arrays
2020-12-07 11:59:50 Creating vehicle model arrays
2020-12-07 11:59:50 Loaded settings OK
2020-12-07 12:00:26 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:00:26 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:00:26 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:00:45 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:00:45 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:00:45 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:01:04 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:01:04 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:01:04 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:01:30 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:01:30 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:01:30 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:01:50 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:01:50 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:01:50 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:02:16 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:02:16 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:02:16 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:02:37 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:02:37 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:02:37 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:03:01 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:03:01 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:03:01 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:03:22 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:03:22 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:03:22 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:03:58 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:03:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:03:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:03:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:03:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:03:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:03:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:03:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:03:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:03:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:03:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:03:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:03:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:04:00 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:04:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:04:00 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:04:02 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:04:02 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:04:02 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:04:03 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:04:03 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:04:03 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:04:07 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:04:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:04:07 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:04:08 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:04:08 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:04:08 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:04:46 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:04:46 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:04:46 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:06:13 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:06:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:06:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:06:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:06:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:06:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:06:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:06:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:06:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:06:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:06:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:06:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:06:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:06:19 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:06:19 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:06:19 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:06:32 Couldn't find preview for -1624961917
2020-12-07 12:06:50 Couldn't find preview for -409003167
2020-12-07 12:06:52 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:06:52 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:06:52 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:07:00 Couldn't find preview for -409003167
2020-12-07 12:07:26 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:07:26 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:07:26 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:08:03 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:08:03 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:08:03 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:08:37 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:08:37 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:08:37 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:10:06 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:10:06 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:10:06 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:10:42 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:10:42 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:10:42 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:11:18 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:11:18 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:11:18 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:11:54 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:11:54 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:11:54 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:12:31 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:12:31 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:12:31 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:12:31 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:12:31 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:12:31 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:12:31 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:12:31 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:12:31 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:12:31 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:12:31 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:12:31 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:12:31 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:12:31 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:12:31 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:12:31 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:12:37 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:12:37 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:12:37 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:12:37 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:12:37 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:12:37 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:12:37 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:12:37 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:12:37 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:12:37 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:12:37 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:12:37 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:12:37 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:12:37 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:07 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:13:07 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:13:07 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:13:14 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:14 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:14 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:14 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:14 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:14 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:14 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:14 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:14 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:14 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:14 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:14 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:14 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:14 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:17 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:17 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:17 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:17 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:17 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:17 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:17 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:17 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:17 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:17 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:17 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:17 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:18 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:18 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:18 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:18 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:18 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:18 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:18 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:18 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:18 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:18 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:19 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:19 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:19 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:19 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:19 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:19 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:19 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:19 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:19 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:19 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:19 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:19 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:19 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:19 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:19 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:20 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:20 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:20 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:20 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:20 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:20 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:20 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:20 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:20 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:20 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:20 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:20 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:21 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:21 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:21 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:21 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:21 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:21 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:21 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:21 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:21 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:21 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:21 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:21 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:21 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:21 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:21 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:22 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:22 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:22 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:22 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:22 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:22 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:22 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:22 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:23 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:23 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:13:23 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:13:44 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:13:44 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:13:44 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:14:20 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:14:20 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:14:20 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:15:19 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:15:19 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:15:19 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:15:54 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:15:54 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:15:54 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:16:30 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:16:30 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:16:30 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:17:05 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:17:05 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:17:05 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:17:21 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:17:21 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:21 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:21 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:21 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:21 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:21 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:21 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:21 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:21 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:21 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:21 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:21 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:21 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:24 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:17:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:24 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:17:35 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:17:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:41 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:17:41 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:17:41 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:17:42 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:17:42 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:42 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:42 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:42 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:42 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:42 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:42 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:42 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:42 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:42 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:42 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:42 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:17:42 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:18:17 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:18:17 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:18:17 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:19:03 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:19:03 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:19:03 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-12-07 12:19:03 Done storing feature pairs
2020-12-07 12:19:03 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:19:40 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:19:40 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:19:40 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:21:07 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:21:07 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:21:07 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-12-07 12:21:07 Done storing feature pairs
2020-12-07 12:21:07 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:21:18 Couldn't find preview for -409003167
2020-12-07 12:21:35 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:21:35 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:21:35 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:22:04 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:22:04 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:22:04 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:22:32 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:22:32 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:22:32 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:22:59 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:22:59 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:22:59 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:23:27 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:23:27 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:23:27 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:23:54 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:23:54 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:23:54 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:24:20 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:24:20 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:24:20 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:24:47 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:24:47 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:24:47 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:25:12 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:25:12 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:25:12 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:25:14 reset_vehicle(): number plate complete
2020-12-07 12:25:40 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:25:40 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:25:40 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:26:07 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:26:07 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:26:07 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:26:32 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:26:32 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:26:32 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:27:02 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:27:02 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:27:02 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:27:32 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:27:32 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:27:32 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:28:02 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:28:02 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:28:02 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:28:03 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:28:03 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:28:03 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:28:03 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:28:03 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:28:03 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:28:03 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:28:03 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:28:03 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:28:03 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:28:03 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:28:03 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:28:03 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:28:03 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:28:06 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:28:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:28:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:28:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:28:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:28:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:28:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:28:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:28:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:28:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:28:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:28:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:28:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:28:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:28:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:28:37 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:28:37 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:28:37 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:29:21 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:29:21 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:29:21 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:30:05 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:30:05 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:30:05 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:30:52 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:30:52 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:30:52 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:31:31 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:31:31 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:31:31 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:32:07 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:32:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:12 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:32:12 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:12 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:12 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:12 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:12 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:12 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:12 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:12 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:12 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:12 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:12 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:12 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:12 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:12 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:12 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:32:17 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:32:17 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:32:17 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:33:00 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:33:00 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:33:00 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:34:04 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:34:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:34:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:34:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:34:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:34:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:34:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:34:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:34:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:34:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:34:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:34:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:34:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:34:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:34:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:34:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:34:12 Couldn't find preview for 375230348
2020-12-07 12:34:12 Couldn't find preview for 282487060
2020-12-07 12:34:12 Couldn't find preview for -1390169318
2020-12-07 12:34:13 Couldn't find preview for -410866473
2020-12-07 12:34:14 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:34:14 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:34:14 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:34:17 Couldn't find preview for 1878807939
2020-12-07 12:34:18 Couldn't find preview for 1324588753
2020-12-07 12:34:18 Couldn't find preview for 1299243986
2020-12-07 12:34:18 Couldn't find preview for -647166545
2020-12-07 12:34:18 Couldn't find preview for 92242942
2020-12-07 12:34:52 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:34:52 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:34:52 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:35:32 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:35:32 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:35:32 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:36:14 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:36:14 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:36:14 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:36:56 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:36:56 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:36:56 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:37:36 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:37:36 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:37:36 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:38:17 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:38:17 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:38:17 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:38:58 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:38:58 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:38:58 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:39:39 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:39:39 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:39:39 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:40:20 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:40:20 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:40:20 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:40:39 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:40:39 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:39 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:39 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:39 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:39 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:39 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:39 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:39 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:39 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:39 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:39 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:39 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:39 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:39 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:39 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:44 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:40:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:40:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:41:02 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:41:02 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:41:02 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:47:24 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:47:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:47:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:47:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:47:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:47:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:47:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:47:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:47:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:47:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:47:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:47:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:47:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:47:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:47:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:47:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:47:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:47:53 Couldn't find preview for 375230348
2020-12-07 12:47:53 Couldn't find preview for -2118433882
2020-12-07 12:47:53 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:47:53 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:47:53 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:47:54 Couldn't find preview for -2118433882
2020-12-07 12:48:04 Couldn't find preview for -1624961917
2020-12-07 12:48:38 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:48:38 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:48:38 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:49:23 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:49:23 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:49:23 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:50:08 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:50:08 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:50:08 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:50:53 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:50:53 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:50:53 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:51:39 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:51:39 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:51:39 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:52:23 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:52:23 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:52:23 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:52:50 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:52:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:54 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:52:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:52:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:53:08 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:53:08 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:53:08 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:54:23 Couldn't find preview for 703912902
2020-12-07 12:54:37 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:54:37 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:54:37 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:55:25 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:55:25 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:55:25 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:56:10 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:56:10 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:56:10 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:56:52 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:56:52 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:56:52 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:57:35 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:57:35 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:57:35 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:58:15 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:58:15 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:58:15 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:58:55 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:58:55 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:58:55 Save flag released
2020-12-07 12:59:00 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:59:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:06 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 12:59:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 12:59:40 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 12:59:40 Actually saving
2020-12-07 12:59:40 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:00:24 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:00:24 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:00:24 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:01:08 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:01:08 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:01:08 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:01:53 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:01:53 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:01:53 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:02:37 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:02:37 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:02:37 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:03:22 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:03:22 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:03:22 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:04:06 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:04:06 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:04:06 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:04:51 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:04:51 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:04:51 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:05:35 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:05:35 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:05:35 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:06:26 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:06:26 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:06:26 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:07:07 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 13:07:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:07:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:07:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:07:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:07:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:07:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:07:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:07:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:07:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:07:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:07:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:07:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:07:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:07:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:07:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:07:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:07:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:07:07 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:07:17 Couldn't find preview for 1878807939
2020-12-07 13:07:18 Couldn't find preview for 1324588753
2020-12-07 13:07:18 Couldn't find preview for 1299243986
2020-12-07 13:07:18 Couldn't find preview for -647166545
2020-12-07 13:07:18 Couldn't find preview for 92242942
2020-12-07 13:07:40 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:07:40 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:07:40 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:08:27 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:08:27 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:08:27 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:09:11 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:09:11 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:09:11 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:09:54 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:09:54 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:09:54 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:10:35 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:10:35 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:10:35 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:11:15 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 13:11:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:19 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:11:19 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:11:19 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:11:22 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 13:11:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:11:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:12:01 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:12:01 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:12:01 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:12:42 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:12:42 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:12:42 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:13:40 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 13:13:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:13:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:13:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:13:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:13:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:13:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:13:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:13:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:13:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:13:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:13:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:13:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:13:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:13:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:13:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:13:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:13:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:13:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:13:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:13:44 Couldn't find preview for 703912902
2020-12-07 13:13:46 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:13:46 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:13:46 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:14:21 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:14:21 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:14:21 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:14:56 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:14:56 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:14:56 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:15:34 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:15:34 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:15:34 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:16:13 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:16:13 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:16:13 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:16:48 reset_vehicle(): number plate complete
2020-12-07 13:16:49 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:16:49 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:16:49 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:17:23 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:17:23 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:17:23 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:17:59 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:17:59 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:17:59 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:18:35 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:18:35 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:18:35 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:19:12 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:19:12 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:19:12 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:19:47 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:19:47 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:19:47 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:20:25 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:20:25 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:20:25 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:21:04 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:21:04 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:21:04 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:21:42 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:21:42 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:21:42 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:21:44 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 13:21:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:48 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 13:21:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:21:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:22:24 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:22:24 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:22:24 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:22:49 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:22:49 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:22:49 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:23:11 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:23:11 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:23:11 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:23:32 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:23:32 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:23:32 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:23:54 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:23:54 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:23:54 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-12-07 13:23:54 Done storing feature pairs
2020-12-07 13:23:54 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:24:15 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:24:15 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:24:15 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:26:04 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:26:04 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:26:04 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:26:36 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 13:26:36 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:36 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:36 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:36 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:36 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:36 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:36 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:36 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:36 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:36 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:36 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:36 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:36 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:36 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:36 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:36 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:36 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:36 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:36 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:36 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:38 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 13:26:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:26:39 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:26:39 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:26:39 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:27:05 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:27:05 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:27:05 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:27:33 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:27:33 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:27:33 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:28:09 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:28:09 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:28:09 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:28:45 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:28:45 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:28:45 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:29:16 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:29:16 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:29:16 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:29:51 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:29:51 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:29:51 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:30:21 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:30:21 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:30:21 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:30:33 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 13:30:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:38 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 13:30:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:30:50 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:30:50 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:30:50 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:31:17 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:31:17 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:31:17 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:32:06 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 13:32:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:11 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 13:32:11 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:11 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:11 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:11 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:11 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:11 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:11 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:11 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:11 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:11 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:11 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:11 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:11 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:11 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:11 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:11 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:11 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:11 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:11 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:11 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:11 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:32:16 Couldn't find preview for 375230348
2020-12-07 13:32:16 Couldn't find preview for 282487060
2020-12-07 13:32:17 Couldn't find preview for -1390169318
2020-12-07 13:32:17 Couldn't find preview for -410866473
2020-12-07 13:32:20 Couldn't find preview for 375230348
2020-12-07 13:32:27 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:32:27 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:32:27 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:33:01 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:33:01 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:33:01 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:33:34 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:33:34 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:33:34 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:34:06 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:34:06 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:34:06 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:34:37 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:34:37 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:34:37 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:35:08 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:35:08 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:35:08 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:35:41 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:35:41 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:35:41 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:36:15 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:36:15 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:36:15 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:36:46 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:36:46 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:36:46 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:37:20 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:37:20 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:37:20 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:37:57 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:37:57 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:37:57 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:38:30 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:38:30 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:38:30 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:38:52 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 13:38:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:57 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 13:38:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:38:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:39:02 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:39:02 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:39:02 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:39:39 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:39:39 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:39:39 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:39:57 Asked to load saved skins
2020-12-07 13:39:57 Skin row found
2020-12-07 13:39:57 Skin row found
2020-12-07 13:39:57 Skin row found
2020-12-07 13:39:57 Skin row found
2020-12-07 13:39:59 Asked to load saved skins
2020-12-07 13:39:59 Skin row found
2020-12-07 13:39:59 Done loading saved skins
2020-12-07 13:40:14 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:40:14 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:40:14 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-12-07 13:40:14 Done storing feature pairs
2020-12-07 13:40:14 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:41:13 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 13:41:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:41:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:41:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:41:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:41:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:41:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:41:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:41:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:41:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:41:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:41:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:41:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:41:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:41:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:41:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:41:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:41:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:41:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:41:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:41:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:41:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:41:13 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:41:15 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 13:41:15 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 13:41:15 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-07 13:41:17 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:41:17 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:41:17 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:41:53 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:41:53 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:41:53 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Asked to store 182 generic pairs
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Asked to store generic pairs
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair timeSpeedIndexWhileAiming with value 10
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair timeFlowRateIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair HotkeyFlowRateIndex with value 10
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair lastWeather with value EXTRASUNNY
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair lastWeatherName with value Extra Sunny
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair lastClouds with value Clear 01
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair lastCloudsName with value Clear 01
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair lastCustomVehicleSpawn with value penumbra ff
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair speedBoostIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair savedVehicleListSortMethod with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair featureNeverDirty with value 2
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair engPowMultIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair VehMassMultIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair current_player_forceshield with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair InfiniteBoostIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair NitrousIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair TurnSignalsIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAngleIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair NitrousPowerIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair DoorAutolockIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAccelerationIndex with value 4
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair JumpyVehIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair HeavyVehIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair VehInvisIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair speedLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair speedCityLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair speedCountryLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair lightsOffIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair SpeedSizeIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair SpeedPositionIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair FuelBlipsIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair IdleConsumptionIndex with value 7
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair FuelBackground_Opacity_Index with value 5
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair VehRememberIndex with value 3
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair VehBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair VehBlipColourIndex with value 4
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair VehColourIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleDamageOnCollIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair SpeedingCityIndex with value 3
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair DetectionRangeIndex with value 3
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair PirsuitRangeIndex with value 4
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair StarsPunishIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair EngineRunningIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair AutoShutEngineIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair HydraulicsIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair VisLightIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair VisLight3dIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair SpeedingSpeedwayIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair FineSizeIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair VehBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair VehBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair VehTrackedAutoSaveIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair CarConsumptionIndex with value 11
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair BikeConsumptionIndex with value 12
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair BoatConsumptionIndex with value 10
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair PlaneConsumptionIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair HeliConsumptionIndex with value 9
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair CarEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair BikeEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair BoatEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair HeliEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair CarEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair BikeEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair BoatEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair HeliEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair RestorationSpeedIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair RefuelingSpeedIndex with value 6
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair FuelPriceIndex with value 7
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair JerrycanPriceIndex with value 12
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair Random1Index with value 1
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair Random2Index with value 1
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair BarPositionIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair FuelColours_R_Index with value 26
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair FuelColours_G_Index with value 26
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair FuelColours_B_Index with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair lastEngineSound with value
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair RadarMapIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair WorldWavesIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair featureLightIntensityIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair WindStrengthIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair PedsHealthIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair PedAccuracyIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripSnowingIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripRainingIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair NoPedsGravityIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair featureFreeroamActivitiesIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair TrainSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair CopBlipPermIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair WeatherChangeIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair WeatherMethodIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair current_player_health with value 6
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair current_regen_speed with value 13
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair current_player_armor with value 6
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair current_player_stats with value 6
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair current_npc_ragdoll with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair current_no_ragdoll with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair feature_shake_ragdoll with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair feature_shake_injured with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair current_limp_if_injured with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair current_player_movement with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair current_player_jumpfly with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair current_player_superjump with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair current_player_mostwanted with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair mostwanted_level_enable with value 3
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair wanted_maxpossible_level with value 3
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair current_player_prison with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair current_player_escapemoney with value 4
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair current_player_discharge with value 3
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair current_escape_stars with value 2
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair lastImmediateType with value 3
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair CopCurrArmedIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair VehCurrWeaponIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair WeaponsNoReticle with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair WeaponsSavedLoad with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair CopAlarmIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair ChancePoliceCallingIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair ChanceAttackingYouIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair SniperVisionIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair PowerPunchIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair WeaponsFireModeIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair WeapStrobeIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair WeapFlashDistIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair BodyDistanceIndex with value 7
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair BodyGroupFormationIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair BodyBlipColourIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair BodyBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair FollowInVehicleIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair BodyWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair BodyHealthIndex with value 6
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair lastJumpSpawn with value
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair TelChauffeurIndex with value 3
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarkerIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_msize_Index with value 2
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_martype_Index with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_skypos_Index with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_speed_Index with value 2
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_altitude_Index with value 5
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_drivingstyles_Index with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair radioStationIndex with value -1
2020-12-07 13:42:24 Storing generic pair PhoneBillIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair PhoneDefaultIndex with value 4
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair RadioOffIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair RadioSwitchingIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair TrainerControlIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair PhoneFreeSecondsIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair PhoneBikeAnimationIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair DefMenuTabIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair hotkey_0 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair hotkey_1 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair hotkey_2 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair hotkey_3 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair hotkey_4 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair hotkey_5 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair hotkey_6 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair hotkey_7 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair hotkey_8 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair propCreationAlphaIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair lastCustomPropSpawn with value
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair lastCustomWeapon with value
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair lastPowerWeapon with value
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair weapDmgModIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair pedWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair VigilanteBlipIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair PedWeaponsSelectiveIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair WorldSelectivePedsIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory0 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory1 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed0 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed1 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair lastCustomBodyguardSpawn with value
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair selBodyWeapons with value
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair lastCustomSkinSpawn with value
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair ResetSkinOnDeathIdx with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair AutoApplySkinSavedIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayDict with value PROP_HUMAN_SEAT_CHAIR_UPRIGHT
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayAnim with value PROP_HUMAN_SEAT_CHAIR_UPRIGHT
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Storing generic pair frozenWantedLevel with value 0
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Done storing generic pairs
2020-12-07 13:42:25 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:42:55 onconfirm_anim_menu called
2020-12-07 13:42:56 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:42:56 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:42:56 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:43:21 onconfirm_anim_menu called
2020-12-07 13:43:28 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:43:28 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:43:28 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Asked to store 182 generic pairs
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Asked to store generic pairs
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair timeSpeedIndexWhileAiming with value 10
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair timeFlowRateIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair HotkeyFlowRateIndex with value 10
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair lastWeather with value EXTRASUNNY
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair lastWeatherName with value Extra Sunny
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair lastClouds with value Clear 01
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair lastCloudsName with value Clear 01
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair lastCustomVehicleSpawn with value penumbra ff
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair speedBoostIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair savedVehicleListSortMethod with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair featureNeverDirty with value 2
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair engPowMultIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair VehMassMultIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair current_player_forceshield with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair InfiniteBoostIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair NitrousIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair TurnSignalsIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAngleIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair NitrousPowerIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair DoorAutolockIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAccelerationIndex with value 4
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair JumpyVehIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair HeavyVehIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair VehInvisIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair speedLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair speedCityLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair speedCountryLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair lightsOffIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair SpeedSizeIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair SpeedPositionIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair FuelBlipsIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair IdleConsumptionIndex with value 7
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair FuelBackground_Opacity_Index with value 5
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair VehRememberIndex with value 3
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair VehBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair VehBlipColourIndex with value 4
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair VehColourIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleDamageOnCollIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair SpeedingCityIndex with value 3
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair DetectionRangeIndex with value 3
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair PirsuitRangeIndex with value 4
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair StarsPunishIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair EngineRunningIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair AutoShutEngineIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair HydraulicsIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair VisLightIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair VisLight3dIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair SpeedingSpeedwayIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair FineSizeIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair VehBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair VehBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair VehTrackedAutoSaveIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair CarConsumptionIndex with value 11
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair BikeConsumptionIndex with value 12
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair BoatConsumptionIndex with value 10
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair PlaneConsumptionIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair HeliConsumptionIndex with value 9
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair CarEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair BikeEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair BoatEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair HeliEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair CarEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair BikeEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair BoatEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair HeliEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair RestorationSpeedIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair RefuelingSpeedIndex with value 6
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair FuelPriceIndex with value 7
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair JerrycanPriceIndex with value 12
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair Random1Index with value 1
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair Random2Index with value 1
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair BarPositionIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair FuelColours_R_Index with value 26
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair FuelColours_G_Index with value 26
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair FuelColours_B_Index with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair lastEngineSound with value
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair RadarMapIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair WorldWavesIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair featureLightIntensityIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair WindStrengthIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair PedsHealthIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair PedAccuracyIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripSnowingIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripRainingIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair NoPedsGravityIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair featureFreeroamActivitiesIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair TrainSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair CopBlipPermIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair WeatherChangeIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair WeatherMethodIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair current_player_health with value 6
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair current_regen_speed with value 13
2020-12-07 13:44:00 Storing generic pair current_player_armor with value 6
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair current_player_stats with value 6
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair current_npc_ragdoll with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair current_no_ragdoll with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair feature_shake_ragdoll with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair feature_shake_injured with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair current_limp_if_injured with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair current_player_movement with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair current_player_jumpfly with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair current_player_superjump with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair current_player_mostwanted with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair mostwanted_level_enable with value 3
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair wanted_maxpossible_level with value 3
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair current_player_prison with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair current_player_escapemoney with value 4
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair current_player_discharge with value 3
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair current_escape_stars with value 2
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair lastImmediateType with value 3
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair CopCurrArmedIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair VehCurrWeaponIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair WeaponsNoReticle with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair WeaponsSavedLoad with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair CopAlarmIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair ChancePoliceCallingIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair ChanceAttackingYouIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair SniperVisionIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair PowerPunchIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair WeaponsFireModeIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair WeapStrobeIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair WeapFlashDistIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair BodyDistanceIndex with value 7
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair BodyGroupFormationIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair BodyBlipColourIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair BodyBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair FollowInVehicleIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair BodyWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair BodyHealthIndex with value 6
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair lastJumpSpawn with value
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair TelChauffeurIndex with value 3
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarkerIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_msize_Index with value 2
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_martype_Index with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_skypos_Index with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_speed_Index with value 2
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_altitude_Index with value 5
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_drivingstyles_Index with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair radioStationIndex with value -1
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair PhoneBillIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair PhoneDefaultIndex with value 4
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair RadioOffIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair RadioSwitchingIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair TrainerControlIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair PhoneFreeSecondsIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair PhoneBikeAnimationIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair DefMenuTabIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair hotkey_0 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair hotkey_1 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair hotkey_2 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair hotkey_3 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair hotkey_4 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair hotkey_5 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair hotkey_6 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair hotkey_7 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair hotkey_8 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair propCreationAlphaIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair lastCustomPropSpawn with value
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair lastCustomWeapon with value
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair lastPowerWeapon with value
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair weapDmgModIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair pedWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair VigilanteBlipIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair PedWeaponsSelectiveIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair WorldSelectivePedsIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory0 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory1 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed0 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed1 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair lastCustomBodyguardSpawn with value
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair selBodyWeapons with value
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair lastCustomSkinSpawn with value
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair ResetSkinOnDeathIdx with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair AutoApplySkinSavedIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayDict with value WORLD_HUMAN_SEAT_LEDGE
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayAnim with value WORLD_HUMAN_SEAT_LEDGE
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Storing generic pair frozenWantedLevel with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Done storing generic pairs
2020-12-07 13:44:01 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Asked to store 182 generic pairs
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Asked to store generic pairs
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair timeSpeedIndexWhileAiming with value 10
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair timeFlowRateIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair HotkeyFlowRateIndex with value 10
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair lastWeather with value EXTRASUNNY
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair lastWeatherName with value Extra Sunny
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair lastClouds with value Clear 01
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair lastCloudsName with value Clear 01
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair lastCustomVehicleSpawn with value penumbra ff
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair speedBoostIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair savedVehicleListSortMethod with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair featureNeverDirty with value 2
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair engPowMultIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair VehMassMultIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair current_player_forceshield with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair InfiniteBoostIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair NitrousIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair TurnSignalsIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAngleIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair NitrousPowerIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair DoorAutolockIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAccelerationIndex with value 4
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair JumpyVehIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair HeavyVehIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair VehInvisIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair speedLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair speedCityLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair speedCountryLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair lightsOffIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair SpeedSizeIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair SpeedPositionIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair FuelBlipsIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair IdleConsumptionIndex with value 7
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair FuelBackground_Opacity_Index with value 5
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair VehRememberIndex with value 3
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair VehBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair VehBlipColourIndex with value 4
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair VehColourIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleDamageOnCollIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair SpeedingCityIndex with value 3
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair DetectionRangeIndex with value 3
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair PirsuitRangeIndex with value 4
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair StarsPunishIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair EngineRunningIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair AutoShutEngineIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair HydraulicsIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair VisLightIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair VisLight3dIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair SpeedingSpeedwayIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair FineSizeIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair VehBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair VehBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair VehTrackedAutoSaveIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair CarConsumptionIndex with value 11
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair BikeConsumptionIndex with value 12
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair BoatConsumptionIndex with value 10
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair PlaneConsumptionIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair HeliConsumptionIndex with value 9
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair CarEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair BikeEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair BoatEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair HeliEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair CarEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 13:44:31 Storing generic pair BikeEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair BoatEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair HeliEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair RestorationSpeedIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair RefuelingSpeedIndex with value 6
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair FuelPriceIndex with value 7
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair JerrycanPriceIndex with value 12
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair Random1Index with value 1
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair Random2Index with value 1
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair BarPositionIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair FuelColours_R_Index with value 26
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair FuelColours_G_Index with value 26
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair FuelColours_B_Index with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair lastEngineSound with value
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair RadarMapIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair WorldWavesIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair featureLightIntensityIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair WindStrengthIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair PedsHealthIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair PedAccuracyIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripSnowingIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripRainingIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair NoPedsGravityIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair featureFreeroamActivitiesIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair TrainSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair CopBlipPermIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair WeatherChangeIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair WeatherMethodIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair current_player_health with value 6
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair current_regen_speed with value 13
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair current_player_armor with value 6
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair current_player_stats with value 6
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair current_npc_ragdoll with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair current_no_ragdoll with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair feature_shake_ragdoll with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair feature_shake_injured with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair current_limp_if_injured with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair current_player_movement with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair current_player_jumpfly with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair current_player_superjump with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair current_player_mostwanted with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair mostwanted_level_enable with value 3
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair wanted_maxpossible_level with value 3
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair current_player_prison with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair current_player_escapemoney with value 4
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair current_player_discharge with value 3
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair current_escape_stars with value 2
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair lastImmediateType with value 3
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair CopCurrArmedIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair VehCurrWeaponIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair WeaponsNoReticle with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair WeaponsSavedLoad with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair CopAlarmIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair ChancePoliceCallingIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair ChanceAttackingYouIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair SniperVisionIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair PowerPunchIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair WeaponsFireModeIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair WeapStrobeIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair WeapFlashDistIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair BodyDistanceIndex with value 7
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair BodyGroupFormationIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair BodyBlipColourIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair BodyBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair FollowInVehicleIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair BodyWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair BodyHealthIndex with value 6
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair lastJumpSpawn with value
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair TelChauffeurIndex with value 3
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarkerIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_msize_Index with value 2
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_martype_Index with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_skypos_Index with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_speed_Index with value 2
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_altitude_Index with value 5
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_drivingstyles_Index with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair radioStationIndex with value -1
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair PhoneBillIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair PhoneDefaultIndex with value 4
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair RadioOffIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair RadioSwitchingIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair TrainerControlIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair PhoneFreeSecondsIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair PhoneBikeAnimationIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair DefMenuTabIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair hotkey_0 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair hotkey_1 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair hotkey_2 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair hotkey_3 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair hotkey_4 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair hotkey_5 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair hotkey_6 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair hotkey_7 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair hotkey_8 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair propCreationAlphaIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair lastCustomPropSpawn with value
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair lastCustomWeapon with value
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair lastPowerWeapon with value
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair weapDmgModIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair pedWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair VigilanteBlipIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair PedWeaponsSelectiveIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair WorldSelectivePedsIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory0 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory1 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed0 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed1 with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair lastCustomBodyguardSpawn with value
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair selBodyWeapons with value
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair lastCustomSkinSpawn with value
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair ResetSkinOnDeathIdx with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair AutoApplySkinSavedIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayDict with value WORLD_HUMAN_STUPOR
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayAnim with value WORLD_HUMAN_STUPOR
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Storing generic pair frozenWantedLevel with value 0
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Done storing generic pairs
2020-12-07 13:44:32 Save flag released
2020-12-07 13:44:52 onconfirm_anim_menu called
2020-12-07 13:45:01 onconfirm_anim_menu called
2020-12-07 13:45:05 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 13:45:05 Actually saving
2020-12-07 13:45:05 Save flag released
2020-12-07 14:03:56 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 14:03:56 Actually saving
2020-12-07 14:03:56 Save flag released
2020-12-07 14:04:02 Couldn't find preview for 1878807939
2020-12-07 14:04:02 Couldn't find preview for 1324588753
2020-12-07 14:04:02 Couldn't find preview for 1299243986
2020-12-07 14:04:02 Couldn't find preview for 1324588753
2020-12-07 14:04:02 Couldn't find preview for 1878807939
2020-12-07 14:04:33 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 14:04:33 Actually saving
2020-12-07 14:04:33 Save flag released
2020-12-07 14:05:10 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 14:05:10 Actually saving
2020-12-07 14:05:10 Save flag released
2020-12-07 14:05:47 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 14:05:47 Actually saving
2020-12-07 14:05:47 Save flag released
2020-12-07 14:06:25 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 14:06:25 Actually saving
2020-12-07 14:06:25 Save flag released
2020-12-07 14:07:03 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 14:07:03 Actually saving
2020-12-07 14:07:03 Save flag released
2020-12-07 14:07:41 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 14:07:41 Actually saving
2020-12-07 14:07:41 Save flag released
2020-12-07 14:08:19 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 14:08:19 Actually saving
2020-12-07 14:08:19 Save flag released
2020-12-07 14:08:57 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 14:08:57 Actually saving
2020-12-07 14:08:57 Save flag released
2020-12-07 14:09:08 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 14:09:08 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:08 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:08 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:08 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:08 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:08 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:08 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:08 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:08 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:08 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:08 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:08 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:08 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:08 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:08 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:08 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:08 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:08 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:08 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:08 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:08 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:08 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:18 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 14:09:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:18 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:09:34 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 14:09:34 Actually saving
2020-12-07 14:09:34 Save flag released
2020-12-07 14:10:03 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 14:10:03 Actually saving
2020-12-07 14:10:03 Save flag released
2020-12-07 14:10:30 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 14:10:30 Actually saving
2020-12-07 14:10:30 Save flag released
2020-12-07 14:10:41 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 14:10:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:10:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:10:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:10:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:10:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:10:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:10:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:10:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:10:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:10:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:10:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:10:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:10:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:10:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:10:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:10:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:10:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:10:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:10:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:10:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:10:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:10:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:10:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 14:10:48 Couldn't find preview for 92242942
2020-12-07 14:10:52 Couldn't find preview for -1624961917
2020-12-07 14:10:52 Couldn't find preview for -2026191538
2020-12-07 14:10:57 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 14:10:57 Actually saving
2020-12-07 14:10:57 Save flag released
2020-12-07 14:11:29 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 14:11:29 Actually saving
2020-12-07 14:11:29 Save flag released
2020-12-07 14:12:04 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 14:12:04 Actually saving
2020-12-07 14:12:04 Save flag released
2020-12-07 14:12:32 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 14:12:32 Actually saving
2020-12-07 14:12:32 Save flag released
2020-12-07 14:12:56 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 14:12:56 Actually saving
2020-12-07 14:12:56 Save flag released
2020-12-07 14:13:25 Asked to load saved skins
2020-12-07 14:13:25 Skin row found
2020-12-07 14:13:25 Skin row found
2020-12-07 14:13:25 Skin row found
2020-12-07 14:13:25 Skin row found
2020-12-07 14:13:25 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 14:13:25 Actually saving
2020-12-07 14:13:25 Save flag released
2020-12-07 14:13:57 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 14:13:57 Actually saving
2020-12-07 14:13:57 Save flag released
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Actually saving
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Asked to store 182 generic pairs
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Asked to store generic pairs
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair timeSpeedIndexWhileAiming with value 10
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair timeFlowRateIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair HotkeyFlowRateIndex with value 10
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair lastWeather with value EXTRASUNNY
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair lastWeatherName with value Extra Sunny
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair lastClouds with value Clear 01
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair lastCloudsName with value Clear 01
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair lastCustomVehicleSpawn with value penumbra ff
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair speedBoostIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair savedVehicleListSortMethod with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair featureNeverDirty with value 2
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair engPowMultIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair VehMassMultIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair current_player_forceshield with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair InfiniteBoostIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair NitrousIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair TurnSignalsIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAngleIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair NitrousPowerIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair DoorAutolockIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAccelerationIndex with value 4
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair JumpyVehIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair HeavyVehIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair VehInvisIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair speedLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair speedCityLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair speedCountryLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair lightsOffIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair SpeedSizeIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair SpeedPositionIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair FuelBlipsIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair IdleConsumptionIndex with value 7
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair FuelBackground_Opacity_Index with value 5
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair VehRememberIndex with value 3
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair VehBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair VehBlipColourIndex with value 4
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair VehColourIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleDamageOnCollIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair SpeedingCityIndex with value 3
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair DetectionRangeIndex with value 3
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair PirsuitRangeIndex with value 4
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair StarsPunishIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair EngineRunningIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair AutoShutEngineIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair HydraulicsIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair VisLightIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair VisLight3dIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair SpeedingSpeedwayIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair FineSizeIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair VehBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair VehBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair VehTrackedAutoSaveIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair CarConsumptionIndex with value 11
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair BikeConsumptionIndex with value 12
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair BoatConsumptionIndex with value 10
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair PlaneConsumptionIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair HeliConsumptionIndex with value 9
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair CarEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair BikeEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair BoatEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair HeliEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair CarEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair BikeEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair BoatEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair HeliEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair RestorationSpeedIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair RefuelingSpeedIndex with value 6
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair FuelPriceIndex with value 7
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair JerrycanPriceIndex with value 12
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair Random1Index with value 1
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair Random2Index with value 1
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair BarPositionIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair FuelColours_R_Index with value 26
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair FuelColours_G_Index with value 26
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair FuelColours_B_Index with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair lastEngineSound with value
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair RadarMapIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair WorldWavesIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair featureLightIntensityIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair WindStrengthIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair PedsHealthIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair PedAccuracyIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripSnowingIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripRainingIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair NoPedsGravityIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair featureFreeroamActivitiesIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair TrainSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair CopBlipPermIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair WeatherChangeIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair WeatherMethodIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair current_player_health with value 6
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair current_regen_speed with value 13
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair current_player_armor with value 6
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair current_player_stats with value 6
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair current_npc_ragdoll with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair current_no_ragdoll with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair feature_shake_ragdoll with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair feature_shake_injured with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair current_limp_if_injured with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair current_player_movement with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair current_player_jumpfly with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair current_player_superjump with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair current_player_mostwanted with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair mostwanted_level_enable with value 3
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair wanted_maxpossible_level with value 3
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair current_player_prison with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair current_player_escapemoney with value 4
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair current_player_discharge with value 3
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair current_escape_stars with value 2
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair lastImmediateType with value 3
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair CopCurrArmedIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair VehCurrWeaponIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair WeaponsNoReticle with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair WeaponsSavedLoad with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair CopAlarmIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair ChancePoliceCallingIndex with value 5
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair ChanceAttackingYouIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair SniperVisionIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair PowerPunchIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair WeaponsFireModeIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair WeapStrobeIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair WeapFlashDistIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair BodyDistanceIndex with value 7
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair BodyGroupFormationIndex with value 1
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair BodyBlipColourIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair BodyBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair FollowInVehicleIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair BodyWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair BodyHealthIndex with value 6
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair lastJumpSpawn with value
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair TelChauffeurIndex with value 3
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarkerIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_msize_Index with value 2
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_martype_Index with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_skypos_Index with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_speed_Index with value 2
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_altitude_Index with value 5
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_drivingstyles_Index with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair radioStationIndex with value -1
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair PhoneBillIndex with value 2
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair PhoneDefaultIndex with value 4
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair RadioOffIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair RadioSwitchingIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:22 Storing generic pair TrainerControlIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair PhoneFreeSecondsIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair PhoneBikeAnimationIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair DefMenuTabIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair hotkey_0 with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair hotkey_1 with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair hotkey_2 with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair hotkey_3 with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair hotkey_4 with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair hotkey_5 with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair hotkey_6 with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair hotkey_7 with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair hotkey_8 with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair propCreationAlphaIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair lastCustomPropSpawn with value
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair lastCustomWeapon with value
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair lastPowerWeapon with value
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair weapDmgModIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair pedWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair VigilanteBlipIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair PedWeaponsSelectiveIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair WorldSelectivePedsIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory0 with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory1 with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed0 with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed1 with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair lastCustomBodyguardSpawn with value
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair selBodyWeapons with value
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair lastCustomSkinSpawn with value
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair ResetSkinOnDeathIdx with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair AutoApplySkinSavedIndex with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayDict with value WORLD_HUMAN_BUM_WASH
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayAnim with value WORLD_HUMAN_BUM_WASH
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Storing generic pair frozenWantedLevel with value 0
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Done storing generic pairs
2020-12-07 14:14:23 Save flag released
2020-12-07 15:30:39 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 15:30:39 Actually saving
2020-12-07 15:30:39 Save flag released
2020-12-07 15:31:13 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 15:31:13 Actually saving
2020-12-07 15:31:13 Save flag released
2020-12-07 15:32:03 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 15:32:03 Actually saving
2020-12-07 15:32:03 Save flag released
2020-12-07 15:32:13 Couldn't find preview for 703912902
2020-12-07 15:32:16 Couldn't find preview for 703912902
2020-12-07 15:32:18 Couldn't find preview for -1624961917
2020-12-07 15:32:19 Couldn't find preview for -2026191538
2020-12-07 15:32:22 Couldn't find preview for -1624961917
2020-12-07 15:32:25 Couldn't find preview for -2026191538
2020-12-07 15:32:28 Couldn't find preview for -1624961917
2020-12-07 15:32:30 Couldn't find preview for 703912902
2020-12-07 15:32:33 Couldn't find preview for 703912902
2020-12-07 15:32:44 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 15:32:44 Actually saving
2020-12-07 15:32:44 Save flag released
2020-12-07 15:33:16 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 15:33:16 Actually saving
2020-12-07 15:33:16 Save flag released
2020-12-07 15:33:19 Couldn't find preview for 352729897
2020-12-07 15:33:19 Couldn't find preview for -1584460854
2020-12-07 15:33:44 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 15:33:44 Actually saving
2020-12-07 15:33:44 Save flag released
2020-12-07 15:34:14 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 15:34:14 Actually saving
2020-12-07 15:34:14 Save flag released
2020-12-07 15:34:46 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 15:34:46 Actually saving
2020-12-07 15:34:46 Save flag released
2020-12-07 15:35:19 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 15:35:19 Actually saving
2020-12-07 15:35:19 Save flag released
2020-12-07 15:36:02 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 15:36:02 Actually saving
2020-12-07 15:36:02 Save flag released
2020-12-07 15:36:33 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 15:36:33 Actually saving
2020-12-07 15:36:33 Save flag released
2020-12-07 15:36:58 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 15:36:58 Actually saving
2020-12-07 15:36:58 Save flag released
2020-12-07 15:37:31 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 15:37:31 Actually saving
2020-12-07 15:37:31 Save flag released
2020-12-07 15:37:55 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 15:37:55 Actually saving
2020-12-07 15:37:55 Save flag released
2020-12-07 15:38:22 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 15:38:22 Actually saving
2020-12-07 15:38:22 Save flag released
2020-12-07 15:38:27 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 15:38:27 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:27 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:27 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:27 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:27 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:27 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:27 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:27 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:27 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:27 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:27 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:27 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:27 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:27 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:27 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:27 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:27 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:27 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:27 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:27 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:27 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:27 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:27 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:32 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-07 15:38:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:38:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-07 15:39:09 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 15:39:09 Actually saving
2020-12-07 15:39:09 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-12-07 15:39:09 Done storing feature pairs
2020-12-07 15:39:09 Save flag released
2020-12-07 15:39:43 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 15:39:43 Actually saving
2020-12-07 15:39:43 Save flag released
2020-12-07 15:44:36 ENT folder exists. Continuing!
2020-12-07 15:44:36 Trying to init storage
2020-12-07 15:44:36 Trying to create storage folder
2020-12-07 15:44:36 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-07 15:44:36 Storage dir created or exists
2020-12-07 15:44:36 Trying to create temp folder
2020-12-07 15:44:36 C:\Users\SETISC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-07 15:44:36 Temp dir created or exists
2020-12-07 15:44:36 Init storage complete
2020-12-07 15:44:36 Initialising DB engine
2020-12-07 15:44:36 Opening DB file
2020-12-07 15:44:36 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer\ent.db
2020-12-07 15:44:36 DB opened
2020-12-07 15:44:36 Version found: 15
2020-12-07 15:44:36 ScriptMain called - handler set
2020-12-07 15:44:36 Reading XML config...
2020-12-07 15:44:36 No config found, using defaults
2020-12-07 15:44:36 XML config read complete
2020-12-07 15:44:36 Reading INI config....
2020-12-07 15:44:36 INI file does not exist.
Using default settings.
INI file will be created upon saving in-game.
2020-12-07 15:44:36 INI config read complete
2020-12-07 15:44:36 Failed to Register texture file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Enhanced Native Trainer\ENT_vehicle_previews.ytd as it does not exist!
2020-12-07 15:44:36 Setting up calls
2020-12-07 15:44:36 Loading settings
2020-12-07 15:44:36 Asked to load generic pairs
2020-12-07 15:44:36 Done loading generic pairs
2020-12-07 15:44:36 Got generic pairs
2020-12-07 15:44:36 Asked to load 243 feature pairs
2020-12-07 15:44:36 Done loading feature pairs
2020-12-07 15:44:36 Got feature pairs
2020-12-07 15:44:36 Emptying model arrays
2020-12-07 15:44:36 Creating vehicle model arrays
2020-12-07 15:44:36 Loaded settings OK
2020-12-07 16:08:32 ENT folder exists. Continuing!
2020-12-07 16:08:32 Trying to init storage
2020-12-07 16:08:32 Trying to create storage folder
2020-12-07 16:08:32 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-07 16:08:32 Storage dir created or exists
2020-12-07 16:08:32 Trying to create temp folder
2020-12-07 16:08:32 C:\Users\SETISC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-07 16:08:32 Temp dir created or exists
2020-12-07 16:08:32 Init storage complete
2020-12-07 16:08:32 Initialising DB engine
2020-12-07 16:08:32 Opening DB file
2020-12-07 16:08:32 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer\ent.db
2020-12-07 16:08:32 DB opened
2020-12-07 16:08:32 Version found: 15
2020-12-07 16:08:32 ScriptMain called - handler set
2020-12-07 16:08:32 Reading XML config...
2020-12-07 16:08:32 No config found, using defaults
2020-12-07 16:08:32 XML config read complete
2020-12-07 16:08:32 Reading INI config....
2020-12-07 16:08:32 INI file does not exist.
Using default settings.
INI file will be created upon saving in-game.
2020-12-07 16:08:32 INI config read complete
2020-12-07 16:08:32 Failed to Register texture file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Enhanced Native Trainer\ENT_vehicle_previews.ytd as it does not exist!
2020-12-07 16:08:32 Setting up calls
2020-12-07 16:08:32 Loading settings
2020-12-07 16:08:32 Asked to load generic pairs
2020-12-07 16:08:32 Done loading generic pairs
2020-12-07 16:08:32 Got generic pairs
2020-12-07 16:08:32 Asked to load 243 feature pairs
2020-12-07 16:08:32 Done loading feature pairs
2020-12-07 16:08:32 Got feature pairs
2020-12-07 16:08:32 Emptying model arrays
2020-12-07 16:08:32 Creating vehicle model arrays
2020-12-07 16:08:32 Loaded settings OK
2020-12-07 16:10:43 ScriptTidyUp called
2020-12-07 16:10:43 Saving settings, start
2020-12-07 16:10:43 Actually saving
2020-12-07 16:10:43 Save flag released
2020-12-07 16:10:43 Saved settings
2020-12-07 16:10:43 Reset input
2020-12-07 16:10:43 Cleaned up script
2020-12-07 16:10:43 cleanup_props called
2020-12-07 16:10:43 Cleaned up props
2020-12-07 16:10:43 Cleaned up anims
2020-12-07 16:10:43 DB closing
2020-12-07 16:10:43 DB closed
2020-12-07 16:10:43 DB shutdown
2020-12-07 16:10:43 Database killed
2020-12-07 16:10:43 ScriptTidyUp done
2020-12-11 13:14:56 ENT folder exists. Continuing!
2020-12-11 13:14:56 Trying to init storage
2020-12-11 13:14:56 Trying to create storage folder
2020-12-11 13:14:56 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-11 13:14:56 Storage dir created or exists
2020-12-11 13:14:56 Trying to create temp folder
2020-12-11 13:14:56 C:\Users\SETISC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-11 13:14:56 Temp dir created or exists
2020-12-11 13:14:56 Init storage complete
2020-12-11 13:14:56 Initialising DB engine
2020-12-11 13:14:56 Opening DB file
2020-12-11 13:14:56 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer\ent.db
2020-12-11 13:14:56 DB opened
2020-12-11 13:14:56 Version found: 15
2020-12-11 13:14:56 ScriptMain called - handler set
2020-12-11 13:14:56 Reading XML config...
2020-12-11 13:14:56 No config found, using defaults
2020-12-11 13:14:56 XML config read complete
2020-12-11 13:14:56 Reading INI config....
2020-12-11 13:14:56 INI file does not exist.
Using default settings.
INI file will be created upon saving in-game.
2020-12-11 13:14:56 INI config read complete
2020-12-11 13:14:56 Failed to Register texture file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Enhanced Native Trainer\ENT_vehicle_previews.ytd as it does not exist!
2020-12-11 13:14:56 Setting up calls
2020-12-11 13:14:56 Loading settings
2020-12-11 13:14:56 Asked to load generic pairs
2020-12-11 13:14:56 Done loading generic pairs
2020-12-11 13:14:56 Got generic pairs
2020-12-11 13:14:56 Asked to load 243 feature pairs
2020-12-11 13:14:56 Done loading feature pairs
2020-12-11 13:14:56 Got feature pairs
2020-12-11 13:14:56 Emptying model arrays
2020-12-11 13:14:56 Creating vehicle model arrays
2020-12-11 13:14:56 Loaded settings OK
2020-12-11 13:15:35 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:15:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:15:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:15:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:15:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:15:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:15:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:15:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:15:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:15:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:15:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:15:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:15:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:15:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:15:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:15:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:15:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:15:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:15:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:15:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:15:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:15:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:15:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:15:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:15:35 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:15:39 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:15:39 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:15:39 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:16:00 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:16:00 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:16:00 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-12-11 13:16:00 Done storing feature pairs
2020-12-11 13:16:00 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:16:40 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:16:40 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:16:40 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:17:23 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:17:23 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:17:23 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-12-11 13:17:23 Done storing feature pairs
2020-12-11 13:17:23 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:18:01 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:18:01 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:18:01 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:18:16 Asked to load saved skins
2020-12-11 13:18:16 Skin row found
2020-12-11 13:18:16 Skin row found
2020-12-11 13:18:16 Skin row found
2020-12-11 13:18:16 Skin row found
2020-12-11 13:18:17 Asked to load saved skins
2020-12-11 13:18:17 Skin row found
2020-12-11 13:18:17 Done loading saved skins
2020-12-11 13:18:39 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:18:39 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:18:39 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-12-11 13:18:39 Done storing feature pairs
2020-12-11 13:18:39 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:19:26 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:19:26 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:19:26 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-12-11 13:19:26 Done storing feature pairs
2020-12-11 13:19:26 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:19:54 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:19:54 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:19:54 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:20:06 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:20:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:06 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:08 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:20:08 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:08 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:20:25 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:20:25 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:20:25 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:20:55 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:20:55 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:20:55 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:20:58 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:20:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:20:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:21:04 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:21:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:21:04 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:21:26 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:21:26 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:21:26 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:21:54 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:21:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:21:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:21:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:21:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:21:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:21:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:21:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:21:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:21:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:21:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:21:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:21:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:21:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:21:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:21:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:21:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:21:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:21:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:21:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:21:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:21:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:21:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:21:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:21:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:21:57 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:21:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:21:57 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:21:57 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:21:57 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:21:57 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:22:27 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:22:27 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:22:27 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:22:38 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:22:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:40 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:22:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:40 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:22:42 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:22:42 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:42 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:22:44 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:22:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:44 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:22:45 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:22:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:45 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:22:48 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:22:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:48 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:22:52 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:22:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:52 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:22:54 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:22:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:54 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:22:56 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:22:56 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:56 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:22:59 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:22:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:22:59 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:23:00 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:23:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:23:00 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:23:02 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:23:02 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:23:02 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:23:05 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:23:05 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:23:05 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:23:28 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:23:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:23:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:23:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:23:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:23:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:23:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:23:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:23:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:23:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:23:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:23:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:23:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:23:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:23:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:23:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:23:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:23:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:23:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:23:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:23:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:23:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:23:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:23:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:23:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:23:36 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:23:36 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:23:36 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:24:05 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:24:05 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:24:05 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:24:38 Couldn't find preview for -1624961917
2020-12-11 13:24:38 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:24:38 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:24:38 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:24:40 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:24:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:42 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:24:42 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:42 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:24:53 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:24:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:24:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:25:00 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:25:00 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:25:00 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:25:13 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:25:13 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:25:13 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:25:43 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:25:43 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:25:43 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:25:44 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:25:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:25:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:25:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:25:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:25:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:25:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:25:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:25:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:25:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:25:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:25:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:25:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:25:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:25:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:25:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:25:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:25:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:25:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:25:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:25:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:25:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:25:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:25:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:25:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:25:47 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:25:47 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:25:47 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:26:13 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:26:13 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:26:13 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:26:40 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:26:40 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:26:46 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:26:46 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:26:46 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:26:49 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:26:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:26:49 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:26:49 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:26:49 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:26:49 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:27:35 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:27:35 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:27:35 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:28:18 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:28:18 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:28:18 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:28:55 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:28:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:28:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:28:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:28:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:28:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:28:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:28:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:28:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:28:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:28:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:28:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:28:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:28:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:28:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:28:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:28:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:28:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:28:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:28:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:28:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:28:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:28:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:28:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:28:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:28:59 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:28:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:28:59 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:29:05 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:29:05 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:29:05 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:29:45 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:29:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:29:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:29:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:29:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:29:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:29:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:29:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:29:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:29:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:29:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:29:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:29:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:29:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:29:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:29:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:29:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:29:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:29:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:29:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:29:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:29:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:29:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:29:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:29:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:29:48 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:29:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:29:48 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:29:50 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:29:50 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:29:50 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:30:36 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:30:36 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:30:36 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:31:16 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:31:16 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:31:16 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:31:50 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:31:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:31:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:31:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:31:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:31:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:31:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:31:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:31:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:31:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:31:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:31:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:31:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:31:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:31:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:31:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:31:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:31:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:31:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:31:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:31:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:31:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:31:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:31:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:31:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:32:01 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:32:01 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:32:01 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:32:03 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:32:03 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:32:03 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:32:49 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:32:49 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:32:49 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:33:31 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:33:31 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:33:31 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:33:49 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:33:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:33:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:33:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:33:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:33:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:33:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:33:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:33:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:33:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:33:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:33:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:33:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:33:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:33:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:33:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:33:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:33:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:33:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:33:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:33:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:33:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:33:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:33:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:33:49 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:33:55 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:33:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:33:55 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:34:15 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:34:15 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:34:15 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:34:24 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:34:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:30 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:34:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:30 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:34:38 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:34:38 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:38 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:34:45 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:34:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:47 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:34:47 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:34:47 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:34:59 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:34:59 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:34:59 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:35:39 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:35:39 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:35:39 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:36:24 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:36:24 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:36:24 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:36:25 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:36:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:36:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:36:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:36:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:36:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:36:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:36:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:36:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:36:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:36:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:36:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:36:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:36:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:36:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:36:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:36:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:36:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:36:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:36:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:36:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:36:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:36:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:36:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:36:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:36:44 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:36:44 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:36:44 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:36:52 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:36:52 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:36:52 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:37:31 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:37:31 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:37:31 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:38:11 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:38:11 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:38:11 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:38:52 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:38:52 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:38:52 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:39:32 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:39:32 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:39:32 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:39:55 manage_prop_set called
2020-12-11 13:40:01 manage_prop_set called
2020-12-11 13:40:01 manage_prop_set called
2020-12-11 13:40:19 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:40:19 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:40:19 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:41:05 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:41:05 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:41:05 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:41:47 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:41:47 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:41:47 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:42:33 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:42:33 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:42:33 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:42:41 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:42:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:42:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:42:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:42:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:42:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:42:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:42:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:42:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:42:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:42:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:42:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:42:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:42:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:42:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:42:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:42:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:42:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:42:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:42:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:42:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:42:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:42:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:42:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:42:41 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:42:45 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:42:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 13:42:45 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 13:49:40 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:49:40 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:49:40 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Asked to store 182 generic pairs
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Asked to store generic pairs
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair timeSpeedIndexWhileAiming with value 10
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair timeFlowRateIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair HotkeyFlowRateIndex with value 10
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair lastWeather with value EXTRASUNNY
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair lastWeatherName with value Extra Sunny
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair lastClouds with value Clear 01
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair lastCloudsName with value Clear 01
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair lastCustomVehicleSpawn with value penumbra ff
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair speedBoostIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair savedVehicleListSortMethod with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair featureNeverDirty with value 2
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair engPowMultIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair VehMassMultIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair current_player_forceshield with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair InfiniteBoostIndex with value 2
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair NitrousIndex with value 1
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair TurnSignalsIndex with value 1
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAngleIndex with value 5
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair NitrousPowerIndex with value 1
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair DoorAutolockIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAccelerationIndex with value 4
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair JumpyVehIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair HeavyVehIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair VehInvisIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair speedLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair speedCityLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair speedCountryLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair lightsOffIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair SpeedSizeIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair SpeedPositionIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair FuelBlipsIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair IdleConsumptionIndex with value 7
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair FuelBackground_Opacity_Index with value 5
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair VehRememberIndex with value 3
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair VehBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair VehBlipColourIndex with value 4
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair VehColourIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleDamageOnCollIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair SpeedingCityIndex with value 3
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair DetectionRangeIndex with value 3
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair PirsuitRangeIndex with value 4
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair StarsPunishIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair EngineRunningIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair AutoShutEngineIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair HydraulicsIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair VisLightIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair VisLight3dIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair SpeedingSpeedwayIndex with value 5
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair FineSizeIndex with value 1
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair VehBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair VehBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair VehTrackedAutoSaveIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair CarConsumptionIndex with value 11
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair BikeConsumptionIndex with value 12
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair BoatConsumptionIndex with value 10
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair PlaneConsumptionIndex with value 5
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair HeliConsumptionIndex with value 9
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair CarEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair BikeEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair BoatEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair HeliEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair CarEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair BikeEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair BoatEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair HeliEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair RestorationSpeedIndex with value 2
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair RefuelingSpeedIndex with value 6
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair FuelPriceIndex with value 7
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair JerrycanPriceIndex with value 12
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair Random1Index with value 1
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair Random2Index with value 1
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair BarPositionIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair FuelColours_R_Index with value 26
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair FuelColours_G_Index with value 26
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair FuelColours_B_Index with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair lastEngineSound with value
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair RadarMapIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair WorldWavesIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair featureLightIntensityIndex with value 2
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair WindStrengthIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair PedsHealthIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair PedAccuracyIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripSnowingIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripRainingIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair NoPedsGravityIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair featureFreeroamActivitiesIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair TrainSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair CopBlipPermIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair WeatherChangeIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair WeatherMethodIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair current_player_health with value 6
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair current_regen_speed with value 13
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair current_player_armor with value 6
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair current_player_stats with value 6
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair current_npc_ragdoll with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair current_no_ragdoll with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair feature_shake_ragdoll with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair feature_shake_injured with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair current_limp_if_injured with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair current_player_movement with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair current_player_jumpfly with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair current_player_superjump with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair current_player_mostwanted with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair mostwanted_level_enable with value 3
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair wanted_maxpossible_level with value 3
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair current_player_prison with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair current_player_escapemoney with value 4
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair current_player_discharge with value 3
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair current_escape_stars with value 2
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair lastImmediateType with value 3
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair CopCurrArmedIndex with value 1
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair VehCurrWeaponIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair WeaponsNoReticle with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair WeaponsSavedLoad with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair CopAlarmIndex with value 1
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair ChancePoliceCallingIndex with value 5
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair ChanceAttackingYouIndex with value 1
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair SniperVisionIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair PowerPunchIndex with value 2
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair WeaponsFireModeIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair WeapStrobeIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair WeapFlashDistIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair BodyDistanceIndex with value 7
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair BodyGroupFormationIndex with value 1
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair BodyBlipColourIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair BodyBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair FollowInVehicleIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair BodyWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair BodyHealthIndex with value 6
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair lastJumpSpawn with value
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair TelChauffeurIndex with value 3
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarkerIndex with value 2
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_msize_Index with value 2
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_martype_Index with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_skypos_Index with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_speed_Index with value 2
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_altitude_Index with value 5
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_drivingstyles_Index with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair radioStationIndex with value -1
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair PhoneBillIndex with value 2
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair PhoneDefaultIndex with value 4
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair RadioOffIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair RadioSwitchingIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair TrainerControlIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair PhoneFreeSecondsIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair PhoneBikeAnimationIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair DefMenuTabIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair hotkey_0 with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair hotkey_1 with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair hotkey_2 with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair hotkey_3 with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair hotkey_4 with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair hotkey_5 with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair hotkey_6 with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair hotkey_7 with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair hotkey_8 with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair propCreationAlphaIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair lastCustomPropSpawn with value
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair lastCustomWeapon with value
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair lastPowerWeapon with value
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair weapDmgModIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair pedWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair VigilanteBlipIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair PedWeaponsSelectiveIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair WorldSelectivePedsIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory0 with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory1 with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed0 with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed1 with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair lastCustomBodyguardSpawn with value
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair selBodyWeapons with value
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair lastCustomSkinSpawn with value
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair ResetSkinOnDeathIdx with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair AutoApplySkinSavedIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayDict with value WORLD_HUMAN_BUM_WASH
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayAnim with value WORLD_HUMAN_BUM_WASH
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Storing generic pair frozenWantedLevel with value 5
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Done storing generic pairs
2020-12-11 13:50:26 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:51:09 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:51:09 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:51:09 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Asked to store 182 generic pairs
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Asked to store generic pairs
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair timeSpeedIndexWhileAiming with value 10
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair timeFlowRateIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair HotkeyFlowRateIndex with value 10
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair lastWeather with value EXTRASUNNY
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair lastWeatherName with value Extra Sunny
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair lastClouds with value Clear 01
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair lastCloudsName with value Clear 01
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair lastCustomVehicleSpawn with value penumbra ff
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair speedBoostIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair savedVehicleListSortMethod with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair featureNeverDirty with value 2
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair engPowMultIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair VehMassMultIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair current_player_forceshield with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair InfiniteBoostIndex with value 2
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair NitrousIndex with value 1
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair TurnSignalsIndex with value 1
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAngleIndex with value 5
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair NitrousPowerIndex with value 1
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair DoorAutolockIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair turnSignalsAccelerationIndex with value 4
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair JumpyVehIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair HeavyVehIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair VehInvisIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair speedLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair speedCityLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair speedCountryLimiterIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair lightsOffIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair SpeedSizeIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair SpeedPositionIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair FuelBlipsIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair IdleConsumptionIndex with value 7
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair FuelBackground_Opacity_Index with value 5
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair VehRememberIndex with value 3
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair VehBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair VehBlipColourIndex with value 4
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair VehColourIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleDamageOnCollIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair SpeedingCityIndex with value 3
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair DetectionRangeIndex with value 3
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair PirsuitRangeIndex with value 4
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair StarsPunishIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair EngineRunningIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair AutoShutEngineIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair HydraulicsIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair VisLightIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair VisLight3dIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair SpeedingSpeedwayIndex with value 5
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair FineSizeIndex with value 1
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair VehBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair VehBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair VehTrackedAutoSaveIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair CarConsumptionIndex with value 11
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair BikeConsumptionIndex with value 12
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair BoatConsumptionIndex with value 10
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair PlaneConsumptionIndex with value 5
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair HeliConsumptionIndex with value 9
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair CarEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair BikeEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair BoatEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair HeliEngineHealthIndex with value 11
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair CarEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair BikeEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair BoatEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair PlaneEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair HeliEngineDegradeIndex with value 5
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair RestorationSpeedIndex with value 2
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair RefuelingSpeedIndex with value 6
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair FuelPriceIndex with value 7
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair JerrycanPriceIndex with value 12
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair Random1Index with value 1
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair Random2Index with value 1
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair BarPositionIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair FuelColours_R_Index with value 26
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair FuelColours_G_Index with value 26
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair FuelColours_B_Index with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair lastEngineSound with value
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair RadarMapIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair WorldWavesIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair featureLightIntensityIndex with value 2
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair WindStrengthIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair NPCVehicleSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair PedsHealthIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair PedAccuracyIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripSnowingIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair RadarReducedGripRainingIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair NoPedsGravityIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair featureFreeroamActivitiesIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair TrainSpeedIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair CopBlipPermIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair WeatherChangeIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair WeatherMethodIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair current_player_health with value 6
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair current_regen_speed with value 13
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair current_player_armor with value 6
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair current_player_stats with value 6
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair current_npc_ragdoll with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair current_no_ragdoll with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair feature_shake_ragdoll with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair feature_shake_injured with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair current_limp_if_injured with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair current_player_movement with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair current_player_jumpfly with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair current_player_superjump with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair current_player_mostwanted with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair mostwanted_level_enable with value 3
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair wanted_maxpossible_level with value 3
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair current_player_prison with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair current_player_escapemoney with value 4
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair current_player_discharge with value 3
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair current_escape_stars with value 2
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair lastImmediateType with value 3
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair CopCurrArmedIndex with value 1
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair VehCurrWeaponIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair WeaponsNoReticle with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair WeaponsSavedLoad with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair CopAlarmIndex with value 1
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair ChancePoliceCallingIndex with value 5
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair ChanceAttackingYouIndex with value 1
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair SniperVisionIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair PowerPunchIndex with value 2
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair WeaponsFireModeIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair WeapStrobeIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair WeapFlashDistIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSizeIndex with value 2
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair BodyDistanceIndex with value 7
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair BodyGroupFormationIndex with value 1
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair BodyBlipColourIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair BodyBlipSymbolIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair BodyBlipFlashIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair FollowInVehicleIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair BodyWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair BodyHealthIndex with value 6
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair lastJumpSpawn with value
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair TelChauffeurIndex with value 3
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarkerIndex with value 2
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_msize_Index with value 2
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_martype_Index with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair Tel3dmarker_skypos_Index with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_speed_Index with value 2
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_altitude_Index with value 5
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair TelChauffeur_drivingstyles_Index with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair radioStationIndex with value -1
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair PhoneBillIndex with value 2
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair PhoneDefaultIndex with value 4
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair RadioOffIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair RadioSwitchingIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair TrainerControlIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair PhoneFreeSecondsIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair PhoneBikeAnimationIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair DefMenuTabIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair hotkey_0 with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair hotkey_1 with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair hotkey_2 with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair hotkey_3 with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair hotkey_4 with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair hotkey_5 with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair hotkey_6 with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair hotkey_7 with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair hotkey_8 with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair propCreationAlphaIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair lastCustomPropSpawn with value
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair lastCustomWeapon with value
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair lastPowerWeapon with value
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair weapDmgModIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair pedWeaponSetIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair VigilanteBlipIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair PedWeaponsSelectiveIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair WorldSelectivePedsIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory0 with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuPositionMemory1 with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed0 with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair skinTypesBodyguardMenuLastConfirmed1 with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair lastCustomBodyguardSpawn with value
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair selBodyWeapons with value
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair lastCustomSkinSpawn with value
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair ResetSkinOnDeathIdx with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair AutoApplySkinSavedIndex with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayDict with value WORLD_HUMAN_BUM_WASH
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair lastImmediatePlayAnim with value WORLD_HUMAN_BUM_WASH
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Storing generic pair frozenWantedLevel with value 0
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Done storing generic pairs
2020-12-11 13:51:54 Save flag released
2020-12-11 13:52:37 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 13:52:37 Actually saving
2020-12-11 13:52:37 Save flag released
2020-12-11 15:02:58 ENT folder exists. Continuing!
2020-12-11 15:02:58 Trying to init storage
2020-12-11 15:02:58 Trying to create storage folder
2020-12-11 15:02:58 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-11 15:02:58 Storage dir created or exists
2020-12-11 15:02:58 Trying to create temp folder
2020-12-11 15:02:58 C:\Users\SETISC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-11 15:02:58 Temp dir created or exists
2020-12-11 15:02:58 Init storage complete
2020-12-11 15:02:58 Initialising DB engine
2020-12-11 15:02:58 Opening DB file
2020-12-11 15:02:58 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer\ent.db
2020-12-11 15:02:58 DB opened
2020-12-11 15:02:58 Version found: 15
2020-12-11 15:02:58 ScriptMain called - handler set
2020-12-11 15:02:58 Reading XML config...
2020-12-11 15:02:58 No config found, using defaults
2020-12-11 15:02:58 XML config read complete
2020-12-11 15:02:58 Reading INI config....
2020-12-11 15:02:58 INI file does not exist.
Using default settings.
INI file will be created upon saving in-game.
2020-12-11 15:02:58 INI config read complete
2020-12-11 15:02:58 Failed to Register texture file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Enhanced Native Trainer\ENT_vehicle_previews.ytd as it does not exist!
2020-12-11 15:02:58 Setting up calls
2020-12-11 15:02:58 Loading settings
2020-12-11 15:02:58 Asked to load generic pairs
2020-12-11 15:02:58 Done loading generic pairs
2020-12-11 15:02:58 Got generic pairs
2020-12-11 15:02:58 Asked to load 243 feature pairs
2020-12-11 15:02:58 Done loading feature pairs
2020-12-11 15:02:58 Got feature pairs
2020-12-11 15:02:58 Emptying model arrays
2020-12-11 15:02:58 Creating vehicle model arrays
2020-12-11 15:02:58 Loaded settings OK
2020-12-11 15:06:30 ENT folder exists. Continuing!
2020-12-11 15:06:30 Trying to init storage
2020-12-11 15:06:30 Trying to create storage folder
2020-12-11 15:06:30 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-11 15:06:30 Storage dir created or exists
2020-12-11 15:06:30 Trying to create temp folder
2020-12-11 15:06:30 C:\Users\SETISC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-11 15:06:30 Temp dir created or exists
2020-12-11 15:06:30 Init storage complete
2020-12-11 15:06:30 Initialising DB engine
2020-12-11 15:06:30 Opening DB file
2020-12-11 15:06:30 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer\ent.db
2020-12-11 15:06:30 DB opened
2020-12-11 15:06:30 Version found: 15
2020-12-11 15:06:30 ScriptMain called - handler set
2020-12-11 15:06:30 Reading XML config...
2020-12-11 15:06:30 No config found, using defaults
2020-12-11 15:06:30 XML config read complete
2020-12-11 15:06:30 Reading INI config....
2020-12-11 15:06:30 INI file does not exist.
Using default settings.
INI file will be created upon saving in-game.
2020-12-11 15:06:30 INI config read complete
2020-12-11 15:06:30 Failed to Register texture file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Enhanced Native Trainer\ENT_vehicle_previews.ytd as it does not exist!
2020-12-11 15:06:30 Setting up calls
2020-12-11 15:06:30 Loading settings
2020-12-11 15:06:30 Asked to load generic pairs
2020-12-11 15:06:30 Done loading generic pairs
2020-12-11 15:06:30 Got generic pairs
2020-12-11 15:06:30 Asked to load 243 feature pairs
2020-12-11 15:06:30 Done loading feature pairs
2020-12-11 15:06:30 Got feature pairs
2020-12-11 15:06:30 Emptying model arrays
2020-12-11 15:06:30 Creating vehicle model arrays
2020-12-11 15:06:30 Loaded settings OK
2020-12-11 15:07:25 ScriptTidyUp called
2020-12-11 15:07:25 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 15:07:25 Actually saving
2020-12-11 15:07:25 Save flag released
2020-12-11 15:07:25 Saved settings
2020-12-11 15:07:25 Reset input
2020-12-11 15:07:25 Cleaned up script
2020-12-11 15:07:25 cleanup_props called
2020-12-11 15:07:25 Cleaned up props
2020-12-11 15:07:25 Cleaned up anims
2020-12-11 15:07:25 DB closing
2020-12-11 15:07:25 DB closed
2020-12-11 15:07:25 DB shutdown
2020-12-11 15:07:25 Database killed
2020-12-11 15:07:25 ScriptTidyUp done
2020-12-11 15:08:35 ENT folder exists. Continuing!
2020-12-11 15:08:35 Trying to init storage
2020-12-11 15:08:35 Trying to create storage folder
2020-12-11 15:08:35 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-11 15:08:35 Storage dir created or exists
2020-12-11 15:08:35 Trying to create temp folder
2020-12-11 15:08:35 C:\Users\SETISC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-11 15:08:35 Temp dir created or exists
2020-12-11 15:08:35 Init storage complete
2020-12-11 15:08:35 Initialising DB engine
2020-12-11 15:08:35 Opening DB file
2020-12-11 15:08:35 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer\ent.db
2020-12-11 15:08:35 DB opened
2020-12-11 15:08:35 Version found: 15
2020-12-11 15:08:35 ScriptMain called - handler set
2020-12-11 15:08:35 Reading XML config...
2020-12-11 15:08:35 No config found, using defaults
2020-12-11 15:08:35 XML config read complete
2020-12-11 15:08:35 Reading INI config....
2020-12-11 15:08:35 INI file does not exist.
Using default settings.
INI file will be created upon saving in-game.
2020-12-11 15:08:35 INI config read complete
2020-12-11 15:08:35 Failed to Register texture file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Enhanced Native Trainer\ENT_vehicle_previews.ytd as it does not exist!
2020-12-11 15:08:35 Setting up calls
2020-12-11 15:08:35 Loading settings
2020-12-11 15:08:35 Asked to load generic pairs
2020-12-11 15:08:35 Done loading generic pairs
2020-12-11 15:08:35 Got generic pairs
2020-12-11 15:08:35 Asked to load 243 feature pairs
2020-12-11 15:08:35 Done loading feature pairs
2020-12-11 15:08:35 Got feature pairs
2020-12-11 15:08:35 Emptying model arrays
2020-12-11 15:08:35 Creating vehicle model arrays
2020-12-11 15:08:35 Loaded settings OK
2020-12-11 22:30:15 ENT folder exists. Continuing!
2020-12-11 22:30:15 Trying to init storage
2020-12-11 22:30:15 Trying to create storage folder
2020-12-11 22:30:15 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-11 22:30:15 Storage dir created or exists
2020-12-11 22:30:15 Trying to create temp folder
2020-12-11 22:30:15 C:\Users\SETISC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-11 22:30:15 Temp dir created or exists
2020-12-11 22:30:15 Init storage complete
2020-12-11 22:30:15 Initialising DB engine
2020-12-11 22:30:15 Opening DB file
2020-12-11 22:30:15 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer\ent.db
2020-12-11 22:30:15 DB opened
2020-12-11 22:30:15 Version found: 15
2020-12-11 22:30:15 ScriptMain called - handler set
2020-12-11 22:30:15 Reading XML config...
2020-12-11 22:30:15 No config found, using defaults
2020-12-11 22:30:15 XML config read complete
2020-12-11 22:30:15 Reading INI config....
2020-12-11 22:30:15 INI file does not exist.
Using default settings.
INI file will be created upon saving in-game.
2020-12-11 22:30:15 INI config read complete
2020-12-11 22:30:15 Failed to Register texture file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Enhanced Native Trainer\ENT_vehicle_previews.ytd as it does not exist!
2020-12-11 22:30:15 Setting up calls
2020-12-11 22:30:15 Loading settings
2020-12-11 22:30:15 Asked to load generic pairs
2020-12-11 22:30:15 Done loading generic pairs
2020-12-11 22:30:15 Got generic pairs
2020-12-11 22:30:15 Asked to load 243 feature pairs
2020-12-11 22:30:15 Done loading feature pairs
2020-12-11 22:30:15 Got feature pairs
2020-12-11 22:30:15 Emptying model arrays
2020-12-11 22:30:15 Creating vehicle model arrays
2020-12-11 22:30:15 Loaded settings OK
2020-12-11 22:30:57 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 22:30:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:30:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:30:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:30:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:30:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:30:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:30:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:30:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:30:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:30:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:30:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:30:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:30:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:30:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:30:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:30:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:30:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:30:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:30:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:30:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:30:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:30:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:30:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:30:57 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:30:58 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 22:30:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:30:58 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 22:31:09 Asked to load saved skins
2020-12-11 22:31:09 Skin row found
2020-12-11 22:31:09 Skin row found
2020-12-11 22:31:09 Skin row found
2020-12-11 22:31:09 Skin row found
2020-12-11 22:31:10 Asked to load saved skins
2020-12-11 22:31:10 Skin row found
2020-12-11 22:31:10 Done loading saved skins
2020-12-11 22:31:21 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 22:31:21 Actually saving
2020-12-11 22:31:21 Save flag released
2020-12-11 22:31:33 Asked to load saved skins
2020-12-11 22:31:33 Skin row found
2020-12-11 22:31:33 Skin row found
2020-12-11 22:31:33 Skin row found
2020-12-11 22:31:33 Skin row found
2020-12-11 22:32:03 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 22:32:03 Actually saving
2020-12-11 22:32:03 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-12-11 22:32:03 Done storing feature pairs
2020-12-11 22:32:03 Save flag released
2020-12-11 22:32:42 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 22:32:42 Actually saving
2020-12-11 22:32:42 Save flag released
2020-12-11 22:33:21 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 22:33:21 Actually saving
2020-12-11 22:33:21 Save flag released
2020-12-11 22:34:03 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 22:34:03 Actually saving
2020-12-11 22:34:03 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-12-11 22:34:03 Done storing feature pairs
2020-12-11 22:34:03 Save flag released
2020-12-11 22:34:43 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 22:34:43 Actually saving
2020-12-11 22:34:43 Save flag released
2020-12-11 22:35:20 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 22:35:20 Actually saving
2020-12-11 22:35:20 Save flag released
2020-12-11 22:35:29 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 22:35:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:29 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:32 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 22:35:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:32 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-11 22:35:58 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-11 22:35:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-11 22:35:59 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 22:35:59 Actually saving
2020-12-11 22:35:59 Save flag released
2020-12-11 22:36:38 Saving settings, start
2020-12-11 22:36:38 Actually saving
2020-12-11 22:36:38 Save flag released
2020-12-12 13:02:44 ENT folder exists. Continuing!
2020-12-12 13:02:44 Trying to init storage
2020-12-12 13:02:44 Trying to create storage folder
2020-12-12 13:02:44 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-12 13:02:44 Storage dir created or exists
2020-12-12 13:02:44 Trying to create temp folder
2020-12-12 13:02:44 C:\Users\SETISC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-12 13:02:44 Temp dir created or exists
2020-12-12 13:02:44 Init storage complete
2020-12-12 13:02:44 Initialising DB engine
2020-12-12 13:02:44 Opening DB file
2020-12-12 13:02:44 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer\ent.db
2020-12-12 13:02:44 DB opened
2020-12-12 13:02:44 Version found: 15
2020-12-12 13:02:44 ScriptMain called - handler set
2020-12-12 13:02:44 Reading XML config...
2020-12-12 13:02:44 No config found, using defaults
2020-12-12 13:02:44 XML config read complete
2020-12-12 13:02:44 Reading INI config....
2020-12-12 13:02:44 INI file does not exist.
Using default settings.
INI file will be created upon saving in-game.
2020-12-12 13:02:44 INI config read complete
2020-12-12 13:02:44 Failed to Register texture file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Enhanced Native Trainer\ENT_vehicle_previews.ytd as it does not exist!
2020-12-12 13:02:44 Setting up calls
2020-12-12 13:02:44 Loading settings
2020-12-12 13:02:44 Asked to load generic pairs
2020-12-12 13:02:44 Done loading generic pairs
2020-12-12 13:02:44 Got generic pairs
2020-12-12 13:02:44 Asked to load 243 feature pairs
2020-12-12 13:02:44 Done loading feature pairs
2020-12-12 13:02:44 Got feature pairs
2020-12-12 13:02:44 Emptying model arrays
2020-12-12 13:02:44 Creating vehicle model arrays
2020-12-12 13:02:44 Loaded settings OK
2020-12-12 15:05:18 ENT folder exists. Continuing!
2020-12-12 15:05:18 Trying to init storage
2020-12-12 15:05:18 Trying to create storage folder
2020-12-12 15:05:18 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-12 15:05:18 Storage dir created or exists
2020-12-12 15:05:18 Trying to create temp folder
2020-12-12 15:05:18 C:\Users\SETISC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-12 15:05:18 Temp dir created or exists
2020-12-12 15:05:18 Init storage complete
2020-12-12 15:05:18 Initialising DB engine
2020-12-12 15:05:18 Opening DB file
2020-12-12 15:05:18 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer\ent.db
2020-12-12 15:05:18 DB opened
2020-12-12 15:05:18 Version found: 15
2020-12-12 15:05:18 ScriptMain called - handler set
2020-12-12 15:05:18 Reading XML config...
2020-12-12 15:05:18 No config found, using defaults
2020-12-12 15:05:18 XML config read complete
2020-12-12 15:05:18 Reading INI config....
2020-12-12 15:05:18 INI file does not exist.
Using default settings.
INI file will be created upon saving in-game.
2020-12-12 15:05:18 INI config read complete
2020-12-12 15:05:18 Failed to Register texture file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Enhanced Native Trainer\ENT_vehicle_previews.ytd as it does not exist!
2020-12-12 15:05:18 Setting up calls
2020-12-12 15:05:18 Loading settings
2020-12-12 15:05:18 Asked to load generic pairs
2020-12-12 15:05:18 Done loading generic pairs
2020-12-12 15:05:18 Got generic pairs
2020-12-12 15:05:18 Asked to load 243 feature pairs
2020-12-12 15:05:18 Done loading feature pairs
2020-12-12 15:05:18 Got feature pairs
2020-12-12 15:05:18 Emptying model arrays
2020-12-12 15:05:18 Creating vehicle model arrays
2020-12-12 15:05:18 Loaded settings OK
2020-12-12 15:05:55 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-12 15:05:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:05:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:05:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:05:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:05:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:05:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:05:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:05:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:05:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:05:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:05:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:05:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:05:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:05:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:05:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:05:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:05:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:05:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:05:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:05:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:05:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:05:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:05:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:05:55 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:05:58 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-12 15:05:58 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:05:58 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-12 15:06:19 Saving settings, start
2020-12-12 15:06:19 Actually saving
2020-12-12 15:06:19 Save flag released
2020-12-12 15:06:25 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-12 15:06:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:30 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-12 15:06:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:30 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-12 15:06:32 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-12 15:06:33 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:33 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-12 15:06:34 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-12 15:06:34 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:34 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-12 15:06:53 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-12 15:06:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:59 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-12 15:06:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:06:59 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-12 15:07:02 Saving settings, start
2020-12-12 15:07:02 Actually saving
2020-12-12 15:07:02 Save flag released
2020-12-12 15:07:25 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-12 15:07:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:25 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:32 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-12 15:07:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:32 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-12 15:07:48 Saving settings, start
2020-12-12 15:07:48 Actually saving
2020-12-12 15:07:48 Save flag released
2020-12-12 15:07:53 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-12 15:07:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:07:53 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:02 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-12 15:08:02 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:02 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-12 15:08:05 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-12 15:08:05 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:05 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-12 15:08:08 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-12 15:08:08 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:08 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-12 15:08:28 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-12 15:08:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:28 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:31 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-12 15:08:31 Vehicle row found
2020-12-12 15:08:31 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-12 15:08:32 Saving settings, start
2020-12-12 15:08:32 Actually saving
2020-12-12 15:08:32 Save flag released
2020-12-12 15:09:17 Saving settings, start
2020-12-12 15:09:17 Actually saving
2020-12-12 15:09:17 Save flag released
2020-12-12 15:10:05 Saving settings, start
2020-12-12 15:10:05 Actually saving
2020-12-12 15:10:05 Save flag released
2020-12-12 15:10:49 Saving settings, start
2020-12-12 15:10:49 Actually saving
2020-12-12 15:10:49 Save flag released
2020-12-12 15:11:34 Saving settings, start
2020-12-12 15:11:34 Actually saving
2020-12-12 15:11:34 Save flag released
2020-12-12 15:14:38 ENT folder exists. Continuing!
2020-12-12 15:14:38 Trying to init storage
2020-12-12 15:14:38 Trying to create storage folder
2020-12-12 15:14:38 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-12 15:14:38 Storage dir created or exists
2020-12-12 15:14:38 Trying to create temp folder
2020-12-12 15:14:38 C:\Users\SETISC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-12 15:14:38 Temp dir created or exists
2020-12-12 15:14:38 Init storage complete
2020-12-12 15:14:38 Initialising DB engine
2020-12-12 15:14:38 Opening DB file
2020-12-12 15:14:38 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer\ent.db
2020-12-12 15:14:38 DB opened
2020-12-12 15:14:38 Version found: 15
2020-12-12 15:14:38 ScriptMain called - handler set
2020-12-12 15:14:38 Reading XML config...
2020-12-12 15:14:38 No config found, using defaults
2020-12-12 15:14:38 XML config read complete
2020-12-12 15:14:38 Reading INI config....
2020-12-12 15:14:38 INI file does not exist.
Using default settings.
INI file will be created upon saving in-game.
2020-12-12 15:14:38 INI config read complete
2020-12-12 15:14:38 Failed to Register texture file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Enhanced Native Trainer\ENT_vehicle_previews.ytd as it does not exist!
2020-12-12 15:14:38 Setting up calls
2020-12-12 15:14:38 Loading settings
2020-12-12 15:14:38 Asked to load generic pairs
2020-12-12 15:14:38 Done loading generic pairs
2020-12-12 15:14:38 Got generic pairs
2020-12-12 15:14:38 Asked to load 243 feature pairs
2020-12-12 15:14:38 Done loading feature pairs
2020-12-12 15:14:38 Got feature pairs
2020-12-12 15:14:38 Emptying model arrays
2020-12-12 15:14:38 Creating vehicle model arrays
2020-12-12 15:14:38 Loaded settings OK
2020-12-12 15:19:22 ENT folder exists. Continuing!
2020-12-12 15:19:22 Trying to init storage
2020-12-12 15:19:22 Trying to create storage folder
2020-12-12 15:19:22 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-12 15:19:22 Storage dir created or exists
2020-12-12 15:19:22 Trying to create temp folder
2020-12-12 15:19:22 C:\Users\SETISC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-12 15:19:22 Temp dir created or exists
2020-12-12 15:19:22 Init storage complete
2020-12-12 15:19:22 Initialising DB engine
2020-12-12 15:19:22 Opening DB file
2020-12-12 15:19:22 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer\ent.db
2020-12-12 15:19:22 DB opened
2020-12-12 15:19:22 Version found: 15
2020-12-12 15:19:22 ScriptMain called - handler set
2020-12-12 15:19:22 Reading XML config...
2020-12-12 15:19:22 No config found, using defaults
2020-12-12 15:19:22 XML config read complete
2020-12-12 15:19:22 Reading INI config....
2020-12-12 15:19:22 INI file does not exist.
Using default settings.
INI file will be created upon saving in-game.
2020-12-12 15:19:22 INI config read complete
2020-12-12 15:19:22 Failed to Register texture file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Enhanced Native Trainer\ENT_vehicle_previews.ytd as it does not exist!
2020-12-12 15:19:22 Setting up calls
2020-12-12 15:19:22 Loading settings
2020-12-12 15:19:22 Asked to load generic pairs
2020-12-12 15:19:22 Done loading generic pairs
2020-12-12 15:19:22 Got generic pairs
2020-12-12 15:19:22 Asked to load 243 feature pairs
2020-12-12 15:19:22 Done loading feature pairs
2020-12-12 15:19:22 Got feature pairs
2020-12-12 15:19:22 Emptying model arrays
2020-12-12 15:19:22 Creating vehicle model arrays
2020-12-12 15:19:22 Loaded settings OK
2020-12-12 15:20:16 ScriptTidyUp called
2020-12-12 15:20:16 Saving settings, start
2020-12-12 15:20:16 Actually saving
2020-12-12 15:20:16 Save flag released
2020-12-12 15:20:16 Saved settings
2020-12-12 15:20:16 Reset input
2020-12-12 15:20:16 Cleaned up script
2020-12-12 15:20:16 cleanup_props called
2020-12-12 15:20:16 Cleaned up props
2020-12-12 15:20:16 Cleaned up anims
2020-12-12 15:20:16 DB closing
2020-12-12 15:20:16 DB closed
2020-12-12 15:20:16 DB shutdown
2020-12-12 15:20:16 Database killed
2020-12-12 15:20:16 ScriptTidyUp done
2020-12-13 20:08:35 ENT folder exists. Continuing!
2020-12-13 20:08:35 Trying to init storage
2020-12-13 20:08:35 Trying to create storage folder
2020-12-13 20:08:35 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-13 20:08:35 Storage dir created or exists
2020-12-13 20:08:35 Trying to create temp folder
2020-12-13 20:08:35 C:\Users\SETISC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-13 20:08:35 Temp dir created or exists
2020-12-13 20:08:35 Init storage complete
2020-12-13 20:08:35 Initialising DB engine
2020-12-13 20:08:35 Opening DB file
2020-12-13 20:08:35 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer\ent.db
2020-12-13 20:08:35 DB opened
2020-12-13 20:08:35 Version found: 15
2020-12-13 20:08:35 ScriptMain called - handler set
2020-12-13 20:08:35 Reading XML config...
2020-12-13 20:08:35 No config found, using defaults
2020-12-13 20:08:35 XML config read complete
2020-12-13 20:08:35 Reading INI config....
2020-12-13 20:08:35 INI file does not exist.
Using default settings.
INI file will be created upon saving in-game.
2020-12-13 20:08:35 INI config read complete
2020-12-13 20:08:35 Failed to Register texture file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Enhanced Native Trainer\ENT_vehicle_previews.ytd as it does not exist!
2020-12-13 20:08:35 Setting up calls
2020-12-13 20:08:35 Loading settings
2020-12-13 20:08:35 Asked to load generic pairs
2020-12-13 20:08:35 Done loading generic pairs
2020-12-13 20:08:35 Got generic pairs
2020-12-13 20:08:35 Asked to load 243 feature pairs
2020-12-13 20:08:35 Done loading feature pairs
2020-12-13 20:08:35 Got feature pairs
2020-12-13 20:08:35 Emptying model arrays
2020-12-13 20:08:35 Creating vehicle model arrays
2020-12-13 20:08:36 Loaded settings OK
2020-12-13 20:09:21 Asked to load saved skins
2020-12-13 20:09:21 Skin row found
2020-12-13 20:09:21 Skin row found
2020-12-13 20:09:21 Skin row found
2020-12-13 20:09:21 Skin row found
2020-12-13 20:10:28 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 20:10:28 Actually saving
2020-12-13 20:10:28 Save flag released
2020-12-13 20:11:03 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 20:11:03 Actually saving
2020-12-13 20:11:03 Save flag released
2020-12-13 20:11:32 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 20:11:32 Actually saving
2020-12-13 20:11:32 Save flag released
2020-12-13 20:12:05 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 20:12:05 Actually saving
2020-12-13 20:12:05 Save flag released
2020-12-13 20:12:40 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 20:12:40 Actually saving
2020-12-13 20:12:40 Save flag released
2020-12-13 20:13:09 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 20:13:09 Actually saving
2020-12-13 20:13:09 Save flag released
2020-12-13 20:13:12 Asked to load saved skins
2020-12-13 20:13:12 Skin row found
2020-12-13 20:13:12 Skin row found
2020-12-13 20:13:12 Skin row found
2020-12-13 20:13:12 Skin row found
2020-12-13 20:13:15 Asked to load saved skins
2020-12-13 20:13:15 Skin row found
2020-12-13 20:13:15 Skin row found
2020-12-13 20:13:15 Skin row found
2020-12-13 20:13:15 Skin row found
2020-12-13 20:13:15 Skin row found
2020-12-13 20:13:24 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-13 20:13:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:24 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:26 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-13 20:13:26 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:26 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-13 20:13:34 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-13 20:13:34 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:34 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-13 20:13:42 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-13 20:13:42 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:42 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-13 20:13:47 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 20:13:47 Actually saving
2020-12-13 20:13:47 Save flag released
2020-12-13 20:13:48 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-13 20:13:48 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:48 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-13 20:13:52 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-13 20:13:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:13:52 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-13 20:14:30 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-13 20:14:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:14:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:14:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:14:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:14:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:14:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:14:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:14:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:14:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:14:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:14:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:14:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:14:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:14:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:14:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:14:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:14:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:14:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:14:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:14:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:14:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:14:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:14:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:14:30 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:14:36 Couldn't find preview for 703912902
2020-12-13 20:14:50 Couldn't find preview for 375230348
2020-12-13 20:14:51 Couldn't find preview for 282487060
2020-12-13 20:14:51 Couldn't find preview for -1390169318
2020-12-13 20:14:51 Couldn't find preview for -410866473
2020-12-13 20:14:55 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 20:14:55 Actually saving
2020-12-13 20:14:55 Save flag released
2020-12-13 20:14:59 Couldn't find preview for -2118433882
2020-12-13 20:15:02 Couldn't find preview for 703912902
2020-12-13 20:15:04 Couldn't find preview for 703912902
2020-12-13 20:15:05 Couldn't find preview for 703912902
2020-12-13 20:15:47 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 20:15:47 Actually saving
2020-12-13 20:15:47 Save flag released
2020-12-13 20:15:52 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-13 20:15:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:15:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:15:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:15:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:15:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:15:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:15:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:15:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:15:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:15:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:15:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:15:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:15:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:15:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:15:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:15:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:15:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:15:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:15:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:15:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:15:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:15:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:15:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:15:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:16:34 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 20:16:34 Actually saving
2020-12-13 20:16:34 Save flag released
2020-12-13 20:17:33 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 20:17:33 Actually saving
2020-12-13 20:17:33 Save flag released
2020-12-13 20:18:21 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 20:18:21 Actually saving
2020-12-13 20:18:21 Save flag released
2020-12-13 20:18:59 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 20:18:59 Actually saving
2020-12-13 20:18:59 Save flag released
2020-12-13 20:19:44 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 20:19:44 Actually saving
2020-12-13 20:19:44 Save flag released
2020-12-13 20:19:50 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-13 20:19:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:50 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:54 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-13 20:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:19:54 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:20:59 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 20:20:59 Actually saving
2020-12-13 20:20:59 Save flag released
2020-12-13 20:21:35 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 20:21:35 Actually saving
2020-12-13 20:21:35 Save flag released
2020-12-13 20:22:09 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 20:22:09 Actually saving
2020-12-13 20:22:09 Save flag released
2020-12-13 20:22:44 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 20:22:44 Actually saving
2020-12-13 20:22:44 Save flag released
2020-12-13 20:23:21 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 20:23:21 Actually saving
2020-12-13 20:23:21 Save flag released
2020-12-13 20:23:59 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 20:23:59 Actually saving
2020-12-13 20:23:59 Save flag released
2020-12-13 20:24:38 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 20:24:38 Actually saving
2020-12-13 20:24:38 Save flag released
2020-12-13 20:25:30 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 20:25:30 Actually saving
2020-12-13 20:25:30 Save flag released
2020-12-13 20:26:06 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 20:26:06 Actually saving
2020-12-13 20:26:06 Save flag released
2020-12-13 20:26:43 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 20:26:43 Actually saving
2020-12-13 20:26:43 Save flag released
2020-12-13 20:27:17 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 20:27:17 Actually saving
2020-12-13 20:27:17 Save flag released
2020-12-13 20:27:45 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-13 20:27:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:51 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-13 20:27:51 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:51 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:51 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:51 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:51 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:51 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:51 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:51 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:51 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:51 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:51 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:51 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:51 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:51 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:51 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:51 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:51 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:51 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:51 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:51 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:51 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:51 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:51 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:51 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:51 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:51 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 20:27:55 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 20:27:55 Actually saving
2020-12-13 20:27:55 Save flag released
2020-12-13 20:28:13 ScriptTidyUp called
2020-12-13 20:28:13 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 20:28:13 Actually saving
2020-12-13 20:28:13 Save flag released
2020-12-13 20:28:13 Saved settings
2020-12-13 20:28:13 Reset input
2020-12-13 20:28:13 Cleaned up script
2020-12-13 20:28:13 cleanup_props called
2020-12-13 20:28:13 Cleaned up props
2020-12-13 20:28:13 Cleaned up anims
2020-12-13 20:28:13 DB closing
2020-12-13 20:28:13 DB closed
2020-12-13 20:28:13 DB shutdown
2020-12-13 20:28:13 Database killed
2020-12-13 20:28:13 ScriptTidyUp done
2020-12-13 21:28:16 ENT folder exists. Continuing!
2020-12-13 21:28:16 Trying to init storage
2020-12-13 21:28:16 Trying to create storage folder
2020-12-13 21:28:16 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-13 21:28:16 Storage dir created or exists
2020-12-13 21:28:16 Trying to create temp folder
2020-12-13 21:28:16 C:\Users\SETISC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-13 21:28:16 Temp dir created or exists
2020-12-13 21:28:16 Init storage complete
2020-12-13 21:28:16 Initialising DB engine
2020-12-13 21:28:16 Opening DB file
2020-12-13 21:28:16 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer\ent.db
2020-12-13 21:28:16 DB opened
2020-12-13 21:28:16 Version found: 15
2020-12-13 21:28:16 ScriptMain called - handler set
2020-12-13 21:28:16 Reading XML config...
2020-12-13 21:28:16 No config found, using defaults
2020-12-13 21:28:16 XML config read complete
2020-12-13 21:28:16 Reading INI config....
2020-12-13 21:28:16 INI file does not exist.
Using default settings.
INI file will be created upon saving in-game.
2020-12-13 21:28:16 INI config read complete
2020-12-13 21:28:16 Failed to Register texture file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Enhanced Native Trainer\ENT_vehicle_previews.ytd as it does not exist!
2020-12-13 21:28:16 Setting up calls
2020-12-13 21:28:16 Loading settings
2020-12-13 21:28:16 Asked to load generic pairs
2020-12-13 21:28:16 Done loading generic pairs
2020-12-13 21:28:16 Got generic pairs
2020-12-13 21:28:16 Asked to load 243 feature pairs
2020-12-13 21:28:16 Done loading feature pairs
2020-12-13 21:28:16 Got feature pairs
2020-12-13 21:28:16 Emptying model arrays
2020-12-13 21:28:16 Creating vehicle model arrays
2020-12-13 21:28:16 Loaded settings OK
2020-12-13 21:28:53 Asked to load saved skins
2020-12-13 21:28:53 Skin row found
2020-12-13 21:28:53 Skin row found
2020-12-13 21:28:53 Skin row found
2020-12-13 21:28:53 Skin row found
2020-12-13 21:28:53 Skin row found
2020-12-13 21:28:57 Asked to load saved skins
2020-12-13 21:28:57 Skin row found
2020-12-13 21:28:57 Done loading saved skins
2020-12-13 21:29:04 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-13 21:29:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:04 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:13 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:29:13 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:29:13 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:29:16 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-13 21:29:16 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:16 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-13 21:29:27 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-13 21:29:27 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:27 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-13 21:29:52 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-13 21:29:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:54 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:29:54 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:29:54 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:29:56 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-13 21:29:56 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:29:56 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-13 21:30:22 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-13 21:30:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:32 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-13 21:30:32 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:32 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-13 21:30:37 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:30:37 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:30:37 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:30:59 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-13 21:30:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:30:59 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:05 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-13 21:31:05 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:05 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-13 21:31:22 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-13 21:31:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:22 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:24 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:31:24 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:31:24 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:31:26 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-13 21:31:26 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:31:26 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-13 21:32:11 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:32:11 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:32:11 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:32:59 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:32:59 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:32:59 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-12-13 21:32:59 Done storing feature pairs
2020-12-13 21:32:59 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:33:49 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:33:49 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:33:49 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:34:37 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:34:37 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:34:37 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:35:27 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:35:27 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:35:27 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:35:45 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-13 21:35:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:35:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:35:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:35:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:35:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:35:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:35:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:35:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:35:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:35:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:35:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:35:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:35:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:35:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:35:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:35:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:35:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:35:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:35:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:35:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:35:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:35:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:35:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:35:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:35:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:35:45 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:35:52 Asked to load saved vehicles
2020-12-13 21:35:52 Vehicle row found
2020-12-13 21:35:52 Done loading saved vehicles
2020-12-13 21:36:16 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:36:16 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:36:16 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:36:59 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:36:59 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:36:59 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-12-13 21:36:59 Done storing feature pairs
2020-12-13 21:36:59 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:37:48 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:37:48 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:37:48 Asked to store feature pairs
2020-12-13 21:37:48 Done storing feature pairs
2020-12-13 21:37:48 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:38:37 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:38:37 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:38:37 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:39:19 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:39:19 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:39:19 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:40:01 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:40:01 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:40:01 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:40:43 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:40:43 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:40:43 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:41:25 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:41:25 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:41:25 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:42:07 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:42:07 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:42:07 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:42:50 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:42:50 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:42:50 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:43:32 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:43:32 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:43:32 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:44:14 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:44:14 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:44:14 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:44:56 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:44:56 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:44:56 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:45:38 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:45:38 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:45:38 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:46:22 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:46:22 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:46:22 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:47:09 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:47:09 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:47:09 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:47:48 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:47:48 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:47:48 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:48:28 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:48:28 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:48:28 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:49:09 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:49:09 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:49:09 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:49:53 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:49:53 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:49:53 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:50:37 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:50:37 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:50:37 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:51:19 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:51:19 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:51:19 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:52:00 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:52:00 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:52:00 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:52:38 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:52:38 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:52:38 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:53:18 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:53:18 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:53:18 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:53:58 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:53:58 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:53:58 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:54:38 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:54:38 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:54:38 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:54:52 Asked to load saved prop sets
2020-12-13 21:54:58 manage_prop_set called
2020-12-13 21:55:17 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:55:17 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:55:17 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:55:34 manage_prop_set called
2020-12-13 21:55:38 manage_prop_set called
2020-12-13 21:55:43 manage_prop_set called
2020-12-13 21:55:43 manage_prop_set called
2020-12-13 21:55:45 manage_prop_set called
2020-12-13 21:55:45 manage_prop_set deleting a prop
2020-12-13 21:55:46 manage_prop_set called
2020-12-13 21:55:55 manage_prop_set called
2020-12-13 21:55:55 manage_prop_set deleting a prop
2020-12-13 21:55:58 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:55:58 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:55:58 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:56:37 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:56:37 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:56:37 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:57:17 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:57:17 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:57:17 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:57:53 manage_prop_set called
2020-12-13 21:57:56 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:57:56 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:57:56 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:57:59 manage_prop_set called
2020-12-13 21:57:59 manage_prop_set called
2020-12-13 21:58:38 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:58:38 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:58:38 Save flag released
2020-12-13 21:59:20 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 21:59:20 Actually saving
2020-12-13 21:59:20 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:00:01 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:00:01 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:00:01 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:00:43 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:00:43 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:00:43 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:01:25 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:01:25 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:01:25 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:02:07 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:02:07 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:02:07 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:02:49 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:02:49 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:02:49 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:03:32 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:03:32 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:03:32 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:04:13 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:04:13 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:04:13 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:04:54 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:04:54 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:04:54 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:05:37 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:05:37 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:05:37 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:06:19 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:06:19 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:06:19 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:06:59 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:06:59 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:06:59 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:08:44 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:08:44 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:08:44 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:09:25 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:09:25 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:09:25 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:09:54 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:09:54 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:09:54 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:10:23 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:10:23 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:10:23 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:11:05 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:11:05 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:11:05 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:11:50 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:11:50 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:11:50 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:12:34 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:12:34 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:12:34 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:13:18 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:13:18 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:13:18 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:14:03 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:14:03 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:14:03 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:14:47 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:14:47 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:14:47 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:15:32 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:15:32 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:15:32 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:16:16 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:16:16 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:16:16 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:17:00 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:17:00 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:17:00 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:17:44 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:17:44 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:17:44 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:18:29 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:18:29 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:18:29 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:19:14 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:19:14 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:19:14 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:19:58 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:19:58 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:19:58 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:20:43 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:20:43 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:20:43 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:21:27 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:21:27 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:21:27 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:22:12 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:22:12 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:22:12 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:22:57 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:22:57 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:22:57 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:23:41 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:23:41 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:23:41 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:24:26 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:24:26 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:24:26 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:25:10 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:25:10 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:25:10 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:25:55 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:25:55 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:25:55 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:26:40 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:26:40 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:26:40 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:27:25 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:27:25 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:27:25 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:28:09 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:28:09 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:28:09 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:28:54 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:28:54 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:28:54 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:29:39 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:29:39 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:29:39 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:30:24 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:30:24 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:30:24 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:31:08 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:31:08 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:31:08 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:31:53 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:31:53 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:31:53 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:32:37 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:32:37 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:32:37 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:33:22 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:33:22 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:33:22 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:34:06 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:34:06 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:34:06 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:34:51 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:34:51 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:34:51 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:35:35 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:35:35 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:35:35 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:36:20 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:36:20 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:36:20 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:37:04 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:37:04 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:37:04 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:37:45 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:37:45 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:37:45 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:38:28 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:38:28 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:38:28 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:39:13 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:39:13 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:39:13 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:39:57 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:39:57 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:39:57 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:40:29 Couldn't find preview for 1878807939
2020-12-13 22:40:30 Couldn't find preview for 1324588753
2020-12-13 22:40:32 Couldn't find preview for 1299243986
2020-12-13 22:40:32 Couldn't find preview for -647166545
2020-12-13 22:40:33 Couldn't find preview for 92242942
2020-12-13 22:40:36 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:40:36 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:40:36 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:41:13 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:41:13 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:41:13 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:41:43 ScriptTidyUp called
2020-12-13 22:41:43 Saving settings, start
2020-12-13 22:41:43 Actually saving
2020-12-13 22:41:43 Save flag released
2020-12-13 22:41:43 Saved settings
2020-12-13 22:41:43 Reset input
2020-12-13 22:41:43 Cleaned up script
2020-12-13 22:41:43 cleanup_props called
2020-12-13 22:41:43 cleanup_props deleting a prop
2020-12-13 22:41:44 Cleaned up props
2020-12-13 22:41:44 Cleaned up anims
2020-12-13 22:41:44 DB closing
2020-12-13 22:41:44 DB closed
2020-12-13 22:41:44 DB shutdown
2020-12-13 22:41:44 Database killed
2020-12-13 22:41:44 ScriptTidyUp done
2020-12-14 13:44:59 ENT folder exists. Continuing!
2020-12-14 13:44:59 Trying to init storage
2020-12-14 13:44:59 Trying to create storage folder
2020-12-14 13:44:59 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-14 13:44:59 Storage dir created or exists
2020-12-14 13:44:59 Trying to create temp folder
2020-12-14 13:44:59 C:\Users\SETISC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer
2020-12-14 13:44:59 Temp dir created or exists
2020-12-14 13:44:59 Init storage complete
2020-12-14 13:44:59 Initialising DB engine
2020-12-14 13:44:59 Opening DB file
2020-12-14 13:44:59 C:\Users\Seti Scopes\AppData\Roaming\GTAV Enhanced Native Trainer\ent.db
2020-12-14 13:44:59 DB opened
2020-12-14 13:44:59 Version found: 15
2020-12-14 13:44:59 ScriptMain called - handler set
2020-12-14 13:44:59 Reading XML config...
2020-12-14 13:44:59 No config found, using defaults
2020-12-14 13:44:59 XML config read complete
2020-12-14 13:44:59 Reading INI config....
2020-12-14 13:44:59 INI file does not exist.
Using default settings.
INI file will be created upon saving in-game.
2020-12-14 13:44:59 INI config read complete
2020-12-14 13:44:59 Failed to Register texture file: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Enhanced Native Trainer\ENT_vehicle_previews.ytd as it does not exist!
2020-12-14 13:44:59 Setting up calls
2020-12-14 13:44:59 Loading settings
2020-12-14 13:44:59 Asked to load generic pairs
2020-12-14 13:44:59 Done loading generic pairs
2020-12-14 13:44:59 Got generic pairs
2020-12-14 13:44:59 Asked to load 243 feature pairs
2020-12-14 13:44:59 Done loading feature pairs
2020-12-14 13:44:59 Got feature pairs
2020-12-14 13:44:59 Emptying model arrays
2020-12-14 13:44:59 Creating vehicle model arrays
2020-12-14 13:44:59 Loaded settings OK
2020-12-14 13:45:36 Saving settings, start
2020-12-14 13:45:36 Actually saving
2020-12-14 13:45:36 Save flag released
2020-12-14 13:45:56 Saving settings, start
2020-12-14 13:45:56 Actually saving
2020-12-14 13:45:56 Save flag released
2020-12-14 13:46:15 Saving settings, start
2020-12-14 13:46:15 Actually saving
2020-12-14 13:46:15 Save flag released
2020-12-14 13:46:34 Saving settings, start
2020-12-14 13:46:34 Actually saving
2020-12-14 13:46:34 Save flag released
2020-12-14 13:47:01 Saving settings, start
2020-12-14 13:47:01 Actually saving
2020-12-14 13:47:01 Save flag released
bro this still wont work for me after new update , it was working perfect before cayo perico , i just cant start it no more
just waiting for this update now, ive tried redownloading the trainer but nothing , still wont work ingame, hopefully there is a fix for this soon as this is the best trainer ive ever had and ever will use. Thanks for all your hard work , but please release soon <3
@Zemanez so how do i fix just keep reloading the game?
@GMonroe no i think this is just a bug , its annoying but just have to work with it until fixed
with cayo perico heist update being only a few days ago , i have realised this trainer no longer works for me, when will updated version be out?
hey @N-Speak anywhere we can talk privately ?