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댓글 12
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    Can it be multiple words LIKE THIS, or does it need to be all one word LIKETHIS ?

    2022년 02월 06일 (일)
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    Even though it's just one item, that it increases Strength is worth it! Only other way to is to win at tennis or golf. Ugh! lol

    2022년 02월 06일 (일)
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    Zee keeps saying order in, will arrive, but never seems to arrive.

    2022년 02월 03일 (목)
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    @norman2101 Yes they do! Popped out my phone and I had a 2 star instantly, AND the police were instantly in force surrounding the area like it were vanilla GTA 5.

    2022년 02월 02일 (수)
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    Well I got my first one with the big old STOLEN on it and police chasing me. I'm not sure what triggers it then as police have stopped me for speeding and not cared about the stolen car, but this one car they wanted me bad. lol

    2020년 05월 26일 (화)
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    I wish I could just play this as Franklin rather than a random NPC.

    2020년 05월 25일 (월)
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    @lucasvinbr So based on some of those valies it might be possible to keep the min/max rewards very small so that even gangs would literally take forever to be lvl 10 let alone level 2-9, and ensure they aren't running around with high end weapons like RPGs and such? I want a cold war kind of thing and a little bit of money from having some zones, and don't want 1/4 million dollars blowing into the gangs at all. Will play around with those numbers.

    2020년 05월 25일 (월)
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    Fixed it by simply removing the files and re-adding it. W+S works just fine now.

    2020년 05월 25일 (월)
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    For some reason even though I designated Franklin's own car as my Drug Car, it spawns two of them when I load into game, meaning Franklin's car of course and then a complete copy called Drug Car. I appreciate that it probably just isn't possible to tell the game the character's car is going to do something you want, but I wondered if you expected that behavior or there's a problem.

    2020년 05월 24일 (일)
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    Would be nice to adjust how much money the mod dumps on ya and at what interval.

    2020년 05월 24일 (일)