@Hazekware hmmmm I think it depends on whether the place is loaded only when you're inside it and if the npcs know how to navigate it. There's no workaround set up for them, I'm afraid.
About the crashes, have you installed the heap extender and other mods recommended for use with a custom gameconfig? I think those seem to help
@startroopian have you tried ctrl+N?
@JustUseless Looks like a folder permissions issue. Make sure your game folders aren't set to read-only or something like that
@bonoze please check your scripthookvdotnet.log for errors
@Cla01 hmmmm... you could try other game versions, or other script hook v dot net versions
@Dominiks You probably want to use a newer version; does that happen in newer versions as well?
@dihan546 make sure you have registered some people for your gang. More info here: https://github.com/lucasvinbr/GTA5GangMod/wiki/Getting-Started
@Hazekware hmmmm I think it depends on whether the place is loaded only when you're inside it and if the npcs know how to navigate it. There's no workaround set up for them, I'm afraid.
About the crashes, have you installed the heap extender and other mods recommended for use with a custom gameconfig? I think those seem to help
@FujiwaraYang this page can help: https://github.com/lucasvinbr/GTA5GangMod/wiki/Removing-Weapons-from-Gangs
@sindragoon you can try tweaking the baseNumKillsBeforeWarVictory value in ModOptions.xml
@dungbin you have to use the nightly version of scripthookvdotnet with the more recent versions of the game