
V_MP3 1.6

407bb9 gta5 2018 01 05 00 15 33 93


V_MP3 1.4
This is a radio mod for GTAV. It is basically Self Radio with a little twist.
It offers the same abilities as the game included Self Radio with the following additions:
Ability to fast forward/fast rewind.
Ability to pause a song.
In-game display of elapsed time, remaining time, artist, title, album and year.
It also allows you to search, artist, album, title and year.

The mod uses the following keys:
RCTRL + S / X Start V_MP3 (Play)
Multimedia Next / RS Next Song
Multimedia Previous / LS Previous Song
Multimedia Play/Pause Pause/Resume
Multimedia Stop / Back Stop
Num 1 Fast Rewind
Num 3 Fast Forward
Num 7 Volume Down (only the volume for the songs)
Num 9 Volume Up (only the volume for the songs)
RCTRL + D Display/hide in-game display
RCTRL + T Enable /disable Random order
RCTRL + U Enable /disable URL
RCTRL + F10 Create list of songs to songs.txt
F5 Search
Num 5 Menu Enter
Num 8 + Num 2 Menu Up/Down
Num 6 + Num 4 Next/Previous Search Result Screen
Num 0 Back out of Search Results
As you can see, it utilizes the multimedia keys of modern keyboards, if you don’t have such a keyboard, you can always bind the keys to different keys using V_MP3.ini.

There is controller support for Play (X), Stop (Back), Next (RS) and Previous (LS).

Thanks Alexander Blade for both the Scripthook and the asiloader.

Changes from 1.0:

-Separated the controller controls from the keyboard controls (thanks Mafins).

Changes from 1.1

-Disabled controls if another mod set moving control to disabled.

Changes from 1.2
-Added search function, you can search for title, artist, album, and year.
Press F5 (not working when URL is enabled) and enter the query. Press enter and resuls will be
shown. You can now use Num 2 or Num 8 to select a song, Num 5 to play it, Num 6/Num 4 to move to
the second result screen (if the number of results is more than 30). Num 0 to back out of the menu.
You can configure the keys in the ini, as well as the highlight color of the selected items.

Changes from 1.3
Thanks to Lucas Ritter I was able to display Artist, Track and album name on the dashboards of Vehicles, this option is enabled by default.

Changes from 1.4
Integration with TrainerV, if you have apartment radio enabled or mobile radio enabled, this mods will re-enable them once you stop the radio in this mod. It will also remember the radio station you had if you enabled it in the car and will re-enable that radio station.

Changes from 1.5
-Added text_outline as requested. By the way for the changes with TrainerV to work, you need version 16.1 of trainer which also is released today.
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최초 업로드: 2018년 01월 07일 (일)
마지막 업로드: 2024년 08월 25일 (일)
마지막 다운로드: 1시간 전

All Versions

 1.6 (current)

다운로드 671 , 166킬로바이트
2024년 08월 25일 (일)


다운로드 48 , 166킬로바이트
2024년 08월 25일 (일)


다운로드 8,998 , 168킬로바이트
2018년 01월 30일 (화)


다운로드 290 , 168킬로바이트
2018년 01월 25일 (목)


다운로드 540 , 150킬로바이트
2018년 01월 12일 (금)


다운로드 300 , 150킬로바이트
2018년 01월 11일 (목)


다운로드 483 , 149킬로바이트
2018년 01월 07일 (일)

댓글 71