
Squads Manager / (Enhanced) Bodyguard Squads 1.3.2



Squads Manager is a mod that allow you to spawn multiple squads and manage them. This mod is an "Enhanced" version of the original mod called "Bodyguard Squads" from Eddlm

This mod has been made from scratch and is absolutely not a copy from the (Outdated) original mod "Bodyguard Squads". I got inspired and was a fan of the original mod "Bodyguard Squads" so this is why there is some similar names.

This mod use the LemonUI instead of NativeUI
This mod require ScripthookV and ScripthookVDotNet to work.
To install : drop all files in the archive into the scripts folder of your game root.

!! Important Changes !!
  • The paid version of this mod is available here : Squads Manager 1.7
  • The free version of this mod will still be updated if it is broken but won't receive any new features.
  • I made a paid version for this mod due to difficulties and time it take to create new features.

  • Max of 30 members by squads
  • Can carry 3 weapons
  • Can add an infinity of peds models in the .ini
  • Can add an infinity of vehicles models in the .ini
  • There is a passengers menu that allow the player to get in any seats of the closest vehicle
  • You can blacklist a seat to avoid a squad to take your "Seat" like the gunner seat
  • You can manage the groups relationships very precisely

  • Open The Menu With F10
  • Turn On/Off Order Mode With LEFT ALT
  • Export Player Current Model To .PedModel With END

  • Left Click on a ped to order to the selected squad to attack the target ped
  • Left Click on a vehicle to order to the selected squad to (Get In/Get Out) the target vehicle
  • Left Click on the ground to order to the selected squad to walk at target position
  • Left Click with Left Shift Holded on the ground to order to the selected squad to run at target position
  • Left Click with Left Shift Holded on a vehicle to order to the selected squad to attack that vehicle

  • (Easy) How To Make A Custom Model
  • 1. Change your player model with the trainer of your choice
  • 2. Custom your player with the trainer of your choice
  • 3. Press END to export the model under the folder SquadsManagerModels
  • 4. The file will always have this name : "ExportedModel" so rename it to the name you want
  • Note : The file "ExportedModel" will be automatically overwrite so just rename it
  • Note : Never name a file "ExportedModel" because it's used to export the models

  • 1.7 Changelog (Paid)
  • (Added) Ability to add custom weapons for peds.
  • (Added) Ability to export current player weapon to Exported.WeaponModel file
  • (Added) New variable in the ini file called : SaveWeaponKey.
  • (Changed) Every throwables have been removed (temporarily) until we make the AI to use it.
  • (Changed) OrderMode will only show active squads.
  • (Changed) The loader of the PedModel/WeaponModel will now sort them by their names.
  • (Added) You can use a prefix : "!xx!" just in front of a .WeaponModel name to change the load order.
  • (Added) You can use a prefix : "!xx!" just in front of a .PedModel name to change the load order.
  • You can replace "xx" by the number you want. Ex : !01! or !10!. It is 00-09 and 10-Unlimited.
  • (Added) New variable to the PedModel called : HairColor.

  • 1.3.2 Changelog
  • (Changed) OrderMode will only show active squads.
  • (Changed) Rappel now compatible with the Stealth Annihilator
  • (Changed) Every throwables have been removed because the AI don't use them.
  • (Changed) Every MK2 weapons have been removed because the weapon customization is not available on this version.

  • New sub menu to set combat attributes and firing mode
  • Ability for the squads to spawn directly in a vehicle

  • Known Bugs
  • Some squads member can't enter in a vehicle if they hurt someone. The order is just deleted and they will stay in this state

  • Original Mod : https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/bodyguard-squads
    Show Full Description

    최초 업로드: 2022년 05월 25일 (수)
    마지막 업로드: 2023년 01월 23일 (월)
    마지막 다운로드: 4시간 전

    All Versions

     1.3.2 (current)

    다운로드 6,996 , 30킬로바이트
    2023년 01월 23일 (월)


    다운로드 1,334 , 68킬로바이트
    2023년 01월 12일 (목)


    다운로드 4,886 , 68킬로바이트
    2022년 07월 05일 (화)


    다운로드 626 , 66킬로바이트
    2022년 07월 01일 (금)


    다운로드 282 , 66킬로바이트
    2022년 06월 29일 (수)


    다운로드 989 , 62킬로바이트
    2022년 06월 24일 (금)


    다운로드 1,982 , 53킬로바이트
    2022년 06월 02일 (목)


    다운로드 1,183 , 53킬로바이트
    2022년 05월 26일 (목)

    댓글 176