
Polish translation for Spawner V 0.01

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Polskie tłumaczenie dla Spawner V
Jest to mod który umozliwia "spawn'owanie" pojazdów do gry.
Instalacja jest prosta i zajmuje 1 minute.
Wypakowany plik przenosimy do: GTA V / scripts / SpawnerV / Langs
Następnie otwieramy folder "config.ini" i szukamy linii "// language" zamieniamy ponizszy tekst "en-us" na "PL-Polski" i gotowe!

Polish translation for the mod Spawner V
It's a mod that allows you to spawn all veichles in the game.
Installation is very easy and takes 1 minute to install.
After you extract the file you need to place it in the scripts folder where the mod is located.
Installation: GTA V / scripts / SpawnerV / Langs
The last thing you have to do is changing the language in the "config.ini" Just open the "config.ini" file look for a "Language" line and swap the "en-us" with "PL-Polski".

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최초 업로드: 2016년 08월 27일 (토)
마지막 업로드: 2016년 08월 28일 (일)
마지막 다운로드: 2024년 11월 16일 (토)

All Versions

 0.01 (current)

다운로드 141
2016년 08월 27일 (토)

댓글 6