
Forests of San Andreas: Revised [Add-On | YMAP | YMT | CARGEN | LODs | OIV | SP | FiveM] 5.6-SP



Please be sure to download the correct file:
  • If you want to use it in Singleplayer/Story mode please download *-SP.
  • If you want to use this map client-sided on FiveM (so only for yourself) then download *-FiveM-Client.
  • If you are running a FiveM server and want to provide this map there (to everyone) then download *-FiveM-Server.

Prerequisites & recommendations

If you use GTA V Remastered as well please be sure that you have installed version 4.0 or newer of that mod.
Otherwise you will have many colliding and duplicated props in some areas and fewer props in other areas.

This mod without other mods applied works with the original gameconfig.xml and without any heap adjustment.
However, if you are using multiple mods it might be the case that at some point you need to adapt the gameconfig.xml and/or the heap (that is a general statement and is not specific to this mod).
If you are unsure just give it a try without changing the gameconfig.xml and the heap. In case you then experience crashes please install these add-ons as well:


This mod is compatible with GTA V Remastered: Enhanced as long as you are using version 4.0 or newer of both mods.

To enable reflection of vegetation from the original game please get my other mod as well: Vegetation reflection


This map is based on the map Forests of San Andreas in version 2.2 (RRC edition) by JRod
I want to thank him very much for that great map and his permission to publish this extension.

Despite my own tools/scripts the following tools were involved:
  • OpenIV: importing files from openformats to binary code
  • CodeWalker: editing entities and scenarios, exporting and importing shader
  • HLSLDecompiler: decompiling shader (from DXBC byte code to HLSL source code)
  • FXC: compiling shader (from HLSL source code to DXBC byte code)

Videos and screenshots

In order to demonstrate only this mod and exactly as it is all videos and screenshots are in-game footage without any further post-editing and without any additional mods applied.
However, feel free to use other mods as well.

Because this mod covers vast areas these 15 screenshots are by far not complete so please consider them just as a hint to give a first impression.


Version 5.6

  • Provided several ytyp files (organized by location and LOD/SLOD level) to enable dynamic loading of only the LOD/SLOD models needed based on the current position.

Version 5.5

  • Reworked redwood tree (included in the northern part).
  • Relocated trees that were clipping with Chiliad Town version 1.2 by DANIX
  • .

Version 5.4

  • Relocated trees that were clipping with Design Mansion by Leuge56.
  • Relocated trees that were clipping with Beach Mansion 4 by Leuge56.
  • Added cacti and joshua trees to LOD and reflection models.

Version 5.3

  • Extracted entities with no LOD parent into separate ymaps (with suffix _strm).
  • Relocated trees that were clipping with Harmony Repair by HG Designs.
  • Relocated trees and cacti that were clipping with R68: Sheriff & Hosp by kiiya.
  • Relocated trees that were clipping with Wild House 2 by Leuge56.
  • Renamed script (for entering the shelter) to FoSAShelter.3.cs so that it is executed using Script Hook V .NET v3 API instead of deprecated v2.

Version 5.2

  • Updated script (for entering the shelter) to resolve to Script Hook V .NET v3 instead of deprecated v2. (thanks to Michael21107 for reporting)
  • Relocated trees that were clipping with Harmony FD Station by RedSaint Modifications.

Version 5.1

  • Improved reflection models by adding another horizontal plane to larger vegetation.
  • Reworked area at San Chianski Mountain Range and El Gordo Lighthouse by adding another 270 trees and bushes.
  • Relocated tree that was clipping with LordCity by jin007. (thanks to Starfox1993 for reporting)
  • Relocated trees that were clipping with Chiliad Town by DANIX.

Version 5.0

  • In areas at Grand Senora Desert, Harmony, RON Wind Farm and around Bolingbroke Penitentiary replaced redwood and cedar trees by cacti, joshua, ficus and eucalyptus trees resulting in a harmonic transition from desert to forest.
  • In all other areas of the southern part replaced redwood trees by cedars and pines.
  • Added over six hundred new trees and bushes to the southern part.
  • Added dedicated models used for reflections in cars, puddles and on wet streets.
  • Adapted shader for proper rendering of dedicated reflection models.
  • Improved SLOD1 models to get a smooth transition from LOD to SLOD1 which allowed decreasing LOD drawing distance.
  • Relocated trees that were clipping with "Lumberjack Jobs" by Polat (https://polat.tebex.io/package/5364310). (thanks to Hatler for reporting)
  • Relocated trees that were clipping with "Lumberjack Jobs" by 17-Movement (https://store.17movement.net/package/5814791).
  • Changed cargens (flags, colors and some models) (thanks to JRod)

Version 4.4

  • Added more variety to bush, palm and tree tilts.
  • Fixed corrupted references to adjacent polygons in static collision files.
  • Relocated trees that were clipping with Tropical Villa by Leuge56.

Version 4.3

  • Relocated trees that were clipping with Mafia Mansion by Leuge56.

Version 4.2

  • Fixed floating or immersed palms and trees that were added in version 4.0
  • Relocated trees that were clipping with bunkers (when MP maps are enabled)

Version 4.1

  • Refactored static collision models to significantly reduce the demand on pools phInstGta and StaticBounds.Especially for those using the mod on FiveM this is an important change.
  • Compatibility with MP maps
  • Compatibility with Liberty City V Remix
  • Refactored LOD models:
    • Replaced LOD and SLOD textures for large bushes and Redwood tree.
    • Added more LOD textures for various palms.
    • Reworked plane for top-down view so that it is only visible when viewing from above.
    • Added two additional front planes for large bushes, oak and eucalyptus tree

  • Provided FiveM resource bundle for client-side usage.
  • Fixed entities and streaming extents of some misc ymaps.
  • Relocated trees that were clipping with Forest Mansion by guillaume56.

Version 4.0

  • Moved many props to GTA V Remastered and vice versa so that both mods no longer overlap. Then relocated colliding props in the area where both mods previously overlapped.
  • Added over 2000 new props by merging props from GTA V Remastered v1.3 by le__AK (which adds over 8500 new props but 6500 of them remain in GTA V Remastered).
  • Switched prefix from forest_* to forests_* to avoid hash collision (forest_s_d_135_lod and bh1_48_balustradb both result in hash value 0x7D7A3327). (thanks to Brainfire for reporting)
  • Fixed flags of some non-vegetational entities.

Version 3.4

  • Fixed floating trees when using NaturalVision Evolved (caused by the replacement models for prop_tree_pine_01 and prop_w_r_cedar_01 since they have a higher pivot point).
  • Slightly reworked LOD and SLOD models ("hat" for top view is more flat and is positioned depending on the prop).
  • Reworked static collision models by splitting content into regular (no prefix) and high (prefix hi@) models.

Changes by JRod:
  • Reworked a scenario file (countryside_ne.ymt).

Version 3.3

  • Multi-partitioned maps and major refactoring of lod and slod models (increases performance and significantly reduces required pool size of "Building").
  • Adjusted brightness of some LOD and SLOD textures.
  • Reduced size of static collision models by only providing static collision models of props with a scaling not close to 1.
  • Rearranged packages so that it is possible to install the northern and the southern part independently (only north, only south or both).
  • Edited tree that were clipping with one of the watchtowers of Firewatch Lookout Towers by PNWParksFan. (thanks to ReNNie for reporting)

Version 3.2

  • Slightly reworked LOD models.
  • Reworked textures for LOD and SLOD models of maple trees (Prop_Tree_Maple_02 and Prop_Tree_Maple_03).
  • Changed all entities with priority level high, medium, low to level required to avoid entities not beeing displayed (see https://gtaforums.com/topic/919609-relv-v-proprestore/ for further information).
  • Recalculated Z coordinates of trees so that the trunk is as high as possible but still not floating.
  • Reduced/recalculated distance when to change from LOD to SLOD1 (increases performance without noticable affecting visual appearance).
  • Replaced jacada trees (the pink ones) by olive trees.
  • Replaced many of the dead trees by healthy ones.
  • Restructured ymap files.

Changes by JRod:
  • Added 27 cargens which were once part of version 2.2 and reworked some of them.
  • Replaced, deleted, added some non-vegetational props and fixed clipping/floating props.

Changes by Alex106:
  • Added a script to allow entering the shelter at coordinates -491.34, 2235.70, 150.87 (this requires Script Hook V .NET in order to work).

Version 3.1

Visual changes:
  • Replaced single standing redwood trees (TEST_Tree_Forest_Trunk_01) by other trees.
  • Edited a few trees (relocated, rescaled, changed model, ...).
  • Added a few trees.
  • Slight rework at silo hatch.

Other changes:
  • Reduced extents of static collision models and slod models.
  • Reduced/recalculated values for far distance view non-tree models.
  • Recalculated distance when to change from HD to LOD (slightly reduced large entities and increased for small entities).
  • Reduced/recalculated distance when to change from LOD to SLOD1.
  • Fixed non-tree entities (like boxes, chairs, barrels, ...) that shouldn't be static (so now they interact physically when hit by a car, on explosions, ...).
  • Provided static collision model for cabin.
  • Provided OIV uninstallation file.

Version 3.0

Visual changes:
  • Replaced most trees by a large diversity of trees (instead of just two different tree models now there are 26 different models, see "detailed list of trees" at bottom of page for more details).
  • Changed scaling/size of trees.
  • Reduced tilt of trees in accordance to their height.
  • Recalculated Z coordinate of every tree.
  • Created textures and models for medium far distance view (LOD models) for every kind of tree.
  • In addition to medium far distance view models (LOD models) three further far distance view models were created (SLOD1 to SLOD3 models).
  • Enabled reflections of trees in water (that is because for reflections mainly SLOD1 to SLOD3 models are used).
  • Relocated some trees.
  • Added a few trees.
  • Reworked observation points "Raton Canyon" and "East Alamo View".

Other changes:
  • Fixed wrong collisions by providing static collision models (before only embedded collision was used but since embedded collision ignores scaling every scaled tree ended up with a wrong collision model).
  • Reduced/recalculated values for far distance view models (in accordance to their height) to be more consistent with other entities.
    (before Redwood trees had a very high value which heavily affected performance and forced users to reduce "Extended Distance Scaling" under "Advanced Graphics")
  • Extracted non-tree entities in separated files (ymap).
  • Performed clustering of trees to get reasonable chunks of maps (to get rid of having some ymap files with huge extents).
  • Provided OIV installation file.
  • Provided FiveM resource bundle for server-side usage. (thanks to leonad1125)

Overview of added props

northern part
bushes: 23
trees: 4998
others: 517
total north: 5538

southern part
bushes: 678
cacti: 129
joshua trees: 306
palms: 11
trees: 6814
rocks: 85
others: 205
total south: 8228

total north: 5538
total south: 8228
total: 13766
Show Full Description

최초 업로드: 2021년 11월 25일 (목)
마지막 업로드: 2024년 12월 20일 (금)
마지막 다운로드: 5분 전

All Versions

 5.6-SP (current)

다운로드 39,186 , 62.5메가바이트
2024년 12월 20일 (금)


다운로드 622 , 61.9메가바이트
2024년 12월 20일 (금)


다운로드 1,300 , 56.8메가바이트
2024년 12월 20일 (금)


다운로드 11,667 , 61.1메가바이트
2024년 11월 20일 (수)


다운로드 234 , 60.5메가바이트
2024년 11월 20일 (수)


다운로드 507 , 56.5메가바이트
2024년 11월 20일 (수)


다운로드 13,492 , 59.2메가바이트
2024년 10월 16일 (수)


다운로드 254 , 58.5메가바이트
2024년 10월 16일 (수)


다운로드 524 , 54.5메가바이트
2024년 10월 16일 (수)


다운로드 41,096 , 58.1메가바이트
2024년 07월 07일 (일)


다운로드 712 , 57.5메가바이트
2024년 07월 07일 (일)


다운로드 1,489 , 53.7메가바이트
2024년 07월 07일 (일)


다운로드 23,828 , 55.2메가바이트
2024년 05월 05일 (일)


다운로드 524 , 54.7메가바이트
2024년 05월 05일 (일)


다운로드 1,048 , 50.9메가바이트
2024년 05월 05일 (일)


다운로드 21,781 , 57.2메가바이트
2024년 03월 02일 (토)


다운로드 583 , 56.6메가바이트
2024년 03월 02일 (토)


다운로드 1,245 , 53.1메가바이트
2024년 03월 02일 (토)


다운로드 26,050 , 55.1메가바이트
2023년 12월 24일 (일)


다운로드 646 , 54.6메가바이트
2023년 12월 24일 (일)


다운로드 1,336 , 52.1메가바이트
2023년 12월 24일 (일)


다운로드 27,695 , 47.6메가바이트
2023년 09월 27일 (수)


다운로드 623 , 47.2메가바이트
2023년 09월 27일 (수)


다운로드 1,282 , 47.2메가바이트
2023년 09월 27일 (수)


다운로드 23,635 , 43.9메가바이트
2023년 07월 01일 (토)


다운로드 660 , 43.5메가바이트
2023년 07월 01일 (토)


다운로드 1,357 , 43.5메가바이트
2023년 07월 01일 (토)


다운로드 29,599 , 44메가바이트
2023년 03월 01일 (수)


다운로드 782 , 43.5메가바이트
2023년 03월 01일 (수)


다운로드 1,504 , 43.6메가바이트
2023년 03월 01일 (수)


다운로드 7,778 , 44메가바이트
2023년 02월 01일 (수)


다운로드 244 , 43.5메가바이트
2023년 02월 01일 (수)


다운로드 544 , 43.6메가바이트
2023년 02월 01일 (수)


다운로드 30,542 , 30.8메가바이트
2022년 10월 01일 (토)


다운로드 1,802 , 30.4메가바이트
2022년 10월 01일 (토)


다운로드 8,659 , 30.2메가바이트
2022년 09월 03일 (토)


다운로드 525 , 29.8메가바이트
2022년 09월 03일 (토)


다운로드 36,375 , 29.1메가바이트
2022년 04월 04일 (월)


다운로드 1,587 , 28.7메가바이트
2022년 04월 04일 (월)


다운로드 8,334 , 22.8메가바이트
2022년 03월 05일 (토)


다운로드 489 , 22.6메가바이트
2022년 03월 05일 (토)


다운로드 17,962 , 24메가바이트
2021년 12월 15일 (수)


다운로드 881 , 23.8메가바이트
2021년 12월 15일 (수)


다운로드 624 , 22.7메가바이트
2021년 11월 29일 (월)


다운로드 6,694 , 22.7메가바이트
2021년 11월 25일 (목)

댓글 474