San Fierro, San Andreas
좋아요 37
댓글 24
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다운로드 6,935
  • Jimmy
    고정된 댓글

    So, after a very long hiatus, I'm considering coming back to the modding scene for a bit. I have unfortunately lost all the original source code for my previous mods so if I do come back and update them I'm going to have to recreate them. Thanks for all the support.

    2021년 07월 13일 (화)
  • Jimmy

    @briancatmaster That's alright man, just make sure to give me credit lol. Sorry for the (very) late response, I'm not very active here anymore.

    2021년 02월 03일 (수)
  • Jimmy

    @FelixSG I am aware of the bribing delay and I've tried everything to fix it. Currently, there is no fix for the problem and it makes it even harder due to lack of documentation for NativeUI and ScriptHookVDotNet.

    TL;DR: I tried everything. The problem is not in my code.

    And about 1: I will try to make that possible but like I said earlier, it will be extremely hard due to lack of documentation.

    2019년 07월 09일 (화)
  • Jimmy

    1.2 Released Now! (Thanks @FelixSG for the feature suggestions!)
    - Colored bribe messages so you don't have to read the whole thing to know what happened.
    - Shorter bribe messages.
    - Bribe messages are now customizable!
    - Configurable Minimum and Maximum distance for the SWAT Agents to spawn on hard difficulty .
    - Quick bribes allow you to configure a key and level in the ini file to quickly bribe the police without opening the menu.
    - Bug fixes.

    The download (at the time of writing) is currently under approval but I already uploaded a showcase video to YouTube.

    2019년 07월 07일 (일)
  • Jimmy

    @Ilikeeditingpolice01 I think I might be able to do something like that. It'll be a different script though.

    2019년 07월 06일 (토)
  • Jimmy

    1.2 (Thanks @FelixSG for the feature suggestions!)
    WIP Features:
    - Colored bribe messages so you don't have to read the whole thing to know what happened.
    - Configurable Minimum and Maximum distance for the SWAT Agents to spawn on hard difficulty
    - Quick bribes allow you to configure a key and level in the ini file to quickly bribe the police without opening the menu.

    If you want something to be added you can always post it in the comments!

    2019년 07월 06일 (토)
  • Jimmy

    @mirox95 To edit the ini settings you need to edit PoliceBribesV.ini and gamepads are not currently supported.

    2019년 07월 06일 (토)
  • Jimmy

    @FelixSG @greg115 Okay so I uploaded the actual dll currently waiting for approval :) Sorry

    2019년 06월 24일 (월)
  • Jimmy
    2019년 05월 17일 (금)
  • Jimmy

    @kenkil I'm Always Happy to Help!

    2019년 04월 30일 (화)