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@Nivinha where's my ped collection 2022 part 2 I miss those they were so good
which genos is that one at the back my guy
@Joshua Vanderzee Did you release it? please tell me you did
@lnfernus could you please tell what peds.ymt does? im assuming some kind of behavior altering or spawning location of sorts, Im not using it because im replacing a random female ped on the streets
Good god I've always wanted to have that watch when I was a kid, thought it would impress the girls lol
@ariana23 but seriously will you actually?
@ariana23 caught in 4k lol
@ariana23 how on earth did you get that mp female body and bikini? you must have made em yourself just didin't released it right? would like for you to confirm that
@Nivinha when is part 2 coming out?
@zombieguy SHV.net? absolutely, a must-have if you are using most scripts, I thought everyone used it at this point also I'm not on current version Im two behind so that might have something to do with it maybe but its all good