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@WolfFire23309 Wow this is absolutely breathtaking! I cant even imagine how much work this was! Wonderful job man
@Hanako I am really happy that you found a way around the lack of movement when I attempted this kind of mod. But I did notice that the idle animations use the default player cover stance instead of the NPC ones. Do you plan on adding those along with extra idles and cover transitions? (such as entering cover, peeking, return to cover, and suppression reactions?
@Cloud_Power would you be able to set up a config that allows the weapon to remain in hand on ragdoll? I use bullet impact and would like the two handed guns to stay in hand instead of disappearing. Great mod btw!
I really enjoy the new fluidity of this mod, especially compared to 1.2, yet I do miss some of the features like keeping your gun in your hand and being able to shoot before you get up. Although it did turn you into an NPC which caused lots of weird camera issues and such. Do you plan on re-implementing that kind of system without becoming an NPC? I feel like mixing that into it along with being able to set your chance of euphoria activation would allow you to do that but also have a chance of standing up again
@Young_Maylay That's weird
@Young_Maylay Nein? Warum denken Sie das?
@jedijosh920 do you think this could be used also for changing cover animation clipsets?
Super! Danke. Wann das Spiel auf deutsch ist, auch soll die Trainer!
I think maybe a cool thing to include would be alternate getting up anims, like where the npcs aim and shoot, as they are standing up, I've been trying to play around with that kind of thing and it would be pretty difficult to do, but it's just an idea
@jedijosh920 Like the NPC cover anims, I wanted those to be the player cover anims, and was wondering if you could help me out with that, I got the idles and movement working, but not the base ones