
Single Player Heists 1.27.1 (Fix Cayo Table Screen Not Rendering Correctly)



Single Player Heists is the ultimate successor to the The Payday Heist Mod. In its current form, Single Player Heists is still in Beta, due to my University Schedule being all over the place im publishing it on 5mods in its beta form. Beta form is still playable however you might encounter small issues. if you find a bug or issue, PLEASE contact me on discord and put the bug report in #single-player-heists-bugs on my discord server

Heists are seperated out into 3 catagories
HitnRun: Heists Requiring no setups, simply start them from their heist start marker or Arcade to play them
Full Setup: Heists that have multiple setups that need to be played to play finale, like the Payday Heist mod's Heist
Freeform: Heists that have the setup and Finale rolled into one mission

Most of the Heist were ported from Player Companion, which originally were from the Payday Heist mod, However with Heists being removed from Player Companion and Player Companion being Rebuilt, Player Companion is currently incompatible with Single Player Heists.

Single Player Heists Includes 18 Heists Including,
The Fleeca Bank Job (All 6 Locations)
The Paleto Bank
The Pacific Standard
The Jewel Store Job
The Union Depository
The La Fuenta Blanca Heist
The La'oub Princess Cargoship Heist
The Biker Clubhouse Heist
The Diamond Casino Heist
The ECU Job
The Cayo Perico Heist
The Prison Break
The Humaine Labs Raid
The Luxington Raid (Redesign from the Payday Heist mod)
The Cartel Yacht Heist (Redesign from the Payday Heist mod)
The Billionaries Party
The Federal Reserve Train Heist
The 24/7 Job
The Silthouse Job
The Mazebank Savings Branch Heist (1.1.8)
The Printhouse Heist (1.1.8)
The Betta Bank Heist (1.20)
The Gefangnis Art Heist (1.20)
The Diamond Jewel Store Heist (1.20)

Install Instructions
1. download and Install scripthookv + Scripthookvdotnet
2. create a scripts folder (named scripts and not Scripts) if you havent got one already
3. drag SinglePlayerHeists.dll, SinglePlayerHeists.pdb and SinglePlayerHeists folder into script folder.
4. install my mod helper version 10.0 and up is required, put files in scripts (latest patch comes with mod)
5. install LemonUI for SHVDN3
6. install Ifruitaddon2 (comes in zip)
7 like The Payday Heist Mod. If the mod has installed correctly you will get a text from lester, to meet him at his Warehouse. go there and a cutscene will roll, once the cutscene ends, you will be asked to buy an Arcade, once you have bought an Arcade, you can then start Heists from Inside the Arcade, or some Heists can be played from the Start Heist Marker.

Known Issues
A couple of known issues to watch out for, some scaleforms for people dont load.

Release Notes
beta 1.1.5 (v1.0 for 5mods Upload)
Added ATM Robberies
added Order A Vehicle from Arcade
fixed vault door in Paleto Not Opening
fixed Paleto Bank Job Completing after not losing cops
added debug commands, more on those later

Added the Mazebank Savings Bank Heist - small hitnrun bank heist, in the west of Los Santos
Added The Printhouse Heist - A Groupe6 money storage area, located in centeral Los Santos
Bodyguards will now be removed from group if thet die
Bodyguards no longer get deleted apon reloading mods, they are auto detected an registered as SPH bodyguards apon mod reload
Pacific Standard vault timer reduces from max 2 minutes and 30 seconds to around 1 minute
Fixed major issue of player not being able to jump after ordering a vehicle
removed looing variables from Fleeca, Paleto, Pacific Standard, La Fuente Blance, Biker Clubhouse and redded loot using SPH ManageRobberyAnims looting system (used by nearly all heists, updating old Player Companion heists to ManageRobberyAnims keeps updating of code easier)
redesigned take UI
added Lester Phone call
added Paige voice over to Jewel Store Job
Jewel store Job time till police arrival has been cut down to around 1 minute 30
added SPH Settings Contact
added ability to bypass Lester Text/Call to straight own an arcade from SPH Settings
added ability to change/disable Heist icons
added ability to disable AI intergration so bodyguards cannot loot
added ability to disable Player Companion, disabled SPH detecting Robber A as you Companion from my Player Companion Mod
added ability to disable Single Player Pause, doing this force the game to run even when the game is paused
added ability to block bodyguards mantling objects (climbing over objects)
added ability to show secondary UI on Safe cracking Minigame (Heists only, Wont work on Cayo Perico)
added quite a few debug features toggleable from SPH Settings Contact
fixed a slight bug where loot could not be picked up
removed all looting variables from Cayo Perico Heist, updated to ManageRobberyAnims looting system
Added The Gefangnis Heist
Added The Diamond Jewel Store Heist
Added the Betta Bank Heist
Major Compatibility patch with Player Companion Rebuild update
Cash earned from heists now shows after heist passed scaleform ends
fixed multiple heists not giving cash after completing them
Show Full Description

최초 업로드: 2024년 04월 02일 (화)
마지막 업로드: 2025년 01월 30일 (목)
마지막 다운로드: 21분 전

All Versions

 1.27.1 (Fix Cayo Table Screen Not Rendering Correctly) (current)

다운로드 4,751 , 13.5메가바이트
2025년 01월 30일 (목)

 1.27 (Fix Cayo Table Screen Not Rendering Correctly)

다운로드 1,145 , 13.5메가바이트
2025년 01월 26일 (일)

 1.26.1 (Fix Mssing Textures at Cemetary)

다운로드 998 , 13.2메가바이트
2024년 12월 23일 (월)

 1.26 (Major Rewrite to Onshutdown Sequences)

다운로드 4,359 , 3.45메가바이트
2024년 12월 19일 (목)

 1.25.1 (Safehouse Reloaded Compatiblity)

다운로드 5,078 , 3.52메가바이트
2024년 11월 12일 (화)

 1.25 (Safehouse Reloaded Compatiblity)

다운로드 143 , 3.52메가바이트
2024년 11월 11일 (월)

 1.24.1 (Fix Cayo Perico Not Launching)

다운로드 6,143 , 3.55메가바이트
2024년 09월 11일 (수)

 1.24 (Cayo Perico Overhual)

다운로드 1,827 , 3.55메가바이트
2024년 09월 03일 (화)

 1.23 (Fix SHVDN Nightly Flickering Issue)

다운로드 4,585 , 3.55메가바이트
2024년 08월 02일 (금)

 1.21 (Player Companion Rebuilt Patchfix)

다운로드 8,629 , 3.79메가바이트
2024년 05월 22일 (수)

 1.20 (3 New Heists)

다운로드 2,856 , 3.78메가바이트
2024년 05월 06일 (월) (minor patchfix)

다운로드 1,415 , 3.83메가바이트
2024년 05월 01일 (수)


다운로드 104 , 3.83메가바이트
2024년 05월 01일 (수)

 1.1.8 (2 New Heists)

다운로드 1,957 , 3.91메가바이트
2024년 04월 24일 (수)

 Beta 1.1.7 (Order a Vehicle, ATM Robberies)

다운로드 2,920 , 3.72메가바이트
2024년 04월 05일 (금)

 Beta 1.1.6 (Fix Missing FIles)

다운로드 1,299 , 3.7메가바이트
2024년 04월 02일 (화)

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