
Bodyguard Squads 1.1 [MAY 2018]



Hey, I got some time to try and patch up this oldie. I've mainly added futureproofing.

Remember, this is a very old script, with awful scripting practices in it because of that. Its almost impossible to update, and I don't have time to rewrite it from scratch. Not now.

So at most what you get is these dirty patches, and only if the planets align, a rewrite. Sorry to dissapoint! Life's not as easy today as it was yesterday.

Changelog 1.1
- Tried to fix and simplify some code.
- Added vehiclemodel and weaponmodel options to advanced_bodyguards.ini so you guys can add as many weapons and vehicles as needed. Check the weapon names here.
- Added Recruit Nearby Peds in Squad>SpecialOrders. Recruits nearby peds to that squad.
- Squads will be dismissed when restarting SHVDN scripts (Shift+Insert), so no more persistent peds being lost in the world.

Known bugs
- Squads may not follow their leader when spawned. Dismiss/Spawn them again, or check and uncheck "follow player".

- Add "Follow ped on foot" order, the squad will follow the ped... On foot.
Should be useful to have multiple squads move around with fewer orders.

Original description
Spawn up to FOUR independent squads and make them do stuff!

  • Choose their weapon, vehicle and model!
  • Complete driving abilities, from escorting you to chasing who you want them to. They can even attach trailers to their truck, or other vehicles to their towtruck!
  • Complete heli flying abilities, including rappeling, landing, and hooking vehicles with the Cargobob!
  • Make them cooperate, kill eachother or go after you!
  • Command them in combat, setting their priority targets!
  • Tweak their behavior to your likings!
  • Do races with them!
  • Enter their vehicle as passenger [Space] let them drive for you!

Boats and planes are not supported at the moment.

  • To set up a race, set a waypoint on your map, where the first control point should be. Then, click on the Add Waypoint option inside the new Race Commands submenu. You will see there is now a white blip on the map.
  • Repeat for the following race waypoints, being the last one the finish line. It should look like this.
  • Guide the squad(s) to where you want to start the race and click on Start race, they will drive through each race waypoint and stop at the last one.

Custom relationships with other RelationshipGroups:
  • You can now make the Squads hate certain relationshipgroups, like the cops or the Ballas. Check the Squad>Behavior>Relationships menu.
    Here is a list with all the vanilla RelationshipGroups.
Setting up custom models for your squad:
  • 1. Open the advanced_bodyguards.ini you will find in your scripts folder.
  • 2. Find "CustomStyle1Name" and change the value (Mexicans) to the Faction name you want.
  • 3. Change the values of all the CustomStyle1ModelX you will find below, providing a valid model name, like s_m_m_movalien_01, for example. Repeat the values if you don't have enough model names to fill all four inputs.
  • Save the file and start the game.

Follow the same procedure with the second custom faction defined in the .ini.

.NET Framework 4.5.2
Visual C++ 2015
ScriptHookV v1.0.463.1

How to install
Extract the files into /Grand Theft Auto V/scripts/.
Video Tutorial, thanks to 2Goodyy for making it!

How to use
Pressing Z will open the Guard Commands menu, letting you select wich squad you want to handle.

Press ALT to enter commands mode. Instead of shooting, you will issue commands until you exit the mode pressing ALT again.

The commands you can issue depend on the Squad Leader's situation. Here's a list of currently supported commands and situations:

Squad is on foot
  • Aim+click at ground = Run there
  • Aim+click at a ped = Attack him
  • Aim+click at a vehicle = Enter that vehicle

Squad is on vehicle:
  • Aim+click at ground = Drive there
  • Aim+click at a ped = Attack him from vehicle
  • Aim+click at other vehicle = Chase that vehicle
  • Aim+click at other squads' vehicle = escort that vehicle
  • Aim+click at their own vehicle = Leave the vehicle
Latest versions feature orders issued from the menu, allowing you to manage them while they're doing stuff.

  • Police peds don't like you in their cars, and will enter a neverending loop of leaving the car and entering again.
  • If the Squad is the Army or the Police, they will give you 2 stars if you aim directly at them.

0.7 - 0.8 - 0.8b - 0.8.1 - 0.9.5

0.9.5 to 1.0
  • Added some DLC vehicles (armored baller, turreted limo armored schafter)
  • Added custom vehicles to the .ini configuration file.
  • Added new control: shift + click on the ground will make your squad move there ignoring enemy fire.
  • Added "on foot" option for "Vehicles".
  • Fixed SPACE leaving the player in an endless task of getting into a vehicle it can't (it will not teleport inside after a timeout)
  • Improved Heli landing AI & other orders

0.9 to 0.9.5
  • Fixed Squads 3 and 4 not using helicopter weapons.
  • Fixed units from the NoOSE mod shooting your units.
  • Added the M4 Carbine.

0.8.1 to 0.9
  • Changed Orders mode key from C to ALT.
  • Added the two remaining squads, you can control a total of four now.
  • Massive improvements on the driving AI.
  • Driving Styles now apply inmediately
  • Improved Heli AI: any heli escorting you will engage enemies AND come back to escort you when they're finished.
  • Improved Heli AI: They actually use the helicopters weapons now!
  • Improved AI in combat: While the squad is in combat, "Run there" becomes "Attack this area". The Squad will engage all enemies near the position, then run there.
  • When entering orders mode or the menu, time will slowdown if you or any squad is in combat.
  • Fixed an issue when calling All Squads while having some squads already present.

0.8b to 0.8.1
  • Added some Racing options, so you can race your Squad if you want. (I personally had so much fun with it)
  • Squad GodMode now also applies to their current vehicle, even if they're not in it.
  • Some menu recoloring.

0.8 to 0.8b
  • Fixed the Cargobob attach/detach not working.
  • Fixed orders applying twice.
  • Added the Stun Gun to the secondary weapons list.

0.7 to 0.8
  • Added support for Gang Wars, NOoSE mod and Battleground: Armored Packs. This means that your squad will hate the mods' enemies and like the mods' allies, allowing you to use them in these mods without issues.
  • Added "Re-call when defeated" option.
  • Added a "Dispatch to Waypoint" option.
  • Added a new set of options regarding Squad relationships.
  • Added another set of options to apply orders to ALL squads at once.
    I'll fill this new menu with more orders in the next update.
  • Fixed some typos.

0.6b to 0.7
  • Added two custom Squad Model Lists, so you can have all these custom squads you want by editing the .ini file. By default, these lists have some Mexicans and the Freemode peds.
  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't get into a Squad vehicle if there were more vehicles nearby.
  • Added GodMode for both Squads.
  • Added options to make the Squads hate each other and/or you.
  • A tweaks regarding Driver AI, the Driving Styles now control speed when driving to close places and how the driver reacts to peds/objects/vehicles.
  • Tweaked the SlowTime feature, check the .ini for details.
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최초 업로드: 2015년 09월 04일 (금)
마지막 업로드: 2018년 05월 24일 (목)
마지막 다운로드: 11분 전

All Versions

 1.1 [MAY 2018] (current)

다운로드 206,340 , 61킬로바이트
2018년 05월 23일 (수)


다운로드 101,369 , 29킬로바이트
2015년 09월 04일 (금)

댓글 1,403