
Jetski Pack Animations 1.0

2fbd20 test99
2fbd20 test 100
2fbd20 test 101
2fbd20 test 102
2fbd20 test 98


----------------------- Darks Animations -----------------------



----- SP Installation
I recommend using a addon installation by using https://www.gta5-mods.com/tools/addonprops

1. Download https://www.gta5-mods.com/tools/addonprops
2. Drag the .ycd files in the provided folder
3. Add the animations to your FavouriteAnims.xml
-> Codes can be found in the Fav Anim.txt

----- FiveM Installation
We do not offer a plug and play version for FiveM.
You are allowed to use these animation on any server without claiming them to be yours.
Also we do not offer script support, you have to get them to work by yourself!
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최초 업로드: 2023년 06월 18일 (일)
마지막 업로드: 2023년 06월 18일 (일)
마지막 다운로드: 21시간 전

All Versions

 1.0 (current)

다운로드 486 , 38킬로바이트
2023년 06월 18일 (일)

댓글 2