
Dodge Charger 2009 Code 3


Dodge Charger 2009, Code 3 Defender, traffic advisor, siderunners


Code 3 defender, Linz 6 Dominator traffic advisor, siderunners, Whelen Linz 6, Stenia pusbar.

All of the model's and components as well as the Lightbar usage permissions were given for this release and to protect the original files and credits of these components the vehicle model has been locked.

Special thanks to: OfficerFive0, nicks0112, Lundy and the people that have supported and donated to me.

This work is licensed under

Creative Commons-Licentie

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

© 2016 Pim DSLR Productions


Lundy, Lt. Caine, 0taku, BxBugs 2009 Dodge Charger PPV 1.0.0

PimDSLR for screatch Linz 6

Linz 6 dominator by OfficerFive0, made from screatch.

Setina Pushbar by NickieB

Siderunners by nicks0112

Code3 Defender by Kygo, converted & texture edits by MartinCT
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최초 업로드: 2016년 03월 06일 (일)
마지막 업로드: 2016년 03월 06일 (일)
마지막 다운로드: 2일 전

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다운로드 9,981 , 11.2메가바이트
2016년 03월 06일 (일)

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