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  • Default

    This mod worked with the latest version of GTA5.
    I already have the key assignments.
    debug, on , off, clear, reload
    The key assignments are already set: debug, on, off, clear, reload.
    These are not assignable separately.

    For "Command", I entered a string.
    With "debug," an error will occur.
    With "on" and "off", script works.
    clear and reload also seem to work.

    Now, let's see what happens.
    After setting Command=ON 
    2.Hold L-SHIFT on keyboad
    3. Jump.

    When I try it...
    It flies, but only descends and cannot change direction.
    Why can't I ascend and change direction?
    It would be nice if L-SHIFT could be assigned to a key as well.

    2021년 12월 08일 (수)