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    It has been long since I have been drilling in studying...I might be available for testing the mod in Christmas...

    2017년 11월 08일 (수)
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    @fish343 Theoretically in my mod it could

    2017년 10월 18일 (수)
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    @jedijosh920 I've decompiled your code and made some tweaks. You can select which weapon to decapitate, to blow head, to cut your upper and lower body and everywhere else. https://hastebin.com/usafiviyud.cs cheers

    2017년 10월 06일 (금)
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    Hello dude!
    I would like to work on this mod, but you hadn't update frequently, sop I had reversed most of your code.
    But I couldn't get pass the vtable patch. I know it's a vmethod patch, but I just couldn't find the right address, and I know you write 2 NOPs in it. So how do you get the PatchHeadMeshDrawFlags man? Can you tell me how to reverse it?

    2017년 05월 17일 (수)