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  • 41143b maxresdefault

    Hola muy buenas mmodsgtav, yo tengo también el problema del puente que sólo se ilumina pero no parpadea y tengo el ELS instalado,será la configuración del ELS, o hará falta algo más?.Me pasa en muchos autos con sirenas.Muchas gracias

    2021년 01월 29일 (금)
  • 41143b maxresdefault

    @nidecker muchas gracias ya te comentaré si logro descubrir el problema,un abrazo

    2018년 02월 18일 (일)
  • 41143b maxresdefault

    @nidecker muchas gracias por la contesta.
    Ya está claro y tú entonces en tu juego no tienes ningún auto reemplazado?
    y cuantos autos tienes agregados en total?

    2018년 02월 18일 (일)
  • 41143b maxresdefault

    and installing version 11 of gameconfig is not blocked?
    and the folders that contain traffic which of them?
    I have installed additional cars and replaced several, maybe also the solution may be not replace but add alone?
    Thank you very much @nidecker

    2018년 02월 18일 (일)
  • 41143b maxresdefault

    Hello, good afternoon, do you speak Spanish? I do not speak English either,

    2018년 02월 18일 (일)
  • 41143b maxresdefault

    Good afternoon, what's up?
    I do not have that mod and when you installed the gameconfig, which of them did you take? thank you very much

    2018년 02월 12일 (월)
  • 41143b maxresdefault

    Good afternoon, F7YO, what's up?
    Look, I have a problem with ERR_FIL_PACK_1 error
    and I have 222 DLC of cars apart from some MAP garages.
    And now every time I install a new car it jumps that error, it does not let me install more of those 222
    Could you help me? Thank you very much

    2018년 02월 11일 (일)
  • 41143b maxresdefault

    Bonjour, beau véhicule, hate de le tester mais où placer les fichiers pour le replace ?

    2017년 11월 10일 (금)