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    @eshenk : what a dumb I am ! I forgot the update.rpf file, you're right. Thank you again, it works (and yes, I had a backup ;) ).

    2016년 06월 10일 (금)
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    @eshenk : thanks you dude. Now, the game loads to the choice mode screen, but when I select "Story Mode", it crashes during the loading screen. I'm on previous RSC and launchers versions. I tried with previous and last scripthook versions, no changes.

    2016년 06월 10일 (금)
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    anybody knows how to block steam automatic update ? I downgraded, but steam automatically update, so I have to downgrade again and again...

    2016년 06월 10일 (금)
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    @Gta5KoRn: Thx for the tip about the ScOffline, It worked perfectly !

    2016년 06월 09일 (목)
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    @tristen895: I installed mine from this link : techfaqs.net/file/download-rockstar-games-social-club/

    2016년 06월 08일 (수)
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    Hi everyone. After a moment as a visitor, I register today because of the scripthook issue due to GTA update :)
    First, thank you very much to eshenk and the others members who gave the way to downgrade, it worked fine for me !
    But now, I have another problem : in the rockstar editor, I can't export my videos. When I try, Editor give me this message : ""The text you entered contain words that may violate terms of service. Please revise and try again". I tried with several file names, doesn't change anything.
    Someone else has the same issue? Or know how to solve it .?
    Thx !

    2016년 06월 08일 (수)