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  • Tubeguy

    All locations are wayyyyy of map at my place. Any idea why and how to resolve it?

    2016년 05월 20일 (금)
  • Tubeguy

    @aimless: I added:
    4e17c6-Drug Deal
    6c5f04-New Heists and Missions
    3402c3-Party Boat Heist
    577546-FLEECA JOB
    613018-dlc story mode 2 hours of gameplay

    all from here...

    2016년 05월 01일 (일)
  • Tubeguy

    @aimless: removing the missions did the job! thanks! now to figure out the perp...

    2016년 05월 01일 (일)
  • Tubeguy

    @aimless: thanks, and sorry to be a nuisance.
    I already checked - it really is version 1.6.1 from February 2nd. And I already had renamed inifile.dll...
    Current log:
    [21:12:06] [DEBUG] Created script domain 'ScriptDomain_A6293514'.
    [21:12:06] [DEBUG] Loading scripts from 'G:\Grand Theft Auto V\scripts' into script domain 'ScriptDomain_A6293514' ...
    [21:12:09] [DEBUG] Found 1 script(s) in 'BAM.dll'.
    [21:12:09] [DEBUG] Found 1 script(s) in 'NativeUI.dll'.
    [21:12:09] [ERROR] Failed to list assembly types:
    System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Mindestens ein Typ in der Assembly kann nicht geladen werden. Rufen Sie die LoaderExceptions-Eigenschaft ab, wenn Sie weitere Informationen benötigen.
    bei System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes(RuntimeModule module)
    bei System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes()
    bei GTA.ScriptDomain.LoadAssembly(String filename, Assembly assembly)
    [21:12:09] [DEBUG] Starting 2 script(s) ...
    [21:12:09] [DEBUG] Instantiating script 'buildamission' in script domain 'ScriptDomain_A6293514' ...
    [21:12:13] [ERROR] Failed to instantiate script 'buildamission' because constructor threw an exception:
    System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
    bei buildamission..ctor()
    [21:12:13] [DEBUG] Instantiating script 'NativeUI.BigMessageThread' in script domain 'ScriptDomain_A6293514' ...
    [21:12:13] [DEBUG] Started script 'NativeUI.BigMessageThread'.

    2016년 04월 30일 (토)
  • Tubeguy

    @aimless: yes, I'm affraid so. And Script Hook V .NET v2.6.2 ...

    2016년 04월 30일 (토)
  • Tubeguy

    @aimless: first of all: thanks for this presumably awesome mod ;) and especially many thanks for helping out the community to get it going all the time!
    I'd like to try it, but whenever I press "h" nothing happens.
    I installed all the frameworks and runtimes, except the .net framework 4.5.2 - it wouldn't let me because I already had a more recent one installed. So I think that might not be the issue. I deleted all files and mods that altered the keyboard mappings like cruise control and stuff. Here's my log:

    [13:47:33] [DEBUG] Created script domain 'ScriptDomain_F70EEEFA'.
    [13:47:33] [DEBUG] Loading scripts from 'G:\Grand Theft Auto V\scripts' into script domain 'ScriptDomain_F70EEEFA' ...
    [13:47:36] [DEBUG] Found 1 script(s) in 'BAM.dll'.
    [13:47:36] [DEBUG] Found 0 script(s) in 'IniFile.dll'.
    [13:47:36] [DEBUG] Found 0 script(s) in 'NativeUI.dll'.
    [13:47:36] [ERROR] Failed to list assembly types:
    System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Mindestens ein Typ in der Assembly kann nicht geladen werden. Rufen Sie die LoaderExceptions-Eigenschaft ab, wenn Sie weitere Informationen benötigen.
    bei System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes(RuntimeModule module)
    bei System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes()
    bei GTA.ScriptDomain.LoadAssembly(String filename, Assembly assembly)
    [13:47:36] [DEBUG] Starting 1 script(s) ...
    [13:47:36] [DEBUG] Instantiating script 'buildamission' in script domain 'ScriptDomain_F70EEEFA' ...
    [13:47:37] [ERROR] Failed to instantiate script 'buildamission' because constructor threw an exception:
    System.TypeLoadException: Der Typ "NativeUI.TextTimerBar" in der Assembly "NativeUI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" konnte nicht geladen werden.
    bei buildamission..ctor()
    [13:57:32] [DEBUG] Created script domain 'ScriptDomain_6B153FEB'.
    [13:57:32] [DEBUG] Loading scripts from 'G:\Grand Theft Auto V\scripts' into script domain 'ScriptDomain_6B153FEB' ...
    [13:57:32] [DEBUG] Found 1 script(s) in 'BAM.dll'.
    [13:57:32] [DEBUG] Found 0 script(s) in 'IniFile.dll'.
    [13:57:32] [DEBUG] Found 0 script(s) in 'NativeUI.dll'.
    [13:57:32] [ERROR] Failed to list assembly types:
    System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Mindestens ein Typ in der Assembly kann nicht geladen werden. Rufen Sie die LoaderExceptions-Eigenschaft ab, wenn Sie weitere Informationen benötigen.
    bei System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes(RuntimeModule module)
    bei System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes()
    bei GTA.ScriptDomain.LoadAssembly(String filename, Assembly assembly)
    [13:57:32] [DEBUG] Starting 1 script(s) ...
    [13:57:32] [DEBUG] Instantiating script 'buildamission' in script domain 'ScriptDomain_6B153FEB' ...
    [13:57:32] [ERROR] Failed to instantiate script 'buildamission' because constructor threw an exception:
    System.TypeLoadException: Der Typ "NativeUI.TextTimerBar" in der Assembly "NativeUI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" konnte nicht geladen werden.
    bei buildamission..ctor()
    [14:27:52] [DEBUG] Created script domain 'ScriptDomain_7A66D393'.
    [14:27:52] [DEBUG] Loading scripts from 'G:\Grand Theft Auto V\scripts' into script domain 'ScriptDomain_7A66D393' ...
    [14:27:52] [DEBUG] Found 1 script(s) in 'BAM.dll'.
    [14:27:52] [DEBUG] Found 0 script(s) in 'IniFile.dll'.
    [14:27:52] [DEBUG] Found 0 script(s) in 'NativeUI.dll'.
    [14:27:52] [ERROR] Failed to list assembly types:
    System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Mindestens ein Typ in der Assembly kann nicht geladen werden. Rufen Sie die LoaderExceptions-Eigenschaft ab, wenn Sie weitere Informationen benötigen.
    bei System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes(RuntimeModule module)
    bei System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes()
    bei GTA.ScriptDomain.LoadAssembly(String filename, Assembly assembly)
    [14:27:52] [DEBUG] Starting 1 script(s) ...
    [14:27:52] [DEBUG] Instantiating script 'buildamission' in script domain 'ScriptDomain_7A66D393' ...
    [14:27:52] [ERROR] Failed to instantiate script 'buildamission' because constructor threw an exception:
    System.TypeLoadException: Der Typ "NativeUI.TextTimerBar" in der Assembly "NativeUI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" konnte nicht geladen werden.
    bei buildamission..ctor()

    Would be great if we can get it to run! Thanks man!

    전체 댓글 확장하기
    2016년 04월 29일 (금)