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    @mcal9909 i got this idea maybe when i start buying products for millions maybe there is then one guy with a gun even in lowdanger zones

    2021년 03월 04일 (목)
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    @Dealien maybe u can use the some of the peds from cayo preico the cartel members and those peds maybe they fit one of the roles

    2021년 03월 04일 (목)
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    @Dealien do u think u can make my idea come to life

    2021년 02월 27일 (토)
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    @Dealien hey i just saw the new 1.1 update and i was thinking for the driving mission if u could drive around diffrent people like the lieutenant and the enforcer and the underboss and they all have diffrent misssion fx the lieutenant buys ammo and weapons and the eforcer recruits new people and i was thinking maybe i would be better if they drove around in fx armored schafter or armored baller or the armored cognoscenti.

    2021년 02월 18일 (목)