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Update 1.3.5 for 5Mods (Here):
- Visible markers for each location so it's easier to find how to enter
- Each Marker is color coded accordingly to the blip color for consistency
- Optimized each location so that instead of walking into the marker to teleport, you press 'E' to teleport.
Early Access to v1.4 on my *New Patreon*! (30+ new enterable homes):
- New medium end apartments spanning across Vinewood
- A mix of both medium and low end interiors at Mirror Park homes
- New medium end enterable homes in Vespucci Canals
- More low end enterable homes in South LS
- Become a Rockford Hills Executive to gain acces to 1.4 and much more
- If you don't want to subscribe as a paid member, feel free to join as a free one to get a lot of modding insights!
- There will also be high quality exclusive scripts on my Patreon
Note: for loading medium end interiors, please use Simple Trainer - Teleports - Other Teleports - Interiors - Scroll until you find 'Midrange Apartment'. Or load MP Maps. I couldn't find a way to load the midrange apartment without needing mp maps so if you know lmk.
*NEW UPDATE 1.3* requested by @CJislit and @mcshithead and others
-Added an Accuracy Range System. Example: Cops are set a minimum accuracy of 65 and max 100, meaning a cop will have an accuracy randomized within the range of 65-100. To enable this new feature make sure UsesRanges is set to true.
-New Configurable Peds:
Madrazo Goons
O'Neil Brothers
*NEW PATREON* : https://www.patreon.com/Jaydenwasd
New Patreon has just been created and will give members many benefits like early access or Patreon exclusive script mods!
The new page already has unreleased scripts like *Common SuperCars in Rockford Hills* and *NPCs Cut Up Traffic* mods!
Feel free to support the new Patreon early so it can grow quick and more dedication to the modding community
@ManWhoLaughs Sure, I'll probably focus more on low end as it doesn't require MP Maps.
UPDATE 1.3 - Blips for interior locations, requested by @DJTMGaming
Added blips for each location you can enter so it's now easier to find the location and makes them more memorable
Completely re-optimized code
A blip config ini file has also been added where you can either:
-enable/disable blips from the pause-menu map
-enable/disable blips from minimap
-enable/disable a dynamic proximity minimap blips (only shows blips when you're in a range on minimap, range is also configurable)
-configurable blip colors for the Low-end, mid-end, high-end houses, and the apartments
Note: Del Perro Apartment, the two mansions, and mid-end requires MP maps, but rest doesn't require
@mcshithead Sure
@DJTMGaming Yeah, I can add a blips update during the weekend
@ShefCurry30 which apartment are you teleporting to?
goated car
@SkylineGTRFreak can you make a Joint Light Tactical Vehicle add-on?
Why are some doors locked in the diamond casino penthouse? I have all the features for it enabled