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- 미션
Final Update
By func_npc
is that my video????????????
errrmmmhhhh maaaaiii gaaaaawwwwwdddd im famousssss!!!11111 mooom get the cameraaaaaaaaaa!!!!!1
@Jax765 Ankles in general tend to rotate too much upwards, which looks unnatural when you start noticing it. It can probably be fixed by heavily reducing the rotation angle for upwards movement. I've tried doing it myself but I can't make sense of the fred and wilma xml files.
@pini I recently did a complete run through the entire mod again and I didn't notice any issues. The coordinates are correct and as intended. All I can recommend is check if you have any mods that alter the map or something of similar nature.
@t1gerr Might be because you can't pull out weapons inside the safehouse and mission maker uses that "weapon inventory" event to trigger the mission end. Try getting out of the safehouse and ending the mission then.
@William Halverd 🎉🎉🥳🥳🥳
@coremax2016 Thank you kindly 😎
@MissingRocco123 My previous packs were removed in order for their design to be reused (and updated) in upcoming new Heists for Heists DLC 😎
They were simply too outdated compared to Heists DLC and I didn't want people to play something vastly inferior compared to what I can do now.
I played through the entire mission pack and I'm pleasantly surprised to see how much effort has been put into it. Considering this is just the 1.0 Release and while the missions are definitely worth a playthrough, there's still room for improvement so I'll list what I think of the mission pack in Pros and Cons.
- 30 Missions is no small fry. These definitely took some time to develop and you can tell Fazer was passionate about it.
- Missions are fairly varied with various locations, character dialogue and a standard "GTA Online-ish" storyline.
- "Most" of the missions are fairly balanced in terms of combat. Hell, some were STANDOUTS and I enjoyed them a lot, to the point where I might reuse that design in an upcoming Heist for my "Heists DLC".
- Some missions pay homage to GTA Online and some are straight up recreations of GTA Online Heists.
- Almost all the missions make great usage of Mission Maker's features.
- The Nightclub Heist has some interesting ideas thrown in the mix.
- Overall, it's an enjoyable 2-4 hours experience that you get for free.
- Great in it's main core, rough around the edges. While the missions work fine and I never encountered anything game-breaking, smaller details during missions are less refined. Most notably, character clothing usually clips in plain view and occasionally isn't mixed properly such as Michael wearing a Scuba Suit with Smart Shoes. Some missions lack a Preview Image too. Again, it's smaller details and they don't matter that much, I just couldn't help but notice them.
- While I don't expect Mission Maker missions to have Dynamic Music, adding it IS possible and once the dev gets the gist of it, it's very easy to do so. These missions lack Dynamic Music and adding it will definitely make them feel significantly better, not to mention closer to "GTA Online".
- A few missions, particularly some finales have too many enemies. While it is possible to go through them, you have to play the game at a snail's pace and keep taking pot shots at 10 dudes per second, making the game not that fun.
Overall, despite a few cons, this is a great missions pack made by a passionate modder. Despite being a little limited by Mission Maker, the ideas thrown in the pack make the experience pretty enjoyable. I had a fun time playing through it.
@LG_tech You can install the mod and play it without those 2 mods, but Heists DLC uses it's own dynamic music during missions, and whenever you gain a wanted level or enter a helicopter, your dynamic music will break without those 2 mods.