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  • Franklin3
  • Franklin3

    @TheHC09 Might do it in the future.

    2017년 03월 25일 (토)
  • Franklin3

    @NubForSale Don't pass judgment on a mod without perusing the description.

    2017년 03월 25일 (토)
  • Franklin3

    @Arariel Fundamentally what I was trying to say was that cops use ramming most of the time and use the pit maneuver not often, it really depends on the speed and angle.

    2017년 03월 08일 (수)
  • Franklin3

    @Weirdoutworld People can just use this comment to find that out: I edited these lines:
    <Item type="CTaskVehicleDeadDriver__Tunables">
    <SwerveTime value="8.000000" />
    <MinSteerAngle value="-0.500000" />
    <MaxSteerAngle value="0.500000" />
    <MinThrottle value="0.100000" />
    <MaxThrottle value="1.000000" />
    <MinBrake value="0.000000" />
    <MaxBrake value="0.095000" />

    <Item type="CTaskVehiclePursue__Tunables">
    <MinValueForCorrection value="0.350000" />
    <MaxValueForCorrection value="0.500000" />
    <MinRate value="0.150000" />
    <MaxRate value="0.350000" />
    <MinValueForCorrection value="0.350000" />
    <MaxValueForCorrection value="0.500000" />
    <MinRate value="0.150000" />
    <MaxRate value="0.350000" />
    <TimeToLookBehind value="0.500000" />
    <MinDistanceToLookBehind value="15.000000" />
    <SpeedDifferenceForMinDistanceToStartMatchingSpeed value="15.000000" />
    <SpeedDifferenceForMaxDistanceToStartMatchingSpeed value="40.000000" />
    <MinDistanceToStartMatchingSpeed value="15.000000" />
    <MaxDistanceToStartMatchingSpeed value="75.000000" />
    <CruiseSpeedMultiplierForBackOff value="0.500000" />
    <DotToClampSpeedToMinimum value="0.707000" />
    <DotToClampSpeedToMaximum value="0.900000" />
    <SpeedForMinimumDot value="10.000000" />
    <TimeBetweenLineOfSightChecks value="1.000000" />
    <DistanceForStraightLineModeAlways value="20.000000" />
    <DistanceForStraightLineModeIfLos value="35.000000" />

    <Item type="CTaskVehicleRam__Tunables">
    <BackOffTimer value="10.000000" />
    <MinBackOffDistance value="10.000000" />
    <MaxBackOffDistance value="20.000000" />
    <CruiseSpeedMultiplierForMinBackOffDistance value="0.500000" />
    <CruiseSpeedMultiplierForMaxBackOffDistance value="1.000000" />

    전체 댓글 확장하기
    2017년 03월 06일 (월)
  • Franklin3

    @Quakex64 Extracted the YMT File and opened it using Notepad++

    2017년 03월 06일 (월)
  • Franklin3

    @gamerdummy54 Everyone has a different taste.

    2017년 02월 18일 (토)
  • Franklin3

    @Zippo Raid May I put your ped damage decal in one of my mods?(https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/grand-theft-auto-iv-blood) You'll be credited.

    2017년 02월 18일 (토)
  • Franklin3

    I experienced some crashes when playing with the mod installed, it happens randomly. And I really think that the chance percentage of the vehicles listed in the description barely spawn in Sandy Shores.

    2017년 02월 13일 (월)
  • Franklin3

    It'd probably be better if you added the tied hands on when the ped is following you, and add the tied feet and hands animation when he's on the ground.

    2017년 02월 04일 (토)