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  • 8425cb 1347 1

    New zbike.cfg for current version(29-01-2019): https://www.mediafire.com/file/6457mkq37b2k33o/ZBikes.cfg/file
    For Correct installation:
    Follow instruction then follow my instruction.

    Current version folder are named "ZB1", just place it in correct folder and rename to "zbikes"
    Install fix propouse in the gameconfig.xml description thread, needed for best working.

    if you done it correct,you able to use bike in games.

    2019년 06월 08일 (토)
  • 8425cb 1347 1

    @Santo99 nice to see it.

    2017년 11월 10일 (금)
  • 8425cb 1347 1

    @KallusRourke of course at this moment are not realistic, basically this is a script,and i posted here for have a rescue if this are usefull or useless. graphic impact are not my priority at the moment.but i read our comment,and now i put on "TO DO" list, give me time to understand how make 3d models for gta v(i have experience in 3dsmax,but not in how made models for gta) then i put full mod with graphic :)
    Thank you so much for your reply.

    2017년 11월 10일 (금)
  • 8425cb 1347 1

    Nice script,i've read it,but for me not work, can you testeted on fullscreen mode?
    And on multiple screen setting?
    So actually i think it work only on frist screen(maybe nont tested,sorry) and or in a windowed mod.
    For future uptade i suggest to add option for player to select if show or not HUD(by keypressing or config file).
    This is only my idea, thank you anyway for your job :)

    2017년 11월 09일 (목)