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    @allman105 it can be used with the latest game build, and you can use it to spawn all the newly added DLC vehicles from the bike update and stuff too if you know their names and put them into your list in the INI file

    @Dimon77 this is a problem that happens when you have the mod enabled and the only traffic around you is airplanes, so toggle the mod off when you are flying. I unfortunately lost the source code for this mod so that's just how it is going to have to be, at least until I remake it. You can reset from all the effects of the mod crashing by making a blank file called "ScriptHookV.dev" and putting it in your game directory, then pressing CTRL+R after you say "OK" to the ScriptHookV error message (the game itself doesn't crash, just the scripthook)

    2016년 12월 29일 (목)
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    some old posts:
    @Gatank It would be hard to change that. I would have to implement my own fall-damage calculations on top of rockstar's ones. Normally, peds only take fall damage if they spawn up high (try resurrecting their bodies in midair) or if they fall from high ground or from a midair vehicle.
    @kado I call a native to create a tiny invisible explosion at the base of the object, then I tell the gravity gun to shoot out another ray that grabs the new / detached-version of the object that actually has physics. With certain objects this causes the game to crash, so I have to catch those. That's why some objects the gravity gun will ignore @danilatan

    2016년 10월 24일 (월)
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    @Druid I'll look into the pushing-forward thing. And yeah I could make them go ragdoll every time you grabbed them (they already go ragdoll when you throw), but I want to keep the option available of just picking them up and moving them without them losing their balance. It's easy enough right now to just just lift them up in the air a bit and make them go ragdoll from falling when you move them back down a little.
    @hase7022 I assure you it works. Did you hold down right click, then press middle mouse?

    2016년 10월 24일 (월)
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    @thanhsoninvn There is probably an extra comma or some unexpected text in the INI file where you define the list of cars. If the INI file is not formatted exactly like it was when it was downloaded, the file will not be read correctly (this is happening to you). You can try re-downloading the mod and manually modifying the INI file it comes with to the way your current INI file is (but making sure to change only the text between the brackets and the names of selected cars in the list)

    2016년 10월 23일 (일)
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    the only issue is that all the hotkeys for the mod activate and deactivate seemingly every single tick that you hold them down for, so to enable/disable consistently, I have to tap "J" for like 0.1ms and no more no less if I want it to toggle. Otherwise it will toggle on/off 100 more times for every 0.1 seconds more that I hold down the button press.
    I heard you talking about "cooldown" that makes a bigger delay between button presses; where can I edit this value? I do not see any folder called C:\Users\...\SloMoMod\ for the INI file. Is the default cooldown just like 1 microsecond? Because it really should be higher IMO. Right now, just turning the mod on and off is a huge hassle -- and particularly when navigating the menus, when one press of the down arrow sends you 4 items down the menu and you have to carefully time your button presses several times just to get to the option you want. Also, do you think you could just by default include the INI file in the main game directory or in your SloMoMod game dir folder like every other mod, so I dont have to navigate so far away to get to it? But yeah, mostly I wanted to say that that default cooldown is way way way too low.
    Lastly, maybe can you change the default "select menu item" key from return to numpad 5, like every other mod? Thnk you so much for making this, just a few suggestions, sry.
    To toggle once-per-press in the code, just use something like this:

    if (switch_pressed(MOD)) //while button is held down
    switchPressed = true;
    else if (switchPressed == true) //on the next tick after the button has been released
    switchPressed = false;
    //active = !active, menu down, do w/e, etc

    2015년 09월 17일 (목)
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    @CaptainProton42 great job man keep it up!

    2015년 09월 17일 (목)
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    @pertnear58 it's a little un-intuitive at the moment (maybe I will change it), but the way to throw them lightly is to hold the mouse for about 0.25 seconds and then let go. It starts at 100% strength if you just quickly click and let go within 200ms, then it goes down to like 1% strength at 201ms and gradually increases back to 100% force by the time you've held it down for 1500ms or 1.5 seconds. I did it like that so people could throw stuff lightly faster, without having to wait a second between each throw. But I might make it so it starts at 100% and then fizzles down to 0%, cancelling the throw after 1.5s

    2015년 09월 16일 (수)
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    @charmlesskarma I think AB said he makes his living by freelance finding/researching security exploits in Windows software and then selling them back to the developers so they can fix them. Basically a professional white-hat hacker.
    The way people act so entitled and needy about ScriptHookV is disgusting, but it doesn't seem like he really minds all that much, because - despite all the online-hackers and whiners - he keeps coming back to help time and again. Not only to update the script hook, but even just to answer noob questions in GTAForums and such. He was online last night answering someone's questions about the script hook normally not working on windows 10.
    People really shouldn't expect him to slave away (all night especially) working on updating it for their sorry asses, though.

    2015년 09월 16일 (수)
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    it's kinda crazy how the whole system is built around one basically anonymous person. What if something ever happened to Alexander Blade? Would the whole community just collapse? I am infinitely grateful to him for what he's allowed us to do with the GTA series, and for getting me into programming

    2015년 09월 16일 (수)
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    @-jomax- I don't understand. There is no teleportation in this mod.

    2015년 09월 15일 (화)