좋아요 8
댓글 4
동영상 30
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팔로워 0
  • 4f24c5 channels4 profile

    Finally! Someone made engine audio with chime sound effects too. Finally, thank you!

    2024년 01월 08일 (월)
  • 4f24c5 channels4 profile

    Hey there, I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for your incredible work on the mods. Your dedication to enhancing the gaming experience has not gone unnoticed. It's sad to hear that this might be your last project, but I just wanted to let you know that your mods have been nothing short of fantastic. Your house mods, in particular, have been a standout, and I've thoroughly enjoyed them. They've added a whole new level of depth to my GTA 5 experience, and for that, I'm truly grateful. I look forward to seeing you in the future, whether it's in GTA 6-mods or any other creative endeavor you choose to pursue. Until then, take care and know that your contributions have been greatly appreciated.🙌 ❤️

    2023년 09월 16일 (토)
  • 4f24c5 channels4 profile

    nice car, but why hood is open too much? ;D

    2023년 09월 05일 (화)
  • 4f24c5 channels4 profile

    interior lights are messed up

    2023년 07월 28일 (금)