Broker, Liberty City
좋아요 3
댓글 111
동영상 0
업로드 1
팔로워 8
다운로드 2,823
  • 305602 ogavatarpic

    niice, btw GJ um... can u add me back on Discord? my old acc got banned. it's SylveticHearts#9826

    2022년 01월 01일 (토)
  • 305602 ogavatarpic

    i wonder if this is legal to use by rockstar's standards, even if it uses assets created from scratch

    2021년 11월 02일 (화)
  • 305602 ogavatarpic

    Hi guys! I'm following up from my last response ten days ago, and as I promised, I am working on an update that is going to revamp this mod quite a bit.

    The next update will remove a lot of useless functions that originally were developed when the mod was made by Konjimma, and doing this will not only make it easier for me to add onto V Override in the future, but it likely will run smoother as well.

    I also have plans for the mod to override the game's original save system with a all new, custom one that will save and reload your location every time you play the game, fix spawning in the air when using custom map conversions by spawning the player in a vehicle whenever they spawn in the game if they have nowhere else to spawn in at, implement proper wallet and money use for mp models, as well as add features that will allow this to work with my custom version of the Liberty V map that I have been tinkering with.

    Expect a release when it's ready, and you can join my discord using this link if you want to keep connected! Cheers!

    2021년 10월 29일 (금)
  • 305602 ogavatarpic

    Heyy guys, I'm sorry for the lack of updates and stuff. I've been going through a lotta issues in life regarding some personal choice and things with my family, but I'm working on restructuring the mod so it will be more compatible with other mods.

    Expect an update at some point soon. I do not know exactly when, as I am terrible with timing, but I promise you guys I'll deliver what I put out.

    2021년 10월 19일 (화)
  • 305602 ogavatarpic

    @Bet Nimrod I understand, I'm gonna come back see what can be fixed.

    2021년 10월 19일 (화)
  • 305602 ogavatarpic

    @Bet Nimrod Alright, and I'm likely gonna work on removing excess from the mod and possibly restructuring it's code, so we'll see.

    2021년 10월 19일 (화)
  • 305602 ogavatarpic

    @Bet Nimrod so dont kill scripts means it will allow the storyline to play, and i cant remember what kill gta v scripts only does.

    2021년 10월 15일 (금)
  • 305602 ogavatarpic

    @Bet Nimrod oooh, I haven't updated this in a while, I'm sorry for ignoring you I've been busy with my personal life and stuff.

    2021년 10월 14일 (목)
  • 305602 ogavatarpic

    can i use the code for this if possible to make a map looping type of script for map expansions?

    2021년 09월 16일 (목)
  • 305602 ogavatarpic

    I love it! Keep up the amazing work @SilverFinish!

    2021년 09월 11일 (토)