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  • B13f45 snake shoes with the heads still attached. 2778296922

    @Paime Whatever the key its set to in the ini file. Default is "I".

    2024년 07월 08일 (월)
  • B13f45 snake shoes with the heads still attached. 2778296922

    This is a awesome mod but we need some more updates and customization. Changing how many people try to kill you. Choosing which interior for a custom stash house would be cool.

    2024년 05월 22일 (수)
  • B13f45 snake shoes with the heads still attached. 2778296922

    @adopcalipt I only tested one mission so far with the newest update. The ambulance one cause that one is the one that gave me the error last time, and everything seems to work now.

    2024년 05월 21일 (화)
  • B13f45 snake shoes with the heads still attached. 2778296922

    @JayMontana36 Does The Savehouse Mod: Houses, Hotels, Custom Savespots [LUA] work with this LUA? I put the files into modules, lib and scripts but it says it cant find addin folder and show nothing on map.

    2024년 05월 21일 (화)
  • B13f45 snake shoes with the heads still attached. 2778296922

    @M8T Is it possible to be able to move the marker to any house you want? Like be able to make custom houses.

    2024년 05월 21일 (화)
  • B13f45 snake shoes with the heads still attached. 2778296922

    So besides buying out your rival, what is the point of in mod money when you can't use it for anything else in game?

    2024년 05월 21일 (화)
  • B13f45 snake shoes with the heads still attached. 2778296922

    Anyone else having problems with the newest update with this mod just roll back to V4.3. I think the author of this mod bricked their own mod. Couldn't play a single mission with the newest version.

    2024년 05월 20일 (월)
  • B13f45 snake shoes with the heads still attached. 2778296922

    System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'B:\(Rockstar)\Grand Theft Auto V\PlayerZero\ZeroLoc.ini'.
    at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
    at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
    at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
    at System.IO.StreamWriter.CreateFile(String path, Boolean append, Boolean checkHost)
    at System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path, Boolean append, Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean checkHost)
    at System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path, Boolean append)
    at System.IO.File.CreateText(String path)
    at New_Street_Phone_Missions.EntityLog.CreateIni(String sFile, List`1 contance)
    at New_Street_Phone_Missions.EntityLog.PlayZeroTargets(Ped PedTarg, Vector3 VecTarg, Boolean bFlyBy, Boolean bRamming)
    at New_Street_Phone_Missions.NSPM.Ambulance(Vehicle VAmbu)
    at New_Street_Phone_Missions.NSPM.PlayerPlays()
    at New_Street_Phone_Missions.NSPM.ControlSelect(Int32 iChoices)
    at New_Street_Phone_Missions.NSPM.JobLot()
    at New_Street_Phone_Missions.NSPM.OnTick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    at SHVDN.Script.DoTick()
    [17:32:58] [ERROR] The exception was thrown while executing the script New_Street_Phone_Missions.NSPM.
    [17:32:58] [WARNING] Aborted script New_Street_Phone_Missions.NSPM.
    at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()
    at System.Threading.Thread.Abort()
    at SHVDN.Script.Abort()
    at SHVDN.Script.DoTick()
    at SHVDN.Script.MainLoop()

    전체 댓글 확장하기
    2024년 05월 19일 (일)
  • B13f45 snake shoes with the heads still attached. 2778296922

    @alexdevilish Can you add controller support?

    2024년 05월 19일 (일)
  • B13f45 snake shoes with the heads still attached. 2778296922

    @-EcLiPsE- Can this be used to make peds flee when a weapon is out like those script mods do?

    2024년 05월 19일 (일)