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    I'm actually completely unable to use the bandages. I tried swapping it with the helmet key but that didn't work either. Helmet key works fine in either configuration.

    Pain recovery seems possibly broken as well. I tried jacking PainRecoverySpeed up to 20 but I still just stayed hurt with the blurry vision effect seemingly forever. And I still passed out for 30+ seconds.

    I think the mod might be preventing dying in some circumstances. I played around a bit more, literally just trying to die. Had body armor on, if it matters. Jumping in front of cars and killing cops and stuff. I noticed that sometimes cops would stop shooting at me but still act threatening. Tried setting their accuracy/firerate to default in the config and they did shoot me more... but instead of dying I'd just pass out for a very long time (GSW said I was dead though) and then wake up a minute or two later with 0 health. And THEN the cops stopped shooting. If I could manage to somehow get shot or hit by enough cars at that point, I would get WASTED. Very strange.

    2019년 02월 13일 (수)
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    Whoops, just looked at the config file.
    <PoliceCanForget Value="FALSE"/>
    <!-- If TRUE - cops can forget you, when you fall unconscious.
    If you use Realism Dispatch Enhanced, better to set it FALSE-->

    2019년 02월 12일 (화)
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    I'm also getting the weird brown thing on my face that ruins first person. It makes this pretty unusable since I play in first person. It goes away if you quicksave and load, but since you can't do that during missions you just have to live with it.

    The cutscenes are pretty awkward in first person anyways. Super choppy. I think maybe it could be better if the camera followed the characters eyes instead of the head? Or maybe just smoothed a bit? The lighting seems to change sometimes during cuts also which looks pretty weird. And sometimes characters will just spaz out in front of you when the cinematic camera isn't on them. This is a really cool concept but it needs major improvements to really be great

    2019년 02월 12일 (화)
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    Cops should probably either arrest or execute you when you pass out in front of them in a fight. I just punched a cop who was trying to arrest me and was beating him on the ground. He shot me 5 times in the stomach in self defense and I passed out due to pain. While I was laying on the ground he said "What are you doing, get the fuck off of me" and walked away. I laid on the ground for about a minute before a woman came and stood on top of me, startled herself and ran away, and I stood up soon after with 0 stars. Kinda weird

    2019년 02월 12일 (화)
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    This thing is great, I only have 2 real issues with it.

    1) I keep getting almost killed but surviving or driving away, and I end up just driving around blurry until I die because EMT's won't stop for me (due to wanted level? but I have the indicator disabled so idk) and I don't know where to get med kits. Regenerating health (optionally) would be nice.

    2) GSW state doesn't get saved out with the game save, so when I load it I'm always fine. This is kinda nice considering point #1 but also kind of breaks immersion. If it matters I'm using cloud saves, I'd imagine Rockstar doesn't really like storing mod data in there.

    Also, it's kind of annoying that when severely injured and driving it forces third person mode. I get that it's for the camera effect but I typically never leave first person so this is pretty jarring.

    1 last thing, not sure if it's actually this mod but yesterday I kept getting what looked like the broken bottom of a beer bottle stuck in my face after getting critically injured. Saving/loading the game fixed it.

    2019년 02월 12일 (화)