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and also the cars are dirty
@HKH191 great mod, but there are some issues
1.License plates don't save(not the name but the plate type)
2.neons overwrite(for ex: if I already have a car in a garage with blue neon and I save another car with different color neon,The first car will have the second's neon color)
3.the view car doesn't feature does not work
still this is a great mod 10/10.
@Carrythxd after I fixed the interiors ofthe gauntlets, the customization for the gauntlet retro is gone. Is there any fix for this??
this is what i did to the vehicle.meta file:
This bit should be changed to:
@carrythxd the issi sport is also broken
@Carrythxd your tip worked!!!
I was able to bring back the customizations, the heist gauntlet , and the vanillaworks classic gauntlet. But there is still some problems with the names, when I spawn in the vwe classic gauntlet the name just says “bravado. ”.
@Carrythxd how to change the names of cars in vwe???
@Enclaved where do I rename the cars??? What file exactly???
And some custom parts are broken like the gauntlet hellfire
@Carrythxd some cars from the new dlc like the gauntlet classic lost their customization parts
I can only install 3 car mods or else the game would stop loading and crash. Pls help