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Would everyone still be interested in this? If so let me know. I would like to continue updating and improving but only if everyone else would like that.
Finally, we are back at it again in Sandy Shores! Beta 1.0 Has finally been released! Hope Everyone likes it!
Hey, i might be doing something wrong but if you have RageHook on the house wont load. Is there any way around this? Tried everything I can think of. Thanks! Great House!
It's been a while, but expect an update soon!
Sorry its been a while! I have been working with a few other map editors, along with RockStar. The next update should be one to remember! Just keep your eyes open!
@Nokia Sorry about that, I am working on a lower end version as I type this!
The Next Version Has Been Uploaded And Is Now Pending Admin Approval!!! Hope You All Enjoy!
@Ward enterprises Great to hear! In the next few updates I'm going to try bringing the old beach back to life, remove some more trash, update the roads around sandy shores and a few other things!
@c4dzilla No I don't use either
@Nate Dogg Your Very Welcome!
@Nate Dogg Sorry for the delay, it's a great mod created by Lt.Caine, it is posted on the lcpdfr forums- http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/7706-player-location-display/