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    simple 5 chars = 5 raws
    just put the base two a little bit higher and set 3 more.
    5 right - 5 down = 5 Michael,Franklin,Trevor, FM_M,FM_F.

    UNderclochtes means the current underwear, it`s on the same category like all other things, u can not comibne some of them.

    2015년 06월 01일 (월)
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    pls add a clear area option. Otherwise spawned bodyguards or peds will never dissaper (Tested it after teleport somewhere and back, after some of them die asf.). Only way is to start the app again. thx

    2015년 05월 29일 (금)
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    nice mod. but their is a performance issue. Trains with over 100 cars are still crashing if the maximum dof and lod is higher as maximum allowed.
    so i decided to make some little changes. The cargos drive now with 20 speed, and the maxmum of cars is around 50.
    Also made 3 trains with more variations like
    2-3 freight + 10 container(c) + 2 empty freightcar(efc) + 10(c) + 1(efc) + 10(c) + 2(efc) asf. up to 100 cars as max. end is 1 freight.
    This make highspeed chases more difficulty, as example in sandy shores, now you can "try" to jump with a bike/car between the container and short empty cars to the other side of tracks.
    A jump is only possible at the empty cars. The containers are to high.

    This variations of trains make it possible to jump in the right timing to the other side, and let the police behind you. Something like this.

    Their are 25 trains. 0-24 are cargo (3 with the config^^) and all other have ~50cars, + 3 Metros with 2x 6 and 1x 10 cars.
    This config keeps a good performance. no crl.dll or ntdl.ddll crashing btd.

    thx, and keep up the great work.

    2015년 05월 28일 (목)
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    are you stil working on this? Maybe you keep my idea of the alternative use of hydraulisc in mind, for the next version. would be very nice. thx

    2015년 05월 28일 (목)
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    pls add more slots for load&save in the next version. 16 or better 32.
    also, if it`s possible, make the under clothes parts in two categories, otherwise their is no way to give female chars combinations of clothes. keep this in mind by dev. thx.
    btw. nice mod m8.

    2015년 05월 28일 (목)
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    Any chance to get make the breaks key active when to mod is on? As some other write here, it can get a little bit frustraiting, when you set the speed to 20-30kmh, drive forword,and can`t break at crossing crossroads traffic asf. only way is to deactive with L.

    2015년 05월 10일 (일)
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    "(Closest Match To Headphones I Can Find For Now)"

    short question, why do not use the headphones from ursula mesh? Their are way much smaller.

    2015년 05월 10일 (일)
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    yep, nice mod, nice idea, but atm little buggy.
    same thing as BigZanE.
    if your press F to get in a car, and the tram or train is near, very much in the city, underground, you will be teleportet to it. Only way to get out is to drive to the next undergroundstation and get out run upstairs. Or use the native trainer to teleport to an other place.

    Nice mod, but need a little bit more developement.

    2015년 05월 10일 (일)
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    nice 1
    seams their is a little bug, if your try to drive one of the races, example at the airfiled, maybe the cars need at the highspeed way much more fuel, but at the middle of the race the tank is getting very fast empty.
    Would be nice to see, if the fuel function is set too off at races.

    Further in the future, when openV give use more abilitys, we could change some of the Price Meshes from the Fuelstores with 3dsmax or Maja etc.
    This will get cool function with little scripting, so we can use ur mod with dynamic Price changes at random price intervals at the stores for fuel.
    Sure this effect will do only sense, if their is no cheating for get money. But think, low of fuel, not much money, check the actuall price of the next fuelstores around you...
    And the price will change every hour ingame or something like this.
    Their will be some cheaper stores with low/middle range oil/fuel and some Better stores with high super dupa fly fuel, coast more money Liter, but the used car will drive little faster,and the fuel stays a little bit longer asf.
    Latter we can also change the Icon for Stores in the ingamemap.
    I am wating for more funtions in decrypted gtav, the make with a smaller compilation of mods a colored map ingame with all icons, where to find 24h stores,estereggs,Fouelstores etc.
    But thats enough at this point.

    Great mod

    2015년 05월 10일 (일)
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    Its a very funny mod.

    But i am a little confused, why their is no normal hydraulics also inside.
    Pls note, this it`s just an idea for u and for all, for the next version. I´am sure everybody will also like an version of hydraulics, like their was one in games like nfs underground 2.
    Specially for some "oldschool" G driving with tuned lowrider cars, sure also all other once in gtaV.

    So their have to be hydraulics, that not let the car jump by active, only get the car up and down to ~ 20-30cm. Not by pressing the Button short or longer, only on/off function.
    Maybe further an extra option in .xml or .ini how high you can set them 20/30cm...

    Its very easy example
    U can make 2 F Buttons to switch between the functions, F5 still the jump Function like there are, and F6 will change them to the lowrider once.
    F5 for fun and flatout stunts asf, F6 for cool lowriding etc.
    numpad block, get hydraulics up to max 20-30 cm, so the wheel/s is/are still on the ground.

    1=rear left
    2=rear axis
    3=rear right
    4=rear left + front left (Like in actuall version but without jump)
    5=all 4 wheels
    6=rear right + front right
    7=front left
    8=front axis
    9=front right

    I am sure their many ppl, that will like to crusie with, maybe the + cruisemod in a lower speed, around the next corner/crossroad, with example only the left front wheel side up.
    Or stand at red lights, and press 1,3,7,9 or other way to get the lowrider up... sounds cool enough?
    Like the monte casino in TrainingDay...

    Than pls make a little bit more if, or, then, else...

    sry 4 dp, it was in your 1.0 version
    cheers m8

    2015년 05월 10일 (일)