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    @Sannifur Maybe oil rig heist?

    2023년 11월 09일 (목)
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    Not bad

    2023년 07월 06일 (목)
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    this mod is very good i would like to see the heist of the oil rig which was in main prep

    2023년 06월 29일 (목)
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    Very good mod

    2023년 06월 29일 (목)
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    Nice mod

    2023년 06월 27일 (화)
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    @M8T sorry for the late answer, but this helped i updated my gta and mod works perfectly

    2023년 06월 23일 (금)
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    @M8T I have the contract version installed, the description says that I need a version with cayo perico and higher, the contract update was released later than cayo perico

    2023년 06월 08일 (목)
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    Hello, when I go to the marker, the E button does not appear here is the scripthook log:
    Caught fatal unhandled exception:
    System.NullReferenceException: Ссылка на объект не указывает на экземпляр объекта.
    в Lombank_Heist.Lombank_Heist.onTick(Object sender, EventArgs e) в C:\Users\MISIA\source\repos\Lombank_Heist\Lombank_Heist\Class1.cs:строка 289
    в SHVDN.Script.DoTick()
    [18:02:54] [ERROR] The exception was thrown while executing the script Lombank_Heist.Lombank_Heist.
    [18:02:54] [WARNING] Aborted script Lombank_Heist.Lombank_Heist.
    в System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()
    в System.Threading.Thread.Abort()
    в SHVDN.Script.Abort()
    в SHVDN.Script.DoTick()
    в SHVDN.Script.MainLoop()

    2023년 06월 08일 (목)
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    Hello, I have a problem with this mod, when I start a heist, it just says "Choose an outfit" and that's it, nothing else can be done, the same thing appears even after choosing a mpmale or mpfemale

    2022년 05월 31일 (화)
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    Hello, I have a problem, I installed the mod, but the marker does not appear next to the casino, how can I make it appear? (I already took the male MP)

    2022년 03월 25일 (금)