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@sdfgsdfgzd you comment everywhere. you must really want that DB shotty
@Jridah good model although when aiming down the sight the bullet shoots above the sights a little but it's still good. and also do you take requests? if you do then could you make a UTAS UTS-15 shotgun?
when i download the mod i just get a png. what do i do
it looks good i like it. in the future will you add a sound effect?
@haws1290 i don't think he will be able to since that's where the red dot sight is supposed to be on the heavy pistol
for some reason this mod makes me less accurate with guns or in other words guns have wider bullet spread
@CriticalError For some reason it still isn't working i put all the files in and played as franklin and he is still the same, i checked all clothing options.
im a bit of a noob how do i install?
Nice modeling, but is there a way to make it so i can have multiple masks? for example, numpad 7 equips mask #1 and numpad 9 equips mask # 2?
Looks good, but can i use this without LSPDFR?