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  • B2b6e6 dave

    Finally, a GOOD mod!

    2025년 01월 01일 (수)
  • B2b6e6 dave

    @terribletwinkle Turn off Battleye on the Rockstar launch settings.

    2024년 10월 29일 (화)
  • B2b6e6 dave

    @ex4mple694201337 You mean the default ejections? Any weapon that isn't a shotgun or is a heavy ejects rifle rounds lol.

    The exact opposite is true in GTA 4's case.

    Other then that all this mod is, is a animation replacement. Didn't think it'd need to work with SCRIPThook when you're editing the files themselves

    2024년 10월 28일 (월)
  • B2b6e6 dave

    A problem in "Mr. Phillips" were Ron's handgun when meeting the bikers is floating.

    2024년 10월 27일 (일)
  • B2b6e6 dave


    Look man, I trust your word, not gonna argue further no more with the professional.

    Ahhh... Thanks for the further clarification. my mistake that I hadn't realized sooner.

    2024년 10월 23일 (수)
  • B2b6e6 dave


    I mean I already downscaled it, and it's not scrambling for shit. Do you really need 4k textures on something you can barely see? I already fixed the squaddies situation, kinda a bit dishonest to say they have less polygons when they BARELY have less polygons, they're still around 160,000, but ever sense I swapped out the models the map's been running fine.

    And trust me, I've been messing with the xmls for a long while, it's been fun. I'mma take a look at the zmod thing you were talking about though.

    I wouldn't edit the SAHPs for the world though, I maintain my opinion but I no longer agree with the criticism. They've grown on me.

    I still don't know what you mean by "SWAT mess".

    2024년 10월 22일 (화)
  • B2b6e6 dave


    Right... I can tell you right now that's not true. Atleast in my experience, the game only began to bug out once the army began rolling in.

    No, I don't know what "SWAT mess" was referring to as I could only assume it was about the badges. As I originally thought NOOSE and SWAT were identical.

    And yeah man, you should chill out. I had apologized and admitted to being a jerk, what do you want me to do? Delete the comment and redo them with less insults? I'd love to do that, it's not exactly the greatest thought to have in the back of your head thinking "Wow, I treated that guy like dog crap". That's not gonna change my opinion on your work just because it's hard work, your SAPHs DO look like ass. The squaddies DO have too many polygons. Was there a reason for the submarine interiors to have 4K textures?

    You're proud and prideful enough in your work to correct me, so tell me why I can't edit the amount of vehicles that come my way for each wanted level, I've tried touching the six star response crap, even down to the XMLs, didn't work great.

    2024년 10월 22일 (화)
  • B2b6e6 dave

    @ThatsPella Huh, then nevermind on that front.

    2024년 10월 22일 (화)
  • B2b6e6 dave

    After thinking about it for awhile I have been harsh. You're probably right about that. I apologize and I could have probably been less of a douche.

    I still stand by my opinions, I probably could have been less harsh about it.

    2024년 10월 21일 (월)
  • B2b6e6 dave

    Oh and one last thing.

    175,599-168,012 (squddie2 and 3) polygons for a model that really only needed 50,000~

    need I say more?

    2024년 10월 21일 (월)