Injured Player Movement & Recovery System
I was upset how in GTA V the player character would never appear to be injured more than just appearance-wise even though non-controlled pedestrians and such would stagger and limp away (and even moreso with community-made mods and animation edits) so I present to yall my injured player limping and recovery system.
Firstly, if you're using a mod like this I assume you want more realism in your game, yes? If that is the case I also recommend using my script here in conjunction with other script mods out there that make your player ragdoll from injuries (my script does everything except this -- I have a separate one installed that does the ragdolling already and some simple searching can find you it as well). I don't know how much difficulty will change without such a mod but it shouldn't be that big of an issue if you don't want it. It certainly makes things much more cinematic though (as you can see in the video preview).
How it works:
Armor is now used as a pain threshold moreso than actual armor. Think of it as pain tolerance, and when it runs out (and your precious actual green health is revealed, no matter how much or how little) you suffer real damage and start to stagger and limp around like you're really injured.
While hiding in cover, the player's armor will now regenerate 3 points for each second you wait, and when your armor reaches 12 points (4 seconds of waiting in cover) you will be able to walk/run normally again. When your armor reaches max, the blood and damage decals on your character will be cleared as well. Realists: please don't cry about regen, it's been kept to a challenging minimum but also gives you a fighting chance against the LSPD for once (assuming you don't play with bullshit rocket-bullet mods and invincibility and such but instead other realism mods like previously referenced).
The reason it is not outright linked to the player's health and instead their armor is because I think it would be much more of a hassle having to constantly drive all the way over to the hospital or soda machine or what have you just to regenerate your health fully and walk normal again (as most of you know your health can never regenerate past 50%) just because you got tapped by a car or something by accident; that's no fun. My system is better because you simply have to move to some cover and wait 4 seconds to gather your "pain tolerance" (armor) enough to keep moving, regardless of where your health is. It's much more functional as a raw gameplay element and not something you'd get tired of this way. I think it makes a great addition and is a good throwback to ultra hardcore third-person shooters from back in the day like The Getaway and a couple others.
Good luck, keep your head down and that armor bar filled. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.
Once both are properly installed, simply place my "InjuredMovement.dll" into your /scripts/ folder and enjoy.
Firstly, if you're using a mod like this I assume you want more realism in your game, yes? If that is the case I also recommend using my script here in conjunction with other script mods out there that make your player ragdoll from injuries (my script does everything except this -- I have a separate one installed that does the ragdolling already and some simple searching can find you it as well). I don't know how much difficulty will change without such a mod but it shouldn't be that big of an issue if you don't want it. It certainly makes things much more cinematic though (as you can see in the video preview).
How it works:
Armor is now used as a pain threshold moreso than actual armor. Think of it as pain tolerance, and when it runs out (and your precious actual green health is revealed, no matter how much or how little) you suffer real damage and start to stagger and limp around like you're really injured.
While hiding in cover, the player's armor will now regenerate 3 points for each second you wait, and when your armor reaches 12 points (4 seconds of waiting in cover) you will be able to walk/run normally again. When your armor reaches max, the blood and damage decals on your character will be cleared as well. Realists: please don't cry about regen, it's been kept to a challenging minimum but also gives you a fighting chance against the LSPD for once (assuming you don't play with bullshit rocket-bullet mods and invincibility and such but instead other realism mods like previously referenced).
The reason it is not outright linked to the player's health and instead their armor is because I think it would be much more of a hassle having to constantly drive all the way over to the hospital or soda machine or what have you just to regenerate your health fully and walk normal again (as most of you know your health can never regenerate past 50%) just because you got tapped by a car or something by accident; that's no fun. My system is better because you simply have to move to some cover and wait 4 seconds to gather your "pain tolerance" (armor) enough to keep moving, regardless of where your health is. It's much more functional as a raw gameplay element and not something you'd get tired of this way. I think it makes a great addition and is a good throwback to ultra hardcore third-person shooters from back in the day like The Getaway and a couple others.
Good luck, keep your head down and that armor bar filled. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.
Once both are properly installed, simply place my "InjuredMovement.dll" into your /scripts/ folder and enjoy.
최초 업로드: 2015년 10월 03일 (토)
마지막 업로드: 2015년 10월 03일 (토)
마지막 다운로드: 10시간 전
댓글 81
More mods by yoits3030:
I was upset how in GTA V the player character would never appear to be injured more than just appearance-wise even though non-controlled pedestrians and such would stagger and limp away (and even moreso with community-made mods and animation edits) so I present to yall my injured player limping and recovery system.
Firstly, if you're using a mod like this I assume you want more realism in your game, yes? If that is the case I also recommend using my script here in conjunction with other script mods out there that make your player ragdoll from injuries (my script does everything except this -- I have a separate one installed that does the ragdolling already and some simple searching can find you it as well). I don't know how much difficulty will change without such a mod but it shouldn't be that big of an issue if you don't want it. It certainly makes things much more cinematic though (as you can see in the video preview).
How it works:
Armor is now used as a pain threshold moreso than actual armor. Think of it as pain tolerance, and when it runs out (and your precious actual green health is revealed, no matter how much or how little) you suffer real damage and start to stagger and limp around like you're really injured.
While hiding in cover, the player's armor will now regenerate 3 points for each second you wait, and when your armor reaches 12 points (4 seconds of waiting in cover) you will be able to walk/run normally again. When your armor reaches max, the blood and damage decals on your character will be cleared as well. Realists: please don't cry about regen, it's been kept to a challenging minimum but also gives you a fighting chance against the LSPD for once (assuming you don't play with bullshit rocket-bullet mods and invincibility and such but instead other realism mods like previously referenced).
The reason it is not outright linked to the player's health and instead their armor is because I think it would be much more of a hassle having to constantly drive all the way over to the hospital or soda machine or what have you just to regenerate your health fully and walk normal again (as most of you know your health can never regenerate past 50%) just because you got tapped by a car or something by accident; that's no fun. My system is better because you simply have to move to some cover and wait 4 seconds to gather your "pain tolerance" (armor) enough to keep moving, regardless of where your health is. It's much more functional as a raw gameplay element and not something you'd get tired of this way. I think it makes a great addition and is a good throwback to ultra hardcore third-person shooters from back in the day like The Getaway and a couple others.
Good luck, keep your head down and that armor bar filled. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.
Once both are properly installed, simply place my "InjuredMovement.dll" into your /scripts/ folder and enjoy.
Firstly, if you're using a mod like this I assume you want more realism in your game, yes? If that is the case I also recommend using my script here in conjunction with other script mods out there that make your player ragdoll from injuries (my script does everything except this -- I have a separate one installed that does the ragdolling already and some simple searching can find you it as well). I don't know how much difficulty will change without such a mod but it shouldn't be that big of an issue if you don't want it. It certainly makes things much more cinematic though (as you can see in the video preview).
How it works:
Armor is now used as a pain threshold moreso than actual armor. Think of it as pain tolerance, and when it runs out (and your precious actual green health is revealed, no matter how much or how little) you suffer real damage and start to stagger and limp around like you're really injured.
While hiding in cover, the player's armor will now regenerate 3 points for each second you wait, and when your armor reaches 12 points (4 seconds of waiting in cover) you will be able to walk/run normally again. When your armor reaches max, the blood and damage decals on your character will be cleared as well. Realists: please don't cry about regen, it's been kept to a challenging minimum but also gives you a fighting chance against the LSPD for once (assuming you don't play with bullshit rocket-bullet mods and invincibility and such but instead other realism mods like previously referenced).
The reason it is not outright linked to the player's health and instead their armor is because I think it would be much more of a hassle having to constantly drive all the way over to the hospital or soda machine or what have you just to regenerate your health fully and walk normal again (as most of you know your health can never regenerate past 50%) just because you got tapped by a car or something by accident; that's no fun. My system is better because you simply have to move to some cover and wait 4 seconds to gather your "pain tolerance" (armor) enough to keep moving, regardless of where your health is. It's much more functional as a raw gameplay element and not something you'd get tired of this way. I think it makes a great addition and is a good throwback to ultra hardcore third-person shooters from back in the day like The Getaway and a couple others.
Good luck, keep your head down and that armor bar filled. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.
Once both are properly installed, simply place my "InjuredMovement.dll" into your /scripts/ folder and enjoy.
최초 업로드: 2015년 10월 03일 (토)
마지막 업로드: 2015년 10월 03일 (토)
마지막 다운로드: 10시간 전
Injuries ragdoll player + more:
Suspect's Sound Overhaul:
Raider's Blood, Violence & Ragdoll Overhaul: ***Use the weapons.meta included here instead of the outdated version that comes with Suspect's Sound Overhaul!
@yoits3030 Does it apply to peds too?
I don't understand why, but this caused the driving pedestrians to get out of their vehicle and just stand right outside their door. It is very frustrating to me, but the mod is good for the overall basis of what it does.
I apologize for the recent post I have made. It turns out that I had another modification running that caused the NPCs to unmount their vehicles.
great ! love it !
Great mod thank you!
However I would like to bypass the regeneration... Does someone know how to modify this script to remove the health/armor regeneration ?
Great job so far!
A little suggestion though: Please add a full armor after a death. It's annoying that you have to go to cover after you left the hospital. Also it would be great if you implement the "hand-to-chest" animation when you are seriously injured (say like 50% health).
All in all I am very happy with it :)
Will someone send me a health version of this mod please??
This is great, but you always stagger if you don’t have any armour in the first place, even if you’ve full health, which sucks.
Could you please add an option to make you only stagger at very low health? Otherwise, this makes the gameplay rather annoying, so I had to remove the mod from my game.
Someone already mentioned this, but instead of armour, it should just make you stagger when you reach 20% hp. And having to refill my armour after every time I die is stupid. It takes way too long to refill it from standing in cover. And the injured animations are bad too. In menyoo there's an option called "player is injured" and one called "player is injured in combat" and they're perfect, why don't you just use those?
is the one handed shooting also part of this mod? or do i need to install separate mod for it?
@VileMaverick Exactly this. I hope someone does a revamp of this mod. I don't want it to alter the vanilla experience too much.
Well, its a good script, but the player is always injured, so...???
Alright, i'm doing this myself since I really want this script but it sucks ass right now. But how many health points do you have when your bar is red?? I think standard hp is 200 and you regen naturally in game up to 50, but i'm not sure
unable to use the stance mod after installing this. the mod works but idk how to fix that issue. the stance mod only works when they lay on the ground but not when theyre creeping. they do the animation and stand right back up
@SquarePixels same
This doesnt work with stance
I liked it, but I wish there was a settings file, with an option to recover with time, instead of recovering when covered. I wanted something similar to what happens in Mad Max when he gets injured, he walks slowly for some seconds than goes back to normal
@Radiation 2 years later any progess?
If only peds behave like this when shot instead of running away