
FPS Notification - A One Press FPS Checker 1.0

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Tired of finding software that can show you your FPS, not anymore here is FPS Notification 1.0 - A One Press FPS Checker.

Place FPS Notification.dll into your "scripts" folder. You will need the latest versions of Script Hook V and .NET Script Hook.

This is a very useful mod if you want to know you real-time FPS, i know there are software like fraps and more but they use power and make your game stutter and maybe you will lose fps but with this app you can see fps ingamae as a notification over your mini map by pressing 'U'.
its so easy to use.
it do not consume any power.

How to use
Press U

If you like the mod please make sure to comment your suggestions. Follow me on instagram - its.ajaz

- Initial Release
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최초 업로드: 2020년 05월 10일 (일)
마지막 업로드: 2020년 05월 10일 (일)
마지막 다운로드: 4일 전

All Versions

 1.0 (current)

다운로드 1,048 , 6.86메가바이트
2020년 05월 10일 (일)

댓글 2