
Birthstones - Zodiac Sign Necklace for MP female

9d25a3 birthstone
9d25a3 birthstones 0
9d25a3 birthstones 1


Stones matching your birthmonth. A personal and beautiful piece of jewelry ❤

Proudly present you: The first mod I created from the sketch on.

This mod contains:
- 36 Necklaces
12 Stones with gold, silver and rose-gold

This includes:
- High quality mesh and textures made by GekkoLilly
- All LODs
- Stones by zodiac signs:
Garnet - Capricornus
Amethyst - Aquarius
Aquamarine - Pisces
Diamond - Aries
Emerald - Taurus
Alexandrite - Gemini
Ruby - Cancer
Peridot - Leo
Sapphire - Virgo
Tourmaline - Libra
Topaz - Scorpio
Blue Topaz - Sagittarius

Installation instructions:
1. Install an extra clothing slot mod. My recommendation: https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/more-clothes-slots-for-mp-female
2. Perhaps rename the files to fit the format and your previously added cloths
3. Drag dress and legs files in folder form the slots mod
4. Run game and use a trainer such as Menyoo or Simple Trainer to change clothes

The mesh and textures are made by me - GekkoLilly.
Do not upload my mods at any websites!! You are allowed to share links to my mods.
If you want to collab with me or work with my work, contact me over gta5-mods.com.
If you want to convert my work for other games, contact me first!

Credits / Thanks:
Caturtle for answering my questions
Hair: Dollie, Lunyx

❤ Discord: https://discord.gg/5ZxhhCbBBq ❤
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최초 업로드: 2022년 08월 17일 (수)
마지막 업로드: 2022년 08월 17일 (수)
마지막 다운로드: 1시간 전

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다운로드 768 , 19.6메가바이트
2022년 08월 17일 (수)

댓글 5