Aiden Pearce (Watch_Dogs) Bandana for Trevor v1
(look like you) thanx
could you make one with franklin ? he has a coat that looks like aiden's and lot hats. just a little bit texture mod tune up and viola
Just rename the number of the file included here to 009 and place it on player_one.rpf
Lets play as Nigga Aiden
A bit like niko
@ruslanman123 Hey looks good, just keep working on it man. Ignore the texture haters, there like flies on this site. :P
can make the trenchcoat and replace with other peds?
watch dogs 2 confirmed
Nice work man.
@erfet, oi dude, show some respect. respect other people's work will ya?
I can´t find streamed_players i find streamedped_players
OOps ''P'' Letter was disappeared. You find right place
nice mod bro.
Nice :), but better resolution will be good :D
ruslanman hiç video yok bn 1 tane cektım ama koyamıyorum nedense ama guzel olmus
istersen bana fb ve ya whatsapp araciligi ile gonder ben koyayim
make tbone dude
How can I active this goodie?
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