Calibrated ENB for QuantV (Very-High preset) 1.7
2023년 11월 15일 (수)
1) Install QuantV.
2) Leave the preset that is installed by default with QuantV [IMPORTANT].
3) Transfer the files from my archive to the root folder with the game, confirm the replacement.
Attention: Works only with the QuantV modification installed.
Custom improvements: improved reflections, anti-aliasing and lighting correction.
If you like my calibrated preset for QuantV, put your royal like and subscribe.
🎥 YouTube: My Channel
🎮 My Discord Server: Rus_Game_Tactics
Version v.[1.7] Full support for the latest version of QuantV: November 2023 update.
1) Some changes in reflections from cars.
2) Bloom adjusted: watch "Optional (Improved bloom)".
3) Adjusted: metallic and chrome to remove excess shine from vehicles.
Version v.[1.6] Full support for the latest version of QuantV: October 2023 update.
1) Bloom has been adjusted (see the “Advanced” folder).
2) Custom settings for the trainer - high quality shadows are included.
3) “Direct sunlight” adjusted.
4) Improved refraction from direct light.
5) There are some performance drops in favor of better reflections and their quality.
6) The calibrated ENB now works even better with my ReShade preset - "Real-California-QuantV".
Version v.[1.5] Full support for the latest version of QuantV: September 2023 update.
1) Bloom adjusted (See "optional" folder).
2) More correct glare in sunny weather.
3) Reduced annoying “Direct sunlight”.
4) Minor changes in the quality of reflections.
5) There are some performance drops in favor of better reflections and their quality.
6) The calibrated ENB now works even better with my ReShade preset - "Real-California-QuantV".
Version v.[1.4] Full support for the latest version of QuantV: June 2023 Update
1) Reduced the intensity of chromium.
2) Lights from car windows have been corrected.
3) Better glare from car rims.
4) Balanced reflections from the car body.
5) There are some drops in performance, in favor of better reflections and their quality.
6) The calibrated ENB now works even better with my ReShade preset - "Real-California-QuantV".
Version v.[1.3] Full support for the latest version of QuantV: April 2023 update
1) Full support for the updated ENB from Boris.
2) Better reflections from car windows.
3) Deeper body color.
4) Found a balance of reflections so that the cars do not look too shiny.
5) The calibrated ENB works great with my ReShade preset - "Real-California-QuantV".
Version v.[1.2] Full support for the latest version of QuantV: May 2022 Update
1) Full support for the updated ENB from Boris.
2) Adjusted reflections from the glass headlights.
3) Slightly better shadows at night.
4) Drops look more prominent after changing from Rain to Extra Sunny, due to improved reflections from the car body.
5) The calibrated ENB works great with my ReShade preset - "Real-California-QuantV".
Version v.[1.1] Full support for the latest version of Quant: April 2022 Update
1) Fix reflections from the car body, now chrome cars have less shine.
2) Added soft shadows.
3) Reflections from car disks have been corrected.
4) The calibrated ENB works great with my ReShade preset - "Real-California-QuantV".
Version v.[1.0] Full support for the latest version of Quant: April update, 2022.
Friends, this is my first version of a custom calibrated ENB preset for: QuantV. Therefore, we can say that this is only the beginning of the path to get the best results!
1) The calibrated ENB works great with my ReShade preset - "Real-California-QuantV".
2) Changed contrast.
3) Improved reflections from cars and car rims.
4) Improved highlights and chrome.
5) Adjusted the sharpness in the daytime.
6) The best reflections from car windows are set.
7) Bloom effect corrected.
8) Other minor changes.
This preset is designed for fairly powerful video cards with RTX support.
In the future, I plan to improve and refine this graphics preset.
Making presets ENB and Reshade for your PC.
You can get more information by writing me a private message on Discord.
최초 업로드: 2022년 05월 18일 (수)
마지막 업로드: 2023년 11월 15일 (수)
마지막 다운로드: 36분 전
All Versions
댓글 66
1) Install QuantV.
2) Leave the preset that is installed by default with QuantV [IMPORTANT].
3) Transfer the files from my archive to the root folder with the game, confirm the replacement.
Attention: Works only with the QuantV modification installed.
Custom improvements: improved reflections, anti-aliasing and lighting correction.
If you like my calibrated preset for QuantV, put your royal like and subscribe.
🎥 YouTube: My Channel
🎮 My Discord Server: Rus_Game_Tactics
Version v.[1.7] Full support for the latest version of QuantV: November 2023 update.
1) Some changes in reflections from cars.
2) Bloom adjusted: watch "Optional (Improved bloom)".
3) Adjusted: metallic and chrome to remove excess shine from vehicles.
Version v.[1.6] Full support for the latest version of QuantV: October 2023 update.
1) Bloom has been adjusted (see the “Advanced” folder).
2) Custom settings for the trainer - high quality shadows are included.
3) “Direct sunlight” adjusted.
4) Improved refraction from direct light.
5) There are some performance drops in favor of better reflections and their quality.
6) The calibrated ENB now works even better with my ReShade preset - "Real-California-QuantV".
Version v.[1.5] Full support for the latest version of QuantV: September 2023 update.
1) Bloom adjusted (See "optional" folder).
2) More correct glare in sunny weather.
3) Reduced annoying “Direct sunlight”.
4) Minor changes in the quality of reflections.
5) There are some performance drops in favor of better reflections and their quality.
6) The calibrated ENB now works even better with my ReShade preset - "Real-California-QuantV".
Version v.[1.4] Full support for the latest version of QuantV: June 2023 Update
1) Reduced the intensity of chromium.
2) Lights from car windows have been corrected.
3) Better glare from car rims.
4) Balanced reflections from the car body.
5) There are some drops in performance, in favor of better reflections and their quality.
6) The calibrated ENB now works even better with my ReShade preset - "Real-California-QuantV".
Version v.[1.3] Full support for the latest version of QuantV: April 2023 update
1) Full support for the updated ENB from Boris.
2) Better reflections from car windows.
3) Deeper body color.
4) Found a balance of reflections so that the cars do not look too shiny.
5) The calibrated ENB works great with my ReShade preset - "Real-California-QuantV".
Version v.[1.2] Full support for the latest version of QuantV: May 2022 Update
1) Full support for the updated ENB from Boris.
2) Adjusted reflections from the glass headlights.
3) Slightly better shadows at night.
4) Drops look more prominent after changing from Rain to Extra Sunny, due to improved reflections from the car body.
5) The calibrated ENB works great with my ReShade preset - "Real-California-QuantV".
Version v.[1.1] Full support for the latest version of Quant: April 2022 Update
1) Fix reflections from the car body, now chrome cars have less shine.
2) Added soft shadows.
3) Reflections from car disks have been corrected.
4) The calibrated ENB works great with my ReShade preset - "Real-California-QuantV".
Version v.[1.0] Full support for the latest version of Quant: April update, 2022.
Friends, this is my first version of a custom calibrated ENB preset for: QuantV. Therefore, we can say that this is only the beginning of the path to get the best results!
1) The calibrated ENB works great with my ReShade preset - "Real-California-QuantV".
2) Changed contrast.
3) Improved reflections from cars and car rims.
4) Improved highlights and chrome.
5) Adjusted the sharpness in the daytime.
6) The best reflections from car windows are set.
7) Bloom effect corrected.
8) Other minor changes.
This preset is designed for fairly powerful video cards with RTX support.
In the future, I plan to improve and refine this graphics preset.
Making presets ENB and Reshade for your PC.
You can get more information by writing me a private message on Discord.
최초 업로드: 2022년 05월 18일 (수)
마지막 업로드: 2023년 11월 15일 (수)
마지막 다운로드: 36분 전
@GrayElixir Good question. This is not ReShade and it’s not so easy to change the key keys, you’d better ask Boris, the creator of ENB, this question, or look for the answer on the forums.
2023년 10월 25일 (수) -
Привет, у тебя по прежнему 9900k и 3070? У меня точно такой же конфиг, какая производительность у тебя в дождь или грозу ночью 23:00? Как сильно твой пресет отличается (в лучшую или худшую сторону) от тех, которые идут по умолчанию в QuantV november? У меня как раз стоит он стоит и решейд
2023년 11월 15일 (수) -
@varmint72 У меня стоит огромное количество модов на растительность, это тоже стоит учитывать и играю я с DSR 2715x1527 что на 22" мониторе эквивалетно нативному 2k на 24". На FullHD будет выше проивзодительность. По этому я встречаю падения по производительности местами даже ниже 30 кадров в секунду, так устроен ENB, по мониторингу я смотрел полному что упора в подсистему видеопамяти абсолютно никакого нет, игра потребляет у меня не более 4.5Gb, но при этом загрузка карты в городе бывает бьётся в 100%, исходя из этого можно сделать вывод, что упор в карту идет по части текстурных блоков и блоков растеризаии. Видеокарта так же в разгоне, стоит андервольт на 0.925Mv частота зафиксирована на 1995MHz по ядру и не падает даже спустя несколько часов игры, так же память карты разогнана +2000Mhz, по графику в MSI - это всего лишь 1000MHz, но это число стоит умножать на два. Если хочешь обсудить это более подробно пиши лучше в Discord.
2023년 11월 15일 (수) -
Love the enhancements! Can't wait to try out your calibrated preset for QuantV. Your dedication to continuous improvement is impressive!
2023년 11월 22일 (수) -
Wow that's good looking one buddy between can I know where to get those speedometers?
2023년 12월 25일 (월) -
Can you help me understand this part?
"3) Transfer the files from my archive to the root folder with the game, confirm the replacement."
I've never installed a mod before. Where exactly do I put these files? Does this work on FiveM?
2024년 01월 13일 (토) -
@Russkiy Zakonnik привет! не играл несколько лет.Сейчас установил игру,закинул enb и при входе в игру на заставке вылетает на рабочий сто.Перепробывал практически все методы что указаны в нете,все равно выкидывает.Как я понял проблема в d3d11
2024년 02월 29일 (목) -
@Oblachko Тебе нужно закинуть копию файла d3d11.dll на рабочий стол или куда угодно и переименовать его в d3d12.dll а затем в папку с игрой, в итогу в корневой папке должно быть два файла: d3d11.dll и d3d12.dll игра должна нормально запускаться и работать, как с ENB так и с ReShade одновременно.
2024년 03월 17일 (일) -
Привет @Russkiy Zakonnik! Вопросик у меня, можно ли убрать размытие при движении? (Motion Bloor)
2024년 07월 08일 (월) -
@Artem_LSPDFR Ну так не ставь дополнение при размытии в движении когда ставишь QuantV, лдибо в трейнере самом у QuantV
2024년 07월 08일 (월) -
did you know how to fix the textures like the terrain? because everytime i changes to any playable like michael or franklin the terrains is missing
2024년 11월 22일 (금)
Version v.[1.7] Full support for the latest version of QuantV: November 2023 update.
1) Some changes in reflections from cars.
2) Bloom adjusted: watch "Optional (Improved bloom)".
3) Adjusted: metallic and chrome to remove excess shine from vehicles.