
The Gang Party 0.1


Hello,I am AmirPC.I am delivering new map mod.This map mod isnt like others.I will give you instructions to download and how to make this map interesting!

1.Download the file,then download the map editor https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/map-editor.
2.Insert dealgang.xml to the main folder of GTA V.
3.Enter into the game and press F7 ,then click load map and type dealgang.xml
4.After you did that follow my instructions to make map more interesting.

1.Go to the location
2.If you want to start the fight,kill one ballas.Then you will kill others and help your team,friendly guys who will fight against ballas,mexicans,quislings.
3.You can install hot coffe mod and play with stripers.
4.You can install loot mod and kill someone then search him.
5.You can with simple trainer form your own army,bodyguards who will fight against all of them in the gang party.
6.You can use pets,and joke around map.Use night mode,play this map on evening or night(InGame).
7.That's all

I hope you will evaluate my work,I've worked on this 3 hours!
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최초 업로드: 2016년 06월 24일 (금)
마지막 업로드: 2016년 06월 24일 (금)
마지막 다운로드: 2024년 04월 22일 (월)

All Versions

 0.1 (current)

다운로드 402 , 6킬로바이트
2016년 06월 24일 (금)

댓글 2