
Map Ecole Nationale de Police [Menyoo] V1.0


- Salut ! Un gros projet voit le jour aujourd'hui. Je voulais vous partager la version v1.0 de la map de l'ENP.

- Elle se situe à l'Est de la Map. (**Cf.screen**)


- Stand de tir,
- Espace sportif et d'entrainement aux techniques professionnelles,
- Cour de cérémonie,
- Bureaux et salles de classes(passif),
- Espace spécial de formation sur les accidents de la circulation routière,
- Photo de promotion
- Formation Taser X26
- ...

1). Vous aurez besoin de Menyoo pour utiliser la map !
Menyoo: https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/menyoo-pc-sp

2). Installation:

1. Placez "enp (database)" dans "Grand Theft Auto V/MenyooStuff/Sponer"

2.Puis, chargez en haut votre jeu et appuyez F8 pour ouvrir le Menu Menyoo.
1. Objet Spooner
2. Manage Saved Files
3. Choisissez le fichier "enp (database)"
3. Et appuyez sur "Load Placements".

Et Voilà !

3). Amusez-vous et bon jeu !

- Liens des Textures et des skins de la BARO TEAM:

- Tenue Police Nationale : https://lc.cx/YSg8
- FPT Sapeurs-Pompiers : https://lc.cx/YhXc
- Pompiers BSSP : https://lc.cx/YhBW
- SP Medic : https://lc.cx/YhBR
- Police Space Mercedes : https://lc.cx/Yh2s
- Camion Police : https://lc.cx/Yh2t
- SMUR Neker : https://lc.cx/YhbX
- Taser X26 : https://lc.cx/Yh6y

- Vous avez des Suggestions ? Laissez un Commentaire !

- !! La Redistribution de la map est interdite sans mon accord. Merci ! !!


- Hi! A big project is born today. I wanted to share you the version v1.0 of the map of the ENP.
/!\_It's the French Police_/!\

- It is situated east of Map. (** Cf.screen **)


- Shooting range,
- Sports space and of training to the professional techniques,
- Court of ceremony,
- Offices and classrooms (liabilities),
- Special space of training on the traffic accidents road,
- Photo of promotion
- Training Taser X26
1). You will need Menyoo to use the map!
Menyoo: https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/menyoo-pc-sp
2). Installation:
1. Place "enp ( database )" in " Grand Theft Auto V / MenyooStuff / Sponer "

2. Then, load at the top your game and rest(support) F8 to open the Menu Menyoo.
1. Object Spooner
2. Manage Saved Files
3. Choose the file "enp ( database )"
3. And press on "Load Placements".

Here we are!

3). Have fun and good game!

- Links of Textures and skins of the BARO TEAM:

- Tenue Police Nationale : https://lc.cx/YSg8
- FPT Sapeurs-Pompiers : https://lc.cx/YhXc
- Pompiers BSSP : https://lc.cx/YhBW
- SP Medic : https://lc.cx/YhBR
- Police Space Mercedes : https://lc.cx/Yh2s
- Camion Police : https://lc.cx/Yh2t
- SMUR Neker : https://lc.cx/YhbX
- Taser X26 : https://lc.cx/Yh6y

You have Suggestions? Leave a Comment!

-!! The Redistribution of the map is forbidden without my agreement. Thank you! !!
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최초 업로드: 2017년 11월 29일 (수)
마지막 업로드: 2017년 11월 30일 (목)
마지막 다운로드: 2일 전

All Versions

 V1.0 (current)

다운로드 1,307 , 8.03메가바이트
2017년 11월 29일 (수)

댓글 1